Archive for May, 2019

Chica Chica Boom Boom

May 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you get to be on the cutting edge of the NRA scandal that’s brewing.

The Wall Street Journal is having some big time fun with leaked documents they received about Wayne LaPierre’s spending habits.



Hey, don’t be picky – it’s pretty easy to spend $39K for clothes in one day.

Wayne LaPierre required the PR firm to pay nearly $14,000 to rent an apartment near the NRA’s headquarters for a summer intern named Megan Allen.

And NRA chatrooms are going crazy about it.



I dunno. Apparently those swan things don’t come cheap.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Rudy Will Never Learn

May 11, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Russians, Trump

File under “Tone Deaf to Tone Deafness”, Rudy Giuliani thought it would be a really good idea to go to Ukraine to dig for dirt on Hunter Biden, Joe’s youngest son, who has been on the board of Burisma, a Ukranian oil company.  He was also seeking out Ukranian prosecutors to urge them to launch investigations of the younger Biden.  Apparently, he was also seeking information about who in Ukraine may have spoken to Robert Mueller’s investigators.  You read that correctly; even after two years of investigations into Trump’s connections to the Russians and Ukrainians (and thousands of denials from Trumpland), Rudy Giuliani thought it would be a good idea to…wait for it…ask the Ukrainians for help in the 2020 election.

When word got out about the trip, the press pounced, causing a media storm, and the Dems piled on, shaming Rudy to the point where he cancelled the trip.  He attributed the cancellation to “spin” from the Dems, not to his own tone deafness and stupidity.

A Fun Weekend Watch

May 11, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts

Ben Shapiro, right wing talker and all round smartass, got owned yesterday by BBC host Andrew Neil, who dared to ask Shapiro about his hypocrisy.  The interview was supposed to be an opportunity for Shapiro to plug his new volume of manure titled The Right Side of History, and ironically subtitled How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great.  His entire premise is hilarious, because exactly zero of his assertions are neither reasoned of moral.

At 16 minutes it’s a long watch, but very entertaining.  If you want to get to the really good stuff, fast forward to about minute 11.  After Shapiro abruptly ended the interview, Neil got in one last shot saying, “…and thank you for showing that anger is not a part of American political discourse.”  LOL.

This Is Just Screwed Up

May 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump told Politico that it would be “appropriate” for him to discuss opening an investigation of Joe Biden and his son Hunter with Attorney General Bill Barr.

I kid you not.

“Certainly it would be an appropriate thing to speak to him about, but I have not done that as of yet. … It could be a very big situation,” Trump said in a 15-minute telephone interview on Friday afternoon.

Barr also drew attention during his recent congressional testimony when he demurred on a question about whether anybody in the White House had ever suggested that he launch an investigation.

I completely understand that Bill Barr has never given Trump any reason whatsodamnever to believe that the Attorney General of the United States of America is not the president’s personal attorney, campaign manager, and in charge of dirty tricks.

But here’s the cool part – now that Trump told Politico, he doesn’t have to tell Barr. Barr can just read it and do his master’s bidding.

And now we know why Barr could not answer Kamala Harris.



Thelma thinks Barr is auditioning for a supreme court seat.


Here’s Your Weekend Sign

May 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thanks to Deb T. for the heads up.

Afternoon Read

May 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times has an amazing article about a woman who stopped and rendered aid to three central American migrants on the Texas border.  She is Teresa Todd and she is the elected county attorney of Jeff Davis County.

Three teenagers flagged her down and she stopped to help. It was two young men and their sister. The sister was on the verge of death and the young men were not much better.

Struggling to communicate using her broken Spanish, Ms. Todd told the three young people to get out of the cold and into her car. She was phoning and texting friends for help when a sheriff’s deputy drove up, followed soon by the Border Patrol. “They asked me to step behind my car, and the supervisor came and started Mirandizing me,” said Ms. Todd, referring to being read her Miranda rights. “And then he says that I could be found guilty of transporting illegal aliens, and I’m, like, ‘What are you talking about?”

She spent 45 minutes in a holding cell that night and it appears they are going to charge her with transporting undocumented people.  They confiscated her cell phone and have put her on alert.  It’s a long story but it is worth your time to read.

Here’s my question:  If the Super DeLux Brand Christians can use their deeply held beliefs to be mean to gay people, why can’t I use my deeply held regular sinner Christian beliefs to be good to all people?  I never heard of Jesus saying to be mean and judgmental to gay people, but he was pretty damn clear on being a Good Samaritan.

It just pisses me off that we’ve let them steal our country, our religion, and our common decency.  They are a bunch of money hungry charlatans and some mullet wearing thugs who don’t begin to understand the teachings of Jesus or Thomas Jefferson.  Or they do just don’t damn care.

Sorry for the downer.  I’ll go look for something funny.

One more thing: Teresa Todd is a genuine star-studded damn Texas hero.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.