Archive for December, 2019

Here’s The Deal

December 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s three hours left to file for office in Texas.  I’m right here at the Texas Democratic headquarters and the place is hopping.  There’s no surprises today but there is some fun stuff.

Tulsi Gabbard’s campaign for president  filed last week.  Today at about 11:00, 3 or 4 of her supporters came here with a second application.  We let them file it because … what the hell … nothing gained or lost.  But then, the whole rest of the day, Tulsi’s supporters kept showing up to “sign the petition.”  There’s no petition.  When we told them that, they seemed like they believed it was a large conspiracy to keep them from signing the petition.  They did not know what they were signing except it was for something about Tulsi.  They kept insisting they got an official notice to come here and sign the petition from 11:00 to 2:00.  I strongly believed I should write a petition for them to sign but a couple of them looked like they might could read.

Just now, Robby Wells from Atlanta, Georgia, just filed for President of the Unites States.  His campaign site is  you will be … uh, something.  You will be something.


Presidential candidate Robby Wells on the right and some guy who didn’t identify himself but paid the filing fee.

That’s all so far.

Okay, Kelly Stone just came by to file for Railroad Commissioner and paid her $3,000 filing fee with one dollar bills.  Oh, yeah.



And she had a sign …



Well, Lookie Here

December 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump attended the Florida Republican Party fundraiser last weekend.  Everyone there was required to check their cell phones at the door and no press was allowed.

Riding the high of the successful event turnout — and without the pressure of press or cell phones Trump transformed into a “total comedian,” according to six people who attended the event and spoke afterward to the Miami Herald.

According to my well-research treatise on humor in Republicans (There is none.), that means he made fun of people in the grossest way possible, imitated some handicapped people, yelled “Pocahontas” while doing the tomahawk chop, and told a few “Jew” jokes that no one understood.

But the highlight of the night was the two American soldiers he pardoned.

He also pulled an unusual move, bringing on stage Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance and Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, who Trump pardoned last month for cases involving war crimes. Lorance was serving a 19-year sentence for ordering his soldiers shoot at unarmed men in Afghanistan, and Golsteyn was to stand trial for the 2010 extrajudicial killing of a suspected bomb maker.

I wonder how long they are under contract to be his trained monkeys to earn their pardon? Probably until they kill someone else and blame Joe Biden for making them do it. Yeah, I’m bitter about that.


Most Excellent News

December 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We finally have an excellent Democrat to run against Louie Gohmert.

Hank Gilbert, a guy made of East Texas timber, has decided that we’ve had all we can take from Louie Gohmert.  Hank is a family rancher, a former school teacher, and runs a large and very successful nonprofit in partnership with his two sons, has filed for Texas CD1.  He will win the primary and dance on Louie Gohmert’s head.

He’s one of the nicest and smartest guys I know. He’s genuine. He leads with a calm but firm resolve. I believe in Hank Gilbert.  Send a couple of dollars to Hank if you can just to let him know you’re plenty proud of his decision to run.

Click here to virtually meet Hank.  God bless him for making loud noise in Texas CD1.


My Congressional District

December 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pete Olson isn’t running again because he’s a coward and knows he’ll get whipped so bad that his grandchildren will be born shaking.

So far there’s about 12 candidates running in the GOP primary for Olson’s seat, including our current sheriff.

Another entered today in CD22.  You’d think that the Bush family would eventually run out of dim witted boys to run for office in Texas. But, nope.

The grandson of the late President George H.W. Bush, nonprofit executive Pierce Bush, will announce his candidacy for Congress on Monday morning, according to an email written by his father, Neil Bush.

There is a never ending supply of Bushes and they all believe they are entitled to public office.


Texas Stuff

December 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am in Austin this week and will spend tomorrow with Glen on the last day of filing.

I have news.  Yesterday at the SDEC meeting in Plano, Michael Bloomberg came to speak and committed to spending $100 million in Texas if he is the nominee.  To my mind, if his goal is to beat Donald Trump, he should commit to spend $100 million in Texas even if he’s not the nominee.

Now, the good news: Texas Democrats, for the first time in a long damn time, have someone running in every congressional seat.  We even have people running against incumbents, which is fine with me.

I’ll be updating this all day tomorrow.


Trump Using War Criminals for Fundraising

December 08, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

Last night at a secretive fundraiser in Florida, Trump brought onstage two war criminals. They were former US Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance and former US Army Maj. Mathew Golsteyn.  Both had been given clemency by Trump last month.  One was convicted of ordering the murder of 3 unarmed Afghans, and the other charged with murdering an unarmed Afghan.  The fundraiser netted $3.5 million.  One attendee noted that Trump “was in rare form” and “hilarious”.

Yes.  Nothing is more “hilarious” than honoring murdering war criminals.