Archive for August, 2018

I’d Pay For a Ticket To See That

August 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It seems that Lindsey Graham is angry at how Trump has treated the death of John McCain.

Graham also told “CBS This Morning” co-host John Dickerson that while he’s open to working with the president and will do “everything” he can to help the commander-in-chief, Mr. Trump’s past comments about the military hero bother him “greatly.”

“It pisses me off to no end, and I let the president know it,” Graham said.

I would have bought a ticket to that.

I can imagine Graham getting all snitty.  It would involved lots of finger shaking, head tossing, tippy toe stomping, back of hand against forehead, and eye rolling sarcasm.

Trump would be all arm crossing, chin disappearing, muttering, not goods, and no telling what biological sounds.

Hey, admit it – you’d watch.


Thoughts on McCain

August 30, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, Dumpster Fire

Since his death last Saturday, I’ve stayed pretty quiet about John McCain and the legacy he left behind, but wanted to share a few of my own thoughts about that legacy.  With 60 years of public service, which included 5 1/2 years as a POW in Hanoi, McCain certainly earned every bit of respect he’s now receiving by millions around the world.  He was a creature of the Republican party, but also stood against that party many times, especially when it was dead wrong and pushing some idiotic or cruel policy that helped no one except its base of bigots and special interests.  That part of John McCain I’ll miss greatly.

Having said that, there is one huge stain on his legacy for which I’ll never forgive him.  When he he ran for the presidency in 2008,  McCain abandoned the straight talk express and, as Stephen Colbert aptly put it, “climbed onto the the crazy train”.  Remember that?  McCain, always known for common sense and a fierce adherence to the truth, starting ranting like a teabagger and social warrior trying to get the base behind him instead of Romney (who was doing the same thing), and ideologues Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul.  It was shameful.  But the worst thing he did after winning the nomination?  He gave a voice and a face to the Know-Nothing Idiotic Wing of the Republican party by naming Sarah Palin to the ticket.  That one action opened the floodgates to a tsunami of bullshit, lies, and coded racist rants that the fringes of the party lapped up like spilled Boone’s Farm on a dance hall floor.  My God, what a disaster.  Palin would spout word salad about “death panels” or “palling around with terrorists”, and all of a sudden the airwaves were full of it.  Literally.  She inflicted a new low of stupidity and falsehood never before seen in American politics.

McCain gave the alt-right exactly what we didn’t need, which was a megaphone that has metastasized into the slow motion train wreck that now assaults our senses on a daily basis.  The GOP bears no resemblance to the business and freedom friendly party of the last half of the 20th century, having morphed into a Russian-loving, fascist movement that actually believes that Trump is some God-fearing messiah rather than the spray painted, hair weaved, lying shitbag that is reality.  The GOP of Lincoln is dead and has become the Trumpist Party which gushes about the beauty and grace of the nude model from Slovenia who is now the First Lady, and actually believes that the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, Homeland Security, and all non-Trumpists are corrupt conspirators out to get him.  They believe his denials about Russian interference in our elections and his campaign’s involvement in it, and support the convicted criminals who ran his campaign while refusing to honor McCain, who ironically paved the way for this rot that is coming from the head.

In total, McCain’s 60 years of public service is not totally negated by his selection of Palin, but that decision surely did a tremendous amount of damage to our country that will take decades to reverse (if ever), and history will not look kindly upon it.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.


The Good Guys Win

August 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The order for the Alex Jones case was signed yesterday and released this morning.

Little Bubba is in Austin for another hearing, but we have the results of the first hearing for the case representing the Sandy Hook parents.



Click right here to see the whole damn thing.

That means Little Bubba won and the biggest hurdle for getting this to trial has been jumped.

God bless America.


Coolest Thing All Day

August 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some charing soul with lotsa time on their hands created the Trump Twitter Archive and it’s cooler than it even sounds.

You can search by day, by word, and by retweets.

You’re gonna want to bookmark this one so you can catch him barehanded lying.

Thanks to Jan for the heads up.

So Here’s Something to Ponder

August 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I read this today.

65% of “self-described conservatives” believe that social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are purposely censoring conservatives and conservative ideas from their sites, according to a new Media Research Center/McLaughlin & Associates poll that Axios obtained first.

Okay, so does being a conservative make you paranoid or does being paranoid make you conservative.

Look guys, not being popular or clever or funny or meaningful isn’t censorship – it’s the result of the free market.

If you’re not interesting, you don’t get a lot of likes, which means you don’t get shoved to the top.  You know, free markets, survival of the fittest – all those things you believe it.

That’s how this works.  You’re not going to be trending on Twitter if all you are Tweeting is “libtard” and fart jokes.

But, I’m just guessing about all this.


Yeah, Beto Rocks!

August 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is very fond of saying that Robert Francis O’Rourke only uses the name Beto so people will think he’s Hispanic. Irony is dead, y’all, because Rafael Edward Cruz uses Ted because he doesn’t want people to think he is Hispanic.

And now Cruz is making much of O’Rourke for having been a punk rock band in the 90’s, where he made two albums, toured the US and Canada, and probably smoked dope and got laid.  Beto even got arrested for DUI once but the case was later dismissed.

Unlike Cruz, who still gets teased to this day for walking the halls of his coed dorm at Princeton wearing nothing but a paisley silk housecoat, which the girls found to be “creepy.”



Yeah, Beto is very well rounded and well liked, and that’s gotta drive Cruz nuts.  But mostly, Beto is a man of courage who would never sacrifice his father and his wife on the alter of Trump.

And since we’re speaking of winning Texas elections, don’t forget that the Juanita Jean PAC is accepting donations to pay block walkers for Beto and the entire Democratic ticket., including the young man running to be my congressman, Sri Preston Kulkarni.

By the way, here’s a recent picture of Beto taking the stage and holding his own with The Poet of Texas, Willie Nelson.


Thanks to everybody for the heads up.