Trump Using War Criminals for Fundraising

December 08, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

Last night at a secretive fundraiser in Florida, Trump brought onstage two war criminals. They were former US Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance and former US Army Maj. Mathew Golsteyn.  Both had been given clemency by Trump last month.  One was convicted of ordering the murder of 3 unarmed Afghans, and the other charged with murdering an unarmed Afghan.  The fundraiser netted $3.5 million.  One attendee noted that Trump “was in rare form” and “hilarious”.

Yes.  Nothing is more “hilarious” than honoring murdering war criminals.


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0 Comments to “Trump Using War Criminals for Fundraising”

  1. Birds of a feather and all that.

  2. Gotta say, God will get him for that. Gotta also say that the lugnuts who actually attended and forked over money are also on God’s list. Sounds like I’m too fed up? Well, hell, yes! The country just cannot take too much more of this.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    IQ4.5 has the blood of those 4 deaths on his hands, plus any who die as a result of retaliation such as the deaths at Naval Air Station Pensacola. The Rules of Engagement are not mere suggestions. There are consequences. But it’s too much to expect the ‘stable genius’ to comprehend the obvious.

  4. His base – you have to remember that these people laughed at a sexual assault victim. They cheered when he promoted hate and violence. They truly are the deplorables.

  5. These are the kinds people who were hunted down after WW2 to answer for their crimes. Now they are forgiven their war crimes and paraded before an enraptured base as foot soldiers for the fascist in the WH.

    The Driver Is Red 15:00 A true graphic story recounting the hunting down of the last of a fascist’s henchmen.

  6. the idea that moscow mitch will mandate that the party is above country and any thing you can possibly dream up, with the end result being donald dumkof voted innocent since birth, the donald will then “go after” the people that wronged him….

  7. “The best people” went out the window long ago.
    Now, we’re left with the criminalist criminals.

  8. frank @ 6,

    I fear that it will include democrats, voters and anyone who opposed Rumpy.

    megasoid @5,

    There was a short documentary on this out on netflix. The Germans after the end of WWII went after citizenry and local officials who abetted, conspired and were accessories to the Nazis. There were killings, public beatings, etc. History will repeat itself…

  9. Rarely is such a clear contrast between the ideal and the reality shown.
    On the side of the ideal is Lt. Col. Vindman an immigrant who takes his oath seriously, except while participating in an illegal war of conquest or war criminals, Eddie Gallagher, who see the military as an audition for becoming full blown merc’s instead of just the baby merc’s that is the US military.
    Sadly the military seems to be more comfortable with the torturers and murderers.
    Just watched the “Bookkeeper of Auschwitz” and “The Report” on line.
    Even the Germans have come around and recognized that those who “just” supplied logistical support and other services are also guilty of war crimes, even if they only got slaps on the wrist.
    Truly sad of how far the US has moved towards the worst of history and how much the military relies upon the bogus and foul nuremberg defense of “just obeying orders” to cover for their blood lust and basest instincts that todays command gives cover to.
    Yet it is working for demented donnie since last polls I have seen show the lowest level of support is 57% and it goes up from there on other polls.
    I guess among the intellectually dishonest, morally bankrupt and bigoted who comprise the baby merc force we pay the lesson learned is that lies, gratuitous violence, murder and torture are all ok with the nuremberg defense and a supportive ruler as shields so let your blood lust loose.
    Military has lost all right to complain about wars and VA treatment when they continue to give full throated support to war mongers.
    Let them reap what they have sown.

  10. Papa @8

    They could make a ton of money on pay-per-view, if we let Pelosi chase down a naked Mitch and use the whip. He has to be on foot, but she can drive a motorcycle. I would certainly pay. Then Nunes chased by Fiona Hill. Etc. Etc.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Cheryl@9, Speaker Pelosi probably doesn’t need to be spotted a motorcycle to chase down Moscow Mitch. As with most talented women she can do it dancing backward in heels and give him a head start.

    However, to generate more revenue on pay-per-view, please spot Old Scratch/Moscow Mitch a fig leaf. Preferably two to spare our eyes both the front and rear views. tia

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    My father taught men to fly, my mother was a WAC in nursing school, my uncle was a doctor in the Air Corp stationed in Coventry all during WWII. My neice’s husband was a nuclear engineer in the Navy for 20 years, mostly subs but his last station was a year in Iraq about 10 miles from the Iran border. I can’t in any way compare any of these men and women to Lorance and Goldstyn. “He served his country with honor,” should not appear in anything associated with those two.

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    Megasoid@5 : I’ll watch the movie tomorrow. As a warning to everyone, it is 2.9 Gbytes in size so be aware if you are on a slow or limited download network.

    I remember when Eichmann was kidnapped by the Israelis, and have read two books about the snatch team. Setting up the return flight took days, and most members of the team found themselves suffering extreme stress from being stuck in a house with the guy. They had lost all family in the Holocaust 16 years earlier, and what grated most was that Eichmann turned out to be just a frightened old man. But they did not abuse him, and in the end he had a fair trial. Compare that to what we’ve done to the Gitmo prisoners, and our inability to give them a fair trial because of the torture-tainted “evidence”.

    It was the first time I ever wrote to my congressman – Jim Wright. And even though I was in elementary school, I got back a thoughtful and detailed 4 page response. It assured me that Argentina’s complaints would at best be met with a “stop sheltering war criminals” reply.

    Nowadays, if your letter doesn’t have a check for $100k, you get back a form letter with platitudes … and a request for a donation to the re-election campaign.

  14. The Surly Professor @13 Not sure what video your talking about.

    The Driver Is Red – streams in 15 minutes on, an animated story about a Nazi hunter who passed away at age 95 or there abouts. tracking Eichmann in Argentina. I’ll repost it.

  15. Winter wonders and fun videos

    The Man From Earth 2007 720p BluRay 1:27:08 – When you are 14,000 years old with a story to tell.


    The Snowman (1982) HD for kids and adult kids 25:38


    What is Time?

    How do you bring an 18th century ceramic agate tea pot to life?


    The Super Zoom
    In The Super Zoom, the Brazil-based graphic designer Pedro Machado’s visualisation dives even deeper into the realm of the subatomic and theoretical. While the original film by Charles and Ray Eames zoomed in to a scale of 10-16 metres at most, Machado’s film draws on 40 years of quantum research – not to mention significant advances in 3D rendering technology – to drill down to the unfathomably small scale of 10-33 metres, brushing up against the limits of human knowledge and imagination.

    The Dreams of Dali – An interactive 360° video. As it plays, click and drag your cursor on the video player to explore the scene. For the an optimal viewing experience, maximize the YouTube player to full screen, and set on the highest quality setting. Look for the Dali Easter eggs.
