Archive for October, 2018

The Dude is Evil

October 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, really?  I just don’t get it.




Okay, all of us can list the vulgar and violent things that Trump has said.  He glorifies violence. We can all give specific examples of that.

I think we should ask Trump for one example where “fake news” has encouraged violence.  He claims he doesn’t watch the fake news yet he magically knows everything they say.

Politico has a story about Trump’s “Executive Time.”

President Donald Trump had about three times as much free time planned for last Tuesday as work time, according to his private schedule. The president was slated for more than nine hours of “Executive Time,” a euphemism for the unstructured time Trump spends tweeting, phoning friends and watching television. Official meetings, policy briefings and public appearances — typically the daily work of being president — consumed barely more than three hours of his day.

Spending time watching teevee, playing on the iPhone and jacking around talking to your friends is anything but executive time.

And, is it just me or do his random capitalizations show a deteriorating mind?


Looney AND Stupid

October 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Domestic Terrorists

It’s exactly as we thought.  The letter bomber today is not only a mouth breathing, drooling Trumpist, he’s crazy as hell AND stupid as a bag of horse manure.  First he mailed letter bombs to people who don’t open their own mail.  Stupid.  Second, he misspelled the same words on multiple labels.  Stupid. Third, he had a van covered in anti-Democratic images and slogans, including death threats to Democratic officials and their families, and Nazi like images of Trump. Stupid. Fourth, he filled his social media accounts with poisonous bile threatening to kill everyone from Hillary to George Soros. Stupid. Fifth, and most important, the letter bombs he manufactured are covered in his DNA and fingerprints. Incredibly stupid. Since he already had a felony record and drove around in a rolling nutjob billboard, he was easily and quickly caught. Let’s be clear here – this guy is not only a terrorist, he’s a 24 karat gold dumbass.  Here’s a good pic of one side of the van.

As if you needed it, this goofball is the perfect example of why Donald Trump is so dangerous.  Trump has no limits, no judgement.  He is so obsessed with self that he uses idiocy like this guy displayed to his advantage.  And while he breeds this kind of terrorism, other more normal people, now called 401(k) Trumpists, look the other way because (at least up until this week), their retirement accounts have been going up. That weakens our democracy.

The reality here is that we got lucky this time because no one was injured and this guy was so incredibly stupid that he made bombs that didn’t work.  But thereare smarter people out there who are just as looney.  They are the ones who scare me.

How You Know Things Are Going Downhill

October 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Poor Trump.  He’s losing sleep.

At 2:00 am this morning, he tweeted this about CNN, a teevee station he claims that he never watches.



He’s up at 2:00 in the morning, watching CNN?

And then, after sleeping late this morning, he’s back on the Twitter.



Okay, first of all – bomb stuff?  Was 911 airplane stuff?

And since the bombs just went to Democrats, it’s “very unfortunate.”  Had the bombs gone to Republicans it would have been “an act of war.”  And even the “unfortunate” part isn’t about homegrown terrorism, it’s that it might hurt the momentum.

Go to sleep, Trump.


The Best Thing Today

October 26, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2018 Election

From the US Vote Foundation:



More Stupidity

October 25, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Dammit!, Trump

Trump is doing it again.



Heads Up, Texans

October 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh yeah, voting machine troubles.

The Secretary of State has issued a rare announcement that the Hart eSlate voting machines in Texas are screwy.

Here’s what happens, when you vote a straight Democratic ticket and then go through the rest of the ballot to get to the screen to cast your vote, sometimes the first race on the ballot rolls over and overrides your straight ticket.  So, you vote for Cruz instead of O’Rourke.

We’ve had three people catch it in my county.  No telling how many more didn’t catch it.

Specifically, the Hart eSlate system uses a keyboard with an “Enter” button and a selection wheel button. The “Enter” button on a Hart eSlate selects a voter’s choice. The selection wheel button on a Hart eSlate allows the voter to move up and down the ballot. It is important when voting on a Hart eSlate machine for the voter to use one button or the other and not both simultaneously, and for the voter to not hit the “Enter” button or use the selection wheel button until a page is fully rendered. A voter should note the response to the voter’s action on the keyboard prior to taking another keyboard action. It is also important for the voter to verify their selections are correct before casting their ballot.

Seems to me like they should fix that.