It’s Early in The Day, Kellyanne

June 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Dean, semi-hero of the Nixon impeachment, is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee and it’s driving Trump Twitterly nuts.

He tweeted about it this morning and then sent Kellyanne Conway out to talk especially nasally to reporters.

“It’s really something. I’ve never been disbarred. I passed four state bars, never been disbarred. Never went to jail for obstruction of justice and don’t plan on it, but they are picking lawyers from TV now,” Conway responded. “Remember, he also tried to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. He’s not a credible person.”

Don’t you think it’s odd that a person working in the Trump administration would demean picking anything from TV?  Isn’t that kinda like a slap in your own face?

As to, “I’ve never been disbarred.”  It’s early in the day, Kellyanne. And there’s a jail cell, Darlin’, with a bottle of cheap peroxide and expensive locks just waiting for you.

Stones and glass houses.


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0 Comments to “It’s Early in The Day, Kellyanne”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Says the hatchet faced woman who should be jailed for multiple violations of the Hatch Act and multiple counts of peddling Belsen Barbie’s merch. Alternative facts. Nah. Let’s stick to facts, Kellyanne. Some of us know it as truth. Acquaint yourself with it before you acquit yourself.

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    The hearing is on CPAN3 at 1 pm!

  3. Primo Encarnación says:

    I wonder how many people that went to jail for obstruction of justice planned on it?

  4. charles phillips says:

    Maybe her day drinking is catching up to her?

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Primo Encarnacion@3, before IOKIYAR there was “nothing is a crime if you don’t get caught.” Their new vocabulary word of doing the alternative fact twist is “intent.” Apparently if Donnie and his merry gang didn’t sign notarized confessions before their acts, no crimes were committed. Planned? Define planned. ;D

  6. Kellyanne forgot a word – – yet. She hasn’t been disbarred yet. Just like John Dean hasn’t been disbarred or jailed at this point in Nixon’s administration.

    She’s still talking like that because she wants her pardon.

  7. megassoid says:

    OT John Dean testifies LIVE before Congress now @ 2:20 EST.

  8. Steven Zeffert says:

    Good to see you back at the keyboard, Susan!

  9. BarbinDC says:

    Listening to the hearing on CSPAN radio, the Rethugs are really just a bunch of thugs. They are bent on throwing sand in the gears.

  10. megasoid says:

    Congratulations to Louie Gohmert on successfully re-litigating the Watergate hearings in one 5 minute long run-on spew. Even if it was all in his mind.

    Same with Jim, J’accuse!, junkyard dog, Jordan, almost as repetitive trying to nail down Dean’s earnings from his books. Was that the Lindsey Graham school of Poutrage?

    Neither one tried to attack the two prosecutors whose withering certitude shriveled GOPoorboys into staying with The Heritage Foundation rubber stamp mouth stand-in.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Gym Jordan, Louie Gohmert and Matt Gaetz all earned participation points toward dumbest of the dumb in the House. 15 minutes of our lives already wasted, so forgive me for not making a list of the hits those ***king morons brought upon themselves. Although the one John Dean scored on Gaetz about Nixon indeed having a health care plan was among the top ten.

    ***If only*** learning that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was formed in 1970 under Nixon would render them speechless, we would have that engraved on plaques for them.

  12. Scotty, no longer in Illinois says:

    John Dean is the embodiment of the possibility of redemption. He’s been raising the alarm about authoritarian conservatives for most of the last twenty years. His first volume, _Conservatives Without Consciences _ has risen beyond foresight and should be required reading for progressives.
    As to Kellyanne, she’ll be lucky if she’s only disbarred and convicted. A French term comes to mind, and I hope I have the translation correct: les tondues.

  13. Oldymoldy says:

    I seem to have missed something. Is she going somewhere? Did someone offer to disbar her? Doesn’t really seem so bad.

  14. Reminds me of a movie not long ago, can’t remember which one. A corporate executive was defending some policy that screwed the workers, by repeatedly stressing that it wasn’t illegal.
    The response was “We need to set the bar a little higher.”

  15. lazrgrl says:

    Meanwhile Mr. Kellyanne (George) Conway is increasingly using #derangedDonald. Dinner at the Conways must be a real hoot.

  16. Caldwell Butler

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    lazrgrl@15 do not worry about the Conways. They’re playing us. Awhile back DaChipster wrote a fantastic history of how the Conways have harassed the Clintons from Arkansas to Hilz run in 2016. Maybe he, one of the moderators or someone with better search skills than I can locate that piece for us. It’s worth another read and still timely re the Conways.

  18. lazrgirl @ 15

    I wonder who sleeps on the couch?

  19. Linda Phipps says:

    Jane and PKM # 17 – I offered that opinion about the Conways some time ago. They are Theater of the Absurd.

  20. Kellyanne, you are smart enough to know that you are way past your expiration date at the WH. Go home before the gates of hell open under your feet as the nuns used to tell me.

  21. Primo Encarnación says:

    PKM. I’ve referenced it, but I don’t believe I’ve ever columnized it. Here’s an article on the elves, and how George was banging Laura Ingraham who hooked him up with Drudge and then Ann Coulter showed up and… and… and…

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Primo, it wasn’t a DaChipster column at the WMDBS, it was a comment. Among the many kind answers to my rookie questions in 2015/16, that particular response should have been a column. Should be a column gone viral. It was a detailed response as to why the amount of vitriol was levelled against Hilz. From all reports her constituents loved her as a Senator from NY. She was a solid Secretary of State, she was popular, her poll ratings were high. Then blam! Anyway your answer started with Arkansas, explained Mare & Pear Conway and their roles in dogging the Clintons for years.

    Again, it was a fantastic detailed answer to a question. While admittedly that level of hate shown by Mare and Pear? That I will never understand.

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    Primo, it wasn’t the Loretta Lynch non-issue tarmac thing. The Big Dog had said something chewing his shoe leather stupid while campaigning for Hilz. Recall that it was in regard to health care. Here we go, “Bill Clinton criticized President Barack Obama’s signature policy reform Monday while on the stump for his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, calling Obamacare “the craziest thing in the world.”

    That was Oct 4, 2016. That led to a discussion that led to the why it was the media and others were doing exactly what Hilz had said about “the vast right wing conspiracy” during Bill’s campaign circa 1992 to her 34 years later.
