Archive for September, 2018

Willie and Beto

September 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you live in a foreign state, you may not have heard that Willie and Beto drew the second largest political rally crowd in American history.  They came in second to Barack Obama’s crowd in Portland in 2008. They estimate that between 55,000 – 60,000 people came to hear Willie Nelson and Beto O’Rourke in Austin this weekend.



And … 155,000 were live streaming it.  If you missed it, you also missed Willie’s piano player, his 87 year old sister Bobbie, who still travels with him and the best damn harmonica player ever, Mickey Raphael.

And Willie wrote a new song.  You’re gonna love it.



I love yew, Texas.

By the way, Trump is coming for Ted Cruz and said he would fill the biggest stadium in Texas. Kyle field in College Station holds 106,511 people.  I’m thinking maybe Trump meant the average little league baseball stadium.



September 29, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: SCOTUS

One didn’t need to watch a minute of the Senate Circus (formerly known as the Judiciary Committee) to know that Brett Kavanaugh is probably the worst Supreme Court pick in the modern era.  Republicans, hearing the blue wave approaching, are frantic to get as many deplorables on the federal bench as possible before they fade into the minority; the problem is that Trump picked the wrong guy.  Kavanaugh was nominated for one reason and one reason only – he’s a hack.  Almost all of his legal career has been as a political operative, giving cover for GWB and his invade-then-torture tactics and later assisting in packing the courts with other radical partisans.  He’s being jammed down Americans’ throats right now because he’ll do the bidding of his masters, overturning decades of legal precedent, further eroding our fragile democracy.  I vehemently disagree with judges like Roberts, Alito, and Gorsuch, but their legal qualifications and knowledge are considerable.  Kavanaugh, though, like Clarence Thomas, is singularly unqualified for a seat on the highest court in the land.  That’s why the Repubs had concealed over 90% of his record and were racing to a confirmation vote when Dr. Blasey Ford showed up and tossed a broom handle into their spokes.

There’s an old lawyer adage of, “When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. When the law is on your side, pound the law. When neither is on you side, pound the table.”  What you saw Thursday after Dr. Blasey Ford’s almost impeccable appearance before the committee was just that – table pounding.  Kavanaugh came completely unglued. Blasey Ford made him look like the towel-snapping frat boy that he is, and he knew he’d been had.  His only hope was to get through to a quick vote, but as that crumbled before his eyes, his true nature came out in full fury.  In declarations I don’t believe I’ve ever heard from any judicial nominee, he actually attacked Democrats on the committee and even remarkably dragged the Clintons into it.  To me, if there ever was the fatal mistake, that was it.  Judges, even though we know it’s not true, are supposed to be above politics.  They’re supposed to be impartial. In his desperation to defend the indefensible, Kavanaugh allowed his radical partisanship to show – and he did it on national television.  Combine his horrible performance with the line of accusers forming behind Blasey Ford, the chances for a quick confirmation faded, especially after wavering Jeff Flake was cornered in a Senate elevator by a sobbing survivor of sexual assault.

That’s about the time that Republicans started pounding the table.  Every single one of them, all white and all male, shouted and gnashed their teeth.  Their voices trembled with rage as their smash and grab theft of another Supreme Court seat was stymied.

Who knows what’s going to come of this catastrophe.  Republicans have shown themselves to simply be stooges for the worst president in US history, possessing neither shame or backbone.  They are willing to sacrifice our republic to perpetuate their own power and their own twisted world view.  Worse, their nominee for the highest court in the land is the same.  He’s a spoiled little rich kid who started life on third base who’s goal is to keep normal people from getting to first base.  If he gets to the court, you can kiss the principles of fair play, equality, privacy, and voting rights goodbye.



Here We Go

September 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Cornyn says senate will vote tomorrow on motion to proceed on Kavanaugh vote, with additional background check for up to a week.

Also, Mark Judge’s lawyer says he will talk to the FBI.



September 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The American Bar Association had previously rated Kavanaugh “well qualified” to be a justice, a distinction that Kavanaugh touted during his testimony.  The ABA now has serious concerns.

“Each appointment to our nation’s Highest Court (as with all others) is simply too important to rush to a vote,” Carlson wrote. “Deciding to proceed without conducting additional investigation would not only have a lasting impact on the Senate’s reputation, but it will also negatively affect the great trust necessary for the American people to have in the Supreme Court.”

Do you mean that the screaming, sobbing, rage-filled ranting of a man for a solid damn hour might cause you to question his judicial temperament?  When you add the Clinton conspiracy he talked about, this guy is Alex Jones looking at a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

And the beer stuff?  He’s an alcoholic.  There is no question in my mind.

Y’all, I don’t think the ABA has ever done anything like this. These guys are conservatives. They are sending up a warning flare.  That takes courage for them to do.

You saw the way he treated Amy Klobuchar.  How the hell do you think he’s going to treat Sonya Sotomayor?

And he lies.  He freekin’ lies and they know it.



UPDATE: The Jesuits have also withdrawn their endorsement.


Popcorn, Check. Coffee, Check. Bad Girl Attitude, Check. [Snide comments at the bottom.]

September 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I’m ready.  Plus, it’s a rainy day so I’m totally ready for this pathetic replica of a “hearing.”

Please feel free to cuss Chuck Grassley here.



Son of a motherless goat Grassley and his damn bullyism.  That twit is so defensive. Nobody gets that defensive without trying to hide something.  He ended up yelling before the break and contending that Dr. Ford interrupted his precious ram-it-through timeline.

It seems like to me that it was dumber than dog dump to limit the questioning to five minutes and then turning over the Republican questioning to a prosecutor.  The Republican prosecutor isn’t able to build rhythm or a case.  Not that she could even if she had all day.

Heads Up below.


I guess they couldn’t find
an anatomically correct one.


Lindsey Graham can kiss my big blue butt.  For him to call her “a nice lady,” but that Kavanaugh wins by default because she can’t collaborate her case, is the most crazy, patronizing, and incorrect piece of crap I’ve seen in a long time.

Okay, somebody tell me who the hell wants this sneeringly angry, viciously attacking, hate-filled, self-victimized man on television to be a supreme court judge?  You know, he’d be a lot more believable if he wasn’t yelling and sobbing.

If Dr. Ford had testified by yelling, screaming, shooting dirty looks, and then breaking down into sobbing uncontrollable tears, she would have been called unbelievable and hysterical.  They are calling him defiant.  There you have it.


Total Badass

September 26, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized