Archive for November, 2018

Senate Republicans … What’s With Those Guys?

November 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The bill to keep Trump from just up and firing Robert Mueller got blocked again today.  And that’s fine with me because Senator Jeff Flake is stopping the senate from approving any more judges until the bill gets passed.

So if they’d rather sacrifice some lifetime appointments of radical right judges just to kiss Trump’s bodacious butt, that’s fine with me.

The bill would codify Justice Department (DOJ) regulations that say only a senior department official could fire Mueller or another special counsel.

It would give a special counsel an “expedited review” of their firing. If a court determines that it wasn’t for “good cause,” the special counsel would be reinstated.

I’m just gosh-darned certain that Mueller and his team have preserved all the evidence, making Mueller’s firing  nothing more than an inconvenience.

So, have a ball, Mike Lee Republican of Utah, today’s official Republican blocker.


25th Amendment?

November 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, his body parts are talking to him.

Trump tells Philip Rucker and Josh Dawsey of the Fed: “They’re making a mistake because I have a gut and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody else’s brain can ever tell me.”

But at least it’s only happening sometimes. Sometimes it’s his fat butt talking to him.  His right middle finger.  His hair. His winkie has been silent for several years now.

I dunno, y’all.  He’s nuts.


Meh News

November 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so maybe it’s not dance-nakkid-on-the-backporch news, but it’s kinda nice.


Sadly, they still raised $98 million in contributions.

And while membership dues are way down, they still picked up $128 million in dues last year, yet down from $163 the year before.

Like I said, kinda good news.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

I Can’t Wait For The Book!

November 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s gonna be soooooo good.

The Guardian, citing sources, said Paul Manafort met with Julian Assange at Ecuador’s British Embassy in 2013, 2015 and in the spring of 2016.

The newspaper also reported that an internal document written by Ecuador’s intelligence agency and seen by The Guardian contains Manafort’s name on a list of “well-known” guests at the embassy in 2013. The list, according to the newspaper, also mentions “Russians.”

The funnest meeting they had was probably the March 2016 meeting because Trump hired Manafort at the end of March 2016 – right after the meeting.  You don’t have to own a crystal ball to know what was discussed.

“I love wikileaks,” hollers Trump, meaning that Manafort doesn’t have to risk meeting with Assange  because Trump will give them orders while speaking in front of a rally with teevee cameras recording it.  It was more brazen than a hussy on the front row of church wearing feathers and sequins and little else.

And apparently Manafort shot off his mouth about his Assange connection because ….

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has been investigating a meeting between former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno in Quito in 2017 and has specifically asked if WikiLeaks or its founder, Julian Assange, were discussed in the meeting, a source with personal knowledge of the matter tells CNN.

Now, you can bet your best pair of pink boots that it was discussed at that meeting or Mueller wouldn’t ask about it.

The Washington Post says we should have seen this big reveal (about Manafort lying to Mueller) coming.  Trump went on a Twitter rage yesterday.  You can set your clock by it.

Thelma is scared that Russians are so deep into our government by now that we’ll never get them out.  I dunno.  Maybe we can give Maxine Waters a bottle of vodka and a can of Raid.  Just turn her loose.



November 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This really happened.

President Trump tells a crowd in the birthplace of Elvis, Tupelo, Mississippi, he looked like the singer growing up.

Hey Trump, you also look just like George Clooney except for 60 pounds, orange skin, a puckered mouth from all the lying, ridiculous hair, seven chins, and really bad breath.

Yeah, and I look like Sophia Loren except for the Sophia Loren part.


Manafort’s Play

November 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Russians, Trump

Robert Mueller’s investigation team made a filing today asking the judge in Paul Manafort’s criminal trial to prepare to sentence him because he’s been lying to the FBI since his plea deal.  Imagine it – you’re 69 years old and facing spending the rest of your life in prison, have already been convicted on 8 felony counts and have pleaded guilty to 2 other counts.  What person in their right mind would lie to the FBI when the result would be the rest of your natural life in prison?  Answer: One who has been assured of a federal pardon if he protected the President of the United States.

Look – Either Manafort has lost his mind and WANTS to die in prison, or he’s falling on his sword because he’s going to be given a get out of jail free card.  Oh, one other possibility comes to mind – the Russians are threatening a member of his family if he talks, so he may actually be falling on his sword to protect his family.

Sounds like a mafia movie, doesn’t it?