
September 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The American Bar Association had previously rated Kavanaugh “well qualified” to be a justice, a distinction that Kavanaugh touted during his testimony.  The ABA now has serious concerns.

“Each appointment to our nation’s Highest Court (as with all others) is simply too important to rush to a vote,” Carlson wrote. “Deciding to proceed without conducting additional investigation would not only have a lasting impact on the Senate’s reputation, but it will also negatively affect the great trust necessary for the American people to have in the Supreme Court.”

Do you mean that the screaming, sobbing, rage-filled ranting of a man for a solid damn hour might cause you to question his judicial temperament?  When you add the Clinton conspiracy he talked about, this guy is Alex Jones looking at a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

And the beer stuff?  He’s an alcoholic.  There is no question in my mind.

Y’all, I don’t think the ABA has ever done anything like this. These guys are conservatives. They are sending up a warning flare.  That takes courage for them to do.

You saw the way he treated Amy Klobuchar.  How the hell do you think he’s going to treat Sonya Sotomayor?

And he lies.  He freekin’ lies and they know it.



UPDATE: The Jesuits have also withdrawn their endorsement.


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0 Comments to “Extraordinary”

  1. Another lie from the evasive jurist. He doesn’t belong on any bench.

  2. That Other Jean says:

    So the American Bar Association and the Jesuits have both withdrawn their endorsements. Too bad they’re several days late and more than a few dollars short. They might have made a difference at the start of the process, but not at the end.

  3. For those of us who have not had the benefits of a prep school education, or an Ivy League degree, will Trump University offer courses and/or certificate programs in Boofing to fill in these important gaps in fine Country Club partying? What beer best goes with a good boof? PBR, Lonestar, Coors? Or are these too pedestrian?

  4. I am very rarely this angry. I watched those men (Miss Lindsey and KavaNO), try to fake snot-nosed, spit in your eye hissy-fits. If they want to see what a real one looks like, they should stop by my house.

  5. Listening to Kavanaugh was painful. He came across as the entitled frat boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar that he is. And I distinctly heard him say he hadn’t watched Dr. Ford’s testimony. Isn’t that lying under oath?

  6. If this doesn’t bring massive female voters to the polls nothing will.
    I can’t help but wonder what job offer was given to Jeff Flake last night and how much $ he will get .

  7. Lying, drunkard, misogynist … and according to Feckless Grassley and walking anachronism ‘orrible ‘atch, those are his good qualities.

    Seriously. How could anyone not notice that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford politely and successfully addressed questions from Senators and paid inquisitor/substitute for special snowflake GOP Senators? Meanwhile fragile Brett lasted but a fleeting minute with Rachel Mitchell before Lindsey set to whacking with his 9-iron after Brett was seen dancing on his dick wearing golf shoes avoiding the questions from Ms. Mitchell.

  8. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Flake won’t look or talk to two rape victims after he voted to confirm…this is dunning to see. He says “thank you” https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/28/politics/jeff-flake-protesters-kavanaugh-vote/index.html

  9. Aghast in Austin says:

    Kavanaugh will not be emotionally or legally strong enough to survive the inevitable impeachment process, involving multiple charges for rape, as silent victims come forward, and then lying to the various law enforcement agencies involved. The floodgates are about to open on his past and his future looks very teary.

  10. Susan:

    I want to know if Flake will look his own daughters in their eyes.

    He’s always been an empty suit without courage and without moral convictions. He is one of many, imo.

  11. Charles R Phillips says:

    The vote comes tomorrow at noon, so I’ve heard. After that, if K is made an associate justice, we should start calling it the “kangaroo court.”

    And yes, we’ll officially be a banana republic.

  12. Deb- Hear, hear!

    And is perjury now ok? Saw this on Twitter but haven’t had time to check out WSJ story:

    WSJ: Mitchell advised Republicans that to continue questioning Kavanaugh she was required by her oath in Arizona to inform Kavanaugh of his rights after he lied to her about July 1, 1982 entry on his calendar. Maryland statutes was last question she asked, then break was called.

    And she didn’t come back.

  13. Charles R Phillips says:

    I’m advocating re-taking the senate at this point, focusing on destroying tRump’s efforts to load the appeals courts and the supreme court. If we fail to retake the senate, the house won’t matter.

  14. Flake’s feigned concern and ‘conflict’ are just his half fast attempts at looking contemplative and serious. We all knew he’d do this in the end.

    And he’s retiring, or so he says. So, he doesn’t need to worry about reelection and can vote his conscience. Either he has no conscience (possible) or someone is putting some major heat on him (probable). Could it be something related to past NSGOP election crimes, like the 2000 and/or 2004 elections? Kavanaugh was up to his eyeballs in those, but what about Flake?

    Kavanaugh is Bush’s man, not Trump’s. What do the Bushies know about these invertebrates? It will be a long time before we’ve rid ourselves of the Bush cancer on the body politic.

  15. Flake flinched. He voted to advance Kaveman out of committee, but weasel worded that he ‘might’ not vote for confirmation, if a week isn’t given to further investigation. Yeah right Jeff, as if you will stand up to ‘itch McConnell any better than you stood up to ‘assley and ‘atch.

    Ironic. Flake has further political ambitions. If not 2020, then maybe 2024. He ran scared out of the Senate due to the rabid snacilbupeR base. His advisors really should clue him in that if he can’t hack it in AZ politics, there are many millions of angry women and those who love them who will decimate him at the national level. Good women do not “forget,” and good men know that.

  16. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Being reported: Senate has no authority to order FBI investigation, Pres does. If pres does not order FBI, they are saying Flake and a few others will refuse to vote yes on Senate floor. Rogue white house staffers (behind the curtains) said -days ago – “Trump is looking for a way to dump Kavanaugh”) Today, instead of bashing Dr. Ford again, Trump told the press she was credible, etc….he was not indignant when discussing her…it felt like an alternate dimension those few moments.

  17. Even the mormon women are revolting against kavanaugh


    ps @Charles R Phillips #11
    As for you referring to me as future associate justice to wit I will take a Sherman.

  18. 85-year-old Diane Feinstein can run circles around 85-year-old Chuck Grassley, who belongs in an Iowa field talking to the corn.

    And why did the Rs install Grassley as chair of the Judiciary Committee when he’s never gone to law school? Couldn’t they find someone better qualified? The man is an embarrassment.

  19. JJ –

    Thanks for the link to the Jesuits. I think this sums up their point, and I agree wholeheartedly.

    Judge Kavanaugh continues to enjoy a legal presumption of innocence, but the standard for a nominee to the Supreme Court is far higher; there is no presumption of confirmability. The best of the bad resolutions available in this dilemma is for Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to be withdrawn.

    At the end, they say there are plenty other fish in the anti-abortion sea for tRump to choose from. Alas, they are correct.

  20. The rage he exhibited was the same my alcoholic step-father would exhibit. At best he’s a dry drunk.

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Dr. Ford’s only mistake was lecturing these eleven crash-test dummies on brain anatomy. As soon as they hear libtard science stuff, they stop listening.

  22. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    I don’t know how dry he is, Ted. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/skbaer/brett-kavanaugh-likes-beer

    Also notice that he was gulping his water, not drinking it.

  23. Who has seen (any of) kavanaugh’s FBI background investigation? How do we know that they didn’t turn up dirt on him? Beause drumpf tells us so? Questionable, after all we’re talking rethuglicans investigating rethuglicans anyway and doing the reporting to boot. For all we know the NY FBI office did the investigation.

  24. I’ve barely gotten to watch any of yesterday’s hearings (work, ack!) but caught a quick bit of Kavano’s response to Sen. Booker’s final statement. Wow, angry much? And this was him sober (I guess)? Rude, condescending, extremely partisan, defensive. He should not be on any court, and especially not SCOTUS.

  25. Breaking: Mark Judge will talk to the FBI (CNBC)

  26. Are you sure that was water?

  27. Did not get to see what was happening this afternoon re: Kavanaugh. I was out in my garden doing the Lord’s work, separating weeds from the worthwhile stuff. Just now trying to catch up. I am totally behind Ford. I hear people castigating her because there are gaps in her memory, mostly due to terror. I would like those damn castigators to know right now that what happened to her that night was equivalent to carpet bombing. Kavanaugh is a weasel, a really nasty, nasty one. There are too many people out in the world who know him for what he really is. There has to be a deeper, broader investigation. And Rethugs, you hold the damn vote! You are not voting for Pope. You can afford some time to elapse for an investigation.If you put this cretin on the Supremes and something bombastic suddenly comes up, you are going to look like a dog’s lunch and it will be unforgettable! Also, consider why Clarence Thomas is the silent one on the court. His confirmation hearing was so bad that it is damn hard to meld somebody like that into such an elite bunch. One more like him on that court, and no one will ever treat Kavanuagh like a colleague that he thinks he is! He will consequently do his damnedest to screw things up and blame everyone else.

  28. “Tip: If you’re being nominated for a nonpartisan position as a neutral arbiter on the Supreme Court, attacking ‘the left’, ‘Democrats,’ ‘the Clintons’, and ‘the media’ in your opening statement while noting that there will be reprisal for years to come is, well, disqualifying.” — Danica Roem, Virginia House Delegate

    I’d like this aspect to be stressed, please.

  29. @ Rhea 28
    You have missed the fact that as far as the thuglicans are concerned the supreme court is NOT a npnpartisan organization at least since the thugs tried to put bork on the court.
    The statistics of scotus decisions since then prove it as the thuglicans have succeeded with filling it with ideological hacks, scalia, roberts, gorsuch, thomas etc march to the tune their masters play.
    Once again by pretending that the thugs have anything but self interest and/ or any honor the D’s have consistently been outplayed as the thugs seek a court to judicially entrench there rule.
    With Buckley saying money is speech, shelby county approving racial voter suppression to grow and to fund it all citizens united since all this corruption takes money and to ensure no one goes to jail for bribery with the mcdonnel case they essentially removed the possibility of conviction.
    These are the actions of a owned and paid for kangaroo court following their owners orders.
    So in this reality with demented donnie and slithering mass of thuglical slime in the senate the ONLY way to get appointed and approved is to “…attacking ‘the left’, ‘Democrats,’ ‘the Clintons’, and ‘the media’ in your opening statement while noting that there will be reprisal for years to come….” otherwise how will they be sure of your subservienbe to ideology over law, delusions over facts and political smackdowns rather then judicial rulings.

  30. Sen. Collins, Sen Murkowski and Sen. Manchin should be bombarded with phone calls and emails to their Washington and home offices, reminding them that having a conscience might be more important than a pork barrel project in their districts.

    Collins: 202 224 2523 207 789 6969 207 662 8414

    Murkowski:202 224 6665 907 225 6880

    Manchin202 224 3954 304 342 5855

  31. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Wouldn’t it be something if the ABA disbarred him? I wonder how quickly the process for initiating that can be started.
