A Fun Weekend Watch

May 11, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts

Ben Shapiro, right wing talker and all round smartass, got owned yesterday by BBC host Andrew Neil, who dared to ask Shapiro about his hypocrisy.  The interview was supposed to be an opportunity for Shapiro to plug his new volume of manure titled The Right Side of History, and ironically subtitled How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great.  His entire premise is hilarious, because exactly zero of his assertions are neither reasoned of moral.

At 16 minutes it’s a long watch, but very entertaining.  If you want to get to the really good stuff, fast forward to about minute 11.  After Shapiro abruptly ended the interview, Neil got in one last shot saying, “…and thank you for showing that anger is not a part of American political discourse.”  LOL.