Most Excellent News

December 09, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We finally have an excellent Democrat to run against Louie Gohmert.

Hank Gilbert, a guy made of East Texas timber, has decided that we’ve had all we can take from Louie Gohmert.  Hank is a family rancher, a former school teacher, and runs a large and very successful nonprofit in partnership with his two sons, has filed for Texas CD1.  He will win the primary and dance on Louie Gohmert’s head.

He’s one of the nicest and smartest guys I know. He’s genuine. He leads with a calm but firm resolve. I believe in Hank Gilbert.  Send a couple of dollars to Hank if you can just to let him know you’re plenty proud of his decision to run.

Click here to virtually meet Hank.  God bless him for making loud noise in Texas CD1.


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0 Comments to “Most Excellent News”

  1. Are Gohmert’s constituents sick and tired of him? That where its really at.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haw!

    maggie, I respectfully disagree with you, a rare moment. The disagree part, not the respect. On this I’ve always agreed with Howard Dean and his 50 state strategy. Take it to the Republicons everywhere and every chance we get. Give voters a choice and expect to be pleasantly surprised.

    Democrats have a great candidate in Mr. Hank Gilbert. This is Louie’s election to lose; we know he has loser in him. Louie out on a limb and a credible opponent is the equivalent of handing Louie a chainsaw.

  3. My brother- and sister-in-law are cursed to have LOUIE! as their rep.

    I need to call them and tell them to get behind Mr. Gilbert.

  4. 1smartcanerican says:

    Wow, this good looking gentleman looks smart as well as good! I won’t miss Gohmert’s smarmy face and stupidity at all. I do, however, look forward to seeing and hearing from Mr. Hank Gilbert.

  5. austinhatlady says:

    Donated! Even though that’s not my district. Heard Gohmert’s voice on radio while driving just half hour ago during impeachment hearing and found I was gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles & gritting my teeth.
    So glad Gilbert is stepping up.

  6. congrats to CD1 in TX! and good luck to Mr Gilbert. now to find a winnable candidate for the varmint Morgan Griffith in my district……..

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I donated….simply because his non-profit is providing homes for women leaving abusive situations.

  8. Mark Johnson says:

    I’ve met Mr. Gilbert a couple of times. He was here in Lufkin last week and I got to spend some time talking with him in a small group and one-on-one. Asked lots of questions.

    He had great answers. I’m very impressed. I’m generally more progressive than he is, but he’s more in tune with East Texas.

    I think he has a very good chance. We haven’t had a decent, viable candidate in years. I’ll be working to make this happen.

  9. It’s illegal for me to send anything but good wishes, but you can have as many of those as you can handle.
