Here We Go

September 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Cornyn says senate will vote tomorrow on motion to proceed on Kavanaugh vote, with additional background check for up to a week.

Also, Mark Judge’s lawyer says he will talk to the FBI.


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0 Comments to “Here We Go”

  1. Terms of investigation must be checked.
    If thuglicans limit investigation to
    “Prove or disprove by standards necessary for criminal conviction whether Prof. Ford’s statements are supported by hard irrefutable evidence beyond a shadow of doubt” would probably lead to a whitewash.
    Or if they limit it to evidence and statements available as of sept. 20 2018, would eliminate Ms. Ramirez’s statements etc.
    Or if the clock on the week started at the end of the vote but the FBI doesn’t get the go ahead until 6 days from now.
    Can’t trust scum not to find a way to game this to guareentee the results they want and truth be damned.

  2. Charles R Phillips says:

    I think tRump will withdraw him before the week is up.

  3. 1) @Charles R Phillips Alas I fear that demented donnie and his pet jsutice are to arragent to withdraw his nomination.

  4. I can’t imagine the current potus withdrawing this nomination.

  5. oops hit wrong key

    1) @Charles R Phillips Alas I fear that demented donnie and his pet justice are to arragent to withdraw his nomination.

    2) With thuglican senators looking forward to that sweet sweet wingnut welfare from kochs the thuglicans may still muscle this through.
    Another vote to protect gerrymandering, voter suppression, protect thuglican hacks, over turn roe v. wade, push through national recipriocity of concealed weapons and all so much of the thuglican ideology might be seen as being worth having the voters forcibably retire them so they sit on a beach raking in the big consulting/ board membership fees as payment. for past misdeeds.

  6. I happened to notice the Urban Dictionary’s word of the day:

    (verb) To get blackout drunk and show your genitals to the entire party or an individual.
    Brett: Dude, what happened last night?
    Mark: You drank a whole case of beer and totally Kavanaughed Christine.
    #kavanaugh#blassey-ford#supreme court justice#blackout#drunk

    And “santorum” still means what you think it does, along with a number of associated words.

  7. in a week

    passions will cool slightly
    TheDonald will arrange a distraction
    the FBI as directed by The Donald and Sessions will “investigate”
    plans will be laid
    arms will be twisted
    offers that cannot be refused will be made

    Shortly thereafter the full Senate will confirm Kavanaugh

  8. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Mark Judge’s previous girlfriend has submitted written notice that she would testify to the Senate and the FBI. She states that Judge told her that Kavanaugh and he together sexually assaulted girls while in high school. It has been said that revealing Judge’s confession is not hearsay about Judge as it would be categorized so if it was only about Kavanaugh.

    Another (Republican) Yale student called into CNN after refusing to speak with them previously. She had supported Kavanaugh’s promotion to the Supreme Court. After witnessing him lie incessantly about his Yale years, she and other classmates were appalled and shocked at how much he was lying. It changed her mind….like she said, being young, dumb and drunk isn’t the problem…lying about it is. She and her cohorts have decided he is in no way qualified as a Justice.

  9. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Sorry about double posting:

    Brett Kavanaugh ruled that polygraphs can be accepted as gospel by employers in making hiring decisions…. the polygraph test Dr. Ford took showing truthfulness about her account is in the record….Yesterday he sneered that polygraph tests cannot be trusted. In 2016 he also ruled: “law enforcement agencies use polygraphs to test the credibility of witnesses” & the tests “serve law enforcement purposes.”

    Look who popped up on Twitter today: “Small lies matter, even about yearbooks. From the standard jury instruction: “If a witness is shown knowingly to have testified falsely about any material matter, you have a right to distrust such witness’ other testimony and you may reject all the testimony of that witness …”

  10. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    oops!! gawds…am so sorry!!! that final quote was by: James Comey on his twitter feed!

  11. The Liar in Chief had to admit that,yes, the FBI does do background checks as many times as needed. If the Rethugs hadn’t tried to rush Kavanaugh’s confirmation, had released all requested documents and had the FBI do the investigation Dr. North and the Dems requested immediately, this situation would have been resolved in a much less chaotic way.
    Kavanaugh may be afraid of what the FBI will find and pull himself out of contention. Not likely though.

  12. publius bolonius says:

    Mark Judge is the worm in the apple. MMMmmmmMMMmmm!!!

  13. Thank God for a senator who is in the process of retiring. That fact plus being confronted in an elevator combined to create a miracle: the spontaneous growth of a spine.

    Everyone in the DC area, please keep the confrontations coming! Tell him to LOOK AT YOU WHEN YOU’RE TALKING TO HIM!

    It’s absolutely terrifying that the fate of our country hangs on keeping one spine in the Senate.

  14. As Grassley was driving the train as he was told to do, I wonder if his superiors (Koch, Mercer, etc.) didn’t watch Kavanaugh on TV and get buyer’s remorse. They want another Gorsuch, not a lying drunk in a nice suit.

  15. @Two Crows;

    Perhaps there will be another miracle..That more women will come out to vote in November than ever before.

  16. The two women in the elevator plus Senator Coons plus Flake’s own doubts helped the others convince him.

    Flake said he had doubts after yesterday’s events. But “benefit of the doubt” is not a reason to vote to confirm someone to SCOTUS. At least one Republican in the Congress has a conscience. Let’s hope it lasts til next week when the FBI reports.

    All that said, it shouldn’t have come to Dr. Ford’s testimony. That Kavanaugh was a proven liar, under oath, in prior hearings, should have been enough to sink him. But who are we kidding, with the Liar-in-Chief squatting in our WH. Repubs don’t seem to care about the truth anymore.

  17. Charles R Phillips says:

    Sorry, I didn’t explain why I thought tRump would scratch Kavanaugh because I assumed everyone would see the same things I did.

    1. Kav is making tRump look stupid. tRump hates to look stupid. Therefore. Kav has to be withdrawn. However it happens, tRump will be behind it and blame it on democrats.

    2. Kav’s failure will become tRump’s rallying cry for keeping the Senate in repuglian hands. Kav’s replacement therefore must be even more ultra right wing, but with no exploitable flaws. He will be pushed through in 2 weeks max.

    3. Stupid and lazy repuglican senators will run on this, touting a defense of liberty or some such crap, and be slaughtered on election day.

  18. Lemme see . . . entitlement is not going to guarantee that you get a job . . . a male that breaks down in histrionics during a job interview and gets the job anyway is a total double standard as compared to what would happen to a woman if she did the same thing during a job interview . . . and he knows better as law students are taught never ever to do this . . . his disrespect for a woman on the committee, Senator Klobuchar should have killed his chances right then and then but we will have to see what happens . . . and lying . . . like a complete amateur and so obviously was enough to convince the man in the room I work in that he wasn’t lying. . . and no, Senator Kennedy from Louisiana, October 1st is not a deadline inasmuch as the court has functioned before with one less on the bench – – – Jeff Flake may end up a total hero for not slamming the elevator door in the faces of all those women . . and the list goes on but I have to do all the dumb things necessary to carry my household through for a week of eating.

  19. Aggieland Liz says:

    I like the way you think Mr Phillips! Especially since Mr Trump is already grappling with the (obvious if you’re not oblivious) scornful laughter of the UN delegation he addressed. I’m pretty sure that’s why he’s been so muted this week on social media. He’s trying to put the blame off on someone else, as usual, and he doesn’t like the way the wind is blowing. For my part, it’s bad enough we are going to have another arch conservative on the court; it had better not be this entitled little federalist crank with his reactionary notions of what the world should be and who should be subject to the law. He reminds me VERY MUCH of some of the guys I went to high school with, none of whom would be fit for the court imho. John Belushi (may God have mercy on him) did a grave disservice to several generations of young folks with that appalling flick “Animal House;” too many people I know had a bad case of life imitating (lousy) art after that film came out, and Brett Kavanaugh looks to have a fatal form of it. On a sad note, it would not surprise me at all if he dies in some accident or other should he not get this coveted seat…Icarus has got nothing on him. I feel very sorry for his poor family, as he has undoubtedly been lying to them for years, and very likely to himself, as well.

  20. The FBI could uncover old video of Brett participating in gang rape, yet it’s doubtful that would impress Senate snacilbupeR. The multitude of incidences in which Kavanaugh has blatantly lied to the Senate dating back to his 2003 hearing for the nomination to U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit should be automatic disqualifiers for both elevation to SCOTUS and impeachment from his current position on the U.S. Court of Appeals. If the Senate GOP were at all concerned with fact, there is overwhelming evidence of why this man should not be given a lifetime appointment to SCOTUS.

  21. Mr. Charles R Phillips @17 with 3 excellent points of analysis. Specifically point #2 which gives us all the more reason to resist any Dotard45 nominee from the Federalist Society list given to Donnie. While not all of them are sexual predators, each and every man and woman among them is a threat to the evolution of our democracy. They represent devolution at its worst.

  22. My little bride and I have begun receiving calls and texts on behalf of candidates in the upcoming November, 2018 election. My little bride has begun asking the callers supporting incumbent snacilbupeR “What specifically have you done for the people whom you represent?”

    It is high time to quit calling these nacilbupeR m-f’ers “leaders” and call them what they are, OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES, and further to expect them to REPRESENT all the people (voters) who live in their districts.

  23. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Master Race talking head, Tucker Carlson, our “moral superior” has spoken. On his show last night he said:

    “At this point Kavanaugh isn’t just a Supreme Court nominee. He is a folk hero to many people, an inspiration to millions. People who have spent the last two years being browbeaten and bullied by their moral inferiors were buoyed by what he said yesterday. These are people who have been told they’re worthless and bigoted. They have been unfairly maligned because they are in the way of other people gaining power. They’ve been commanded to shut up and obey. Kavanaugh stood up to those people yesterday. He raised a middle finger to the tormentors. And they love him for it.”

    Ummm…”moral inferiors”…..ummm…..primal screaming in 10, 9, 8

  24. Susan on the Left Coast take pity on the little four flusher affluenza brat Carlson. After all, it can’t be easy recovering from having his brain accidently processed at a Swanson factory in his formative years. Worse yet, imagine the humiliation he must suffer from being a married incel.

    Moving forward in the resistance to any and all nominees by Donnie with which he would infect SCOTUS, Democrats need to make the words Merrick Garland a war cry, especially when Lindsey spouts his Trumpista tribalism “both sides” bullshit. As for experts G_assley and ‘orrible ‘atch, they need to be continuously reminded of their own ‘sound’ judgement with repeated references to their former staffers Garrett Ventry and Rob Porter. Those old dotards have obviously conflated character with caricature.

    As for old ‘itch McConnell there’s his vow to make President Obama a one term President and obstruct him every day of his Presidency as well as his role in denying Merrick Garland even the pretense of a hearing.

  25. This just seemed somehow appropriate:

  26. Investigation? What investigation?
    FBI can only interview White House approved “witnesses”.
    They Can only address Dr. Ford’s and Ms. ramirez’s accusations nothing else.
    Third ( Avenatti client) or more accusations are to be ignored.
    Lying about drinking and other behavior is off limits.

    Run a potemkin investigation claim it cleared him and move on with whack jobs like collins claiming this gives them cover.

    I hate it when I am right.
