Texas Stuff

December 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am in Austin this week and will spend tomorrow with Glen on the last day of filing.

I have news.  Yesterday at the SDEC meeting in Plano, Michael Bloomberg came to speak and committed to spending $100 million in Texas if he is the nominee.  To my mind, if his goal is to beat Donald Trump, he should commit to spend $100 million in Texas even if he’s not the nominee.

Now, the good news: Texas Democrats, for the first time in a long damn time, have someone running in every congressional seat.  We even have people running against incumbents, which is fine with me.

I’ll be updating this all day tomorrow.


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0 Comments to “Texas Stuff”

  1. Long drawn out whistle

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    You’re too nice, MS JJ! Bloomberg can leave town, leave his money behind and leave the race. Republicon-lite need not apply …

    Congratulations to you, Mr. Maxey and Texas Democrats for restoring hope to Texas politics.

  3. Well, if he spends $100M in Texas, that’s only going to leave him with about $13,900,000,000.

    He’ll probably be reduced to eating tomato soup and crackers, which got me to the next payday for about four years…. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Michael!

  4. If you’re going to beat trump, you’re going to need some moderate but socially liberal, Republicans like me. Bloomberg knows his way around the business/financial world and, except for being from New York, appears to be ethical. His undergraduate degree, like mine, was in electrical engineering. I’d vote for him.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. B, no, just hell no, respectfully. This country deserves better than Republicon-lite and sure as hell the Democratic Party does not need concern trolling ‘help’ from those still calling themselves Republicons.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I am warming up my voting hand for Democrats on the ballot. Is it 46 weeks until voting Tuesday?

  7. dobleremolque says:

    Did Mr. Bloomberg allow as to what he’d spend the $100 million on?

  8. Jane et al, respectfully, we’re a very diverse country. Compromise and finding issues on which we can agree is what gets things done. My way or the highway is not the way to get things done. I’ll cite the current Republican Senate leadership as an example.

  9. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Bloomberg’s Islamophobia disqualifies him IMO, even if nothing else would. A moderate could lose by a huge margin to Trump, and Bloomberg isn’t even moderate. As others said, not no but hell no. I will not vote for him in the primary. That said, I will vote for the Democratic candidate, even if it’s a yellow dog.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr.B@8, respectfully tell the Republicons starting with IQ4.5 that we are a diverse country; they seem to have overlooked that fact. There was a time when the rest of what you stated also would have been true. Nixon, Reagan and Bush2 put major dents in that. But now? Moscow Mitch, IQ4.5 and others have killed the skills of compromise and common issue. After them our otherwise centrist nation needs a hard leftward course correction to even begin approaching ‘center.’ We are where we are and Republicon-lite certainly will not fix it. Like Einstein defined insanity ….

  11. Please tell me there is a candidate filing in the 27th district against Cloud. We’ve been beating the bushes in Nueces County to find a candidate and we’ve come up dry here.

  12. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    We’re still looking. Keep your fingers crossed.

  13. joel hanes says:

    Super Tuesday will make it mathematically impossible for Bloomberg to be the nominee.

    (Bloomberg is famous for NYC’s eminently-racist former “stop and frisk” policy, and still defends the idea. The Super Tuesday Democratic primary electorate comprises many black persons)

  14. Susan R @11, Yeah, tell me about good ol’ TX-27 [p-t Rockport rez]…

    Cloud, from Victoria [RWNJ, fundy, teabagger/MAGAot, OralRobU grad], just literally fell into a sweet super-gerrymandered US House District when sleazebag Blake Farenthold was finally +-forced to resign in disgrace.

    District 27 from inception [’82] used to be solid Dem [Valley to Coastal Bend], but a mostly useless Dem ‘entitled’ long-term incumbent took it for granted.
    And coupled with the usual abysmal Hispanic voter turnout, and the 2010 Dem’s self-inflicted election massacre [centennial redistricting anyone?], allowed Farenthold to sneak in by just 799 votes. In a then 70%+ Hispanic district.
    Post-2010, the 27th was then radically gerrymandered by the Abbott Austin mob.
    [Dem Rep. was Solomon Ortiz, 1982-2010, I voted for him every time from 1982 [district creation] on [until moving], later on it required nose holding/glass of scotch]


  15. JJ, that’s great news. what’s the best way to donate?

    Mr B, if you want compromise, how about you start demonstrating it?

  16. Good point, JJ.
    Bloomberg claims to love America so much he’ll run for president. I believe he loves his tax cuts so much he wants to block Warren and Sanders from running — but that’s just me.

    IF he loved America, he would bow out of his own candidacy and commit $100 million to each and every state to help whoever does get the nomination. I’m betting he could well afford it. But yeah, again that’s just me.

  17. Above all, is the need to rid ourselves of the Trump plague and all the peripheral grifters. If a moderate candidate can accomplish that, we need to support that candidate.
