Archive for June, 2019

Ohhhhh, Fake Numbers

June 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My favorite headline today so far.



Trump’s response?

“No one has ever asked us to lie about anything,” a Trump campaign official told The Hill in a statement on Tuesday. “The poll in question shows President Trump beating a defined Democrat opponent.”

Lie about lying. Look, look, it’s Wonderland.


Do You Know What Would Be More Fun Than Winning the Lottery?

June 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Smacking Jim Jordan in the face with a banana cream pie.  That’s what.

Okay, first but most unimportantly, does this guy own a suit?  He shows up at every hearing in his shirt sleeves.  What’s with that? Is he trying to pretend he’s working?  Would somebody get this man a Hawaiian shirt and some flip flops?

Remember earlier this year when he ran against Kevin McCarthy for minority leader and lost 159–43?  That’s not a loss, that’s a cremation.

And let’s not forget the Ohio State sexual abuse scandals while he was the assistant coach.  He was apparently blind during those years.  Oddly, Jordan told Anderson Cooper on CNN that he had never heard Trump lie or say anything he should apologize for. This was Jordan’s deaf period.

And now here’s his blubbering idiot period.



Anybody got a banana pie?

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

Because They Lie Sometime Just For Practice

June 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

To be honest, one of the most soul-busting things that I believe happened under Trump was Brett Kavanaugh.  I saw first hand not only the slippery intelligence of the man they put on the Supreme Court but also his character.  Both were just a shiver looking for a spine to run up.

Now comes the story of Amy Chau, the self-described Tiger-Mom, who defended Kavanaugh with all her might.  At the time, her glowing recommendations for Kavanaugh gave rise to suspicions that she was doing it only to get a SCOTUS clerkship for her daughter should Kavanaugh be approved.

She denied it.  Even her daughter, Sophia Chua Rubenfield, did. A year ago —



We silly liberals, seeing closed-door deal making behind every Republican insider event.

Both mother and daughter denied it was ever happening and we were all just crazy, wild crazy, to suspect it would.




So, when they deny something, write it down somewhere.  It won’t stop them but it will help you keep your sanity and your Republican cynicism.

Thanks to Don A. for the heads up.


It’s Early in The Day, Kellyanne

June 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Dean, semi-hero of the Nixon impeachment, is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee and it’s driving Trump Twitterly nuts.

He tweeted about it this morning and then sent Kellyanne Conway out to talk especially nasally to reporters.

“It’s really something. I’ve never been disbarred. I passed four state bars, never been disbarred. Never went to jail for obstruction of justice and don’t plan on it, but they are picking lawyers from TV now,” Conway responded. “Remember, he also tried to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. He’s not a credible person.”

Don’t you think it’s odd that a person working in the Trump administration would demean picking anything from TV?  Isn’t that kinda like a slap in your own face?

As to, “I’ve never been disbarred.”  It’s early in the day, Kellyanne. And there’s a jail cell, Darlin’, with a bottle of cheap peroxide and expensive locks just waiting for you.

Stones and glass houses.


Adding To The List

June 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember when ole Roy Moore ran for Senate in Aladamnbama?  Those were some fun times.

Moore got accused of being anti-Semitic during the campaign and to counter that, Moore’s wife went on national teevee and in a rage filled spittin’ spite outburst said, “one of our attorneys is a Jew.”  The fact that she said the word Jew as if it was sitting disgustingly nasty in her mouth for a couple of months did not help her situation any at all.

Come to find out, her son had a Jewish lawyer defending him against drug charges, but the Moore’s Jewish lawyer had become a Christian and been baptized before the Moores ever knew him.

Well, they have another distinguished lawyer on the team.

Garmon’s mug shot

Former Senate candidate Roy Moore’s attorney was arrested Wednesday night for charges of driving under the influence and for possessing drugs.

Trenton Roger Garmon, 39, was booked into the Etowah County Jail around 8 p.m., according to jail records. He was arrested by Gadsden police and charged with driving under the influence of controlled substances, second-degree possession of marijuana, and drug paraphernalia.

When Moore was asked for a reaction, he called it “fake news.”  They have an arrest report, a mug shot, and a bond set. Roy Moore is a fake human.

Look, I don’t know about you but if I was on a jury for a guy accused of drug possession, I’d convicted on the basis of the mug shot alone.

Thanks to Rufus for the heads up.

As Does Everything Touched By Trump

June 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I thought y’all would be unsurprised but slightly amused that the French oak tree President Emmanuel Macron gifted to Trump gave its life for its country.

While being planted on the White House lawn, Macron said

“100 years ago, American soldiers fought in France, in Belleau to defend our freedom. This oak tree will be a reminder at the White House of these ties that bind us.”

The next day the tree was uprooted and placed in quarantine.  Recent reports are that the tree died and just left  a big yellow spot on the White House Lawn.



It got Trumped.