Keep Hope In A Dive

February 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, campers, Hope Hicks is coming back to the White House as if there weren’t already enough hicks there.

Former Trump Communications Director Hope Hicks is leaving Fox News’ parent company to return to the White House as Counselor to the President, but in a switch she will report directly to Jared Kushner. Kushner is known to be working on the president’s re-election campaign from within the White House.

Hope left the White House two years ago immediately after she admitted to investigators working for  Mueller that she had lied for the president.  You just can’t have too much lying at the White House, especially as we get closer to election time and, Honey, Hope lies.

She’s gonna be reporting to Jared now.


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0 Comments to “Keep Hope In A Dive”

  1. What with adding Hope to Jared the total is still a negative number.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Does Ivodka know and did Donnie* give any thought to whom Hope would be reporting? Sounds wanky.

  3. “… to return to the White House as Counselor to the President”

    I wonder if her role will be like Counselor Deanna Troi on Star Trek (but without the empathy)? Since Trump is the newly minted Commander in Chief of Space Force?

  4. I guess Ms Hicks gets her kicks aiding and comforting (or is it aiding and abetting?) anyone who will have her (make your own interpretation of of that word).

  5. slipstream says:

    On her job application, did she list “lying for the President” as a qualification?

  6. Is this the only job she could find? Rump must be offering her more money.

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    Let’s go easy on her. She *has* said that she only told “little white lies” about “minor things” that were not important. This is in keeping with the outstanding tradition for (lack of) veracity among Republican White House Spokes-critters.

    However, anytime she makes a statement or releases puffs of gaseous claims, the press corps needs to take turns raising a hand and asking “Is this a minor matter that it’s ok for you to lie about?”.

  8. I’m guessing Jared was whining to Donny about not getting enough time with Vanky so Donny got him a replacement.

  9. Sounds like just another temporary job like the 90% of the White House. Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

  10. She has been said to be able to calm him down……I am sure…
