Yeah, Beto Rocks!

August 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is very fond of saying that Robert Francis O’Rourke only uses the name Beto so people will think he’s Hispanic. Irony is dead, y’all, because Rafael Edward Cruz uses Ted because he doesn’t want people to think he is Hispanic.

And now Cruz is making much of O’Rourke for having been a punk rock band in the 90’s, where he made two albums, toured the US and Canada, and probably smoked dope and got laid.  Beto even got arrested for DUI once but the case was later dismissed.

Unlike Cruz, who still gets teased to this day for walking the halls of his coed dorm at Princeton wearing nothing but a paisley silk housecoat, which the girls found to be “creepy.”



Yeah, Beto is very well rounded and well liked, and that’s gotta drive Cruz nuts.  But mostly, Beto is a man of courage who would never sacrifice his father and his wife on the alter of Trump.

And since we’re speaking of winning Texas elections, don’t forget that the Juanita Jean PAC is accepting donations to pay block walkers for Beto and the entire Democratic ticket., including the young man running to be my congressman, Sri Preston Kulkarni.

By the way, here’s a recent picture of Beto taking the stage and holding his own with The Poet of Texas, Willie Nelson.


Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Beto Rocks!”

  1. Will never forget Beto’s recently class act to a question that could have had a riot if he did not handle it well. Will definitely forget, and I do try hard, Cruzzer’s insanity in the Senate over the 2013 immigration reform proposal and his behavior on the campaign trail.

    Go Betoi!!!

  2. The Surly Professor says:

    Our steely-eyed proprietess spotted this just before I did. The Texas GOP is getting slammed on it heavily; this is one of the few tweet storms worth following.

    For me, it’s the comparison of Cruz with Grandpa Munster that has made my day; scroll down at

    And the original tweet is getting many replies with the photo of Cruz as a mime when he was younger, as well as the one from when he seemed to favor a niche porn video on his twitter feed.

    Personally I always think of Cruz as a greasy hissing possum. But I’ve never before had anything against possums, so I’m not sure why the association is there.

  3. Aargh! Pass the eye bleach. J.J. has dug out that old sleazy pic of Raphael again. Could have done without that visual, but contrast that with Beto in any pic, but especially with Willie, no contest. O’Rourke wins hands down.

  4. So good to see a D candinate with a spine. Good on Beto.
    Unlike schumer who just gave away another 15 judges to the r’s instead of trying to tie up the senate and judicial committees with hearing, procedural challenges and general delaying tactics.
    Probably because schumers money people prefer corporate judges on the bench to protect their ill gotten gains.
    Schumer isn’t leading much of a fight against kavanahue either.
    Go Beto. Show some spine and become the next majority leader after schumer has given up the ranch to protect his money men.

  5. Surly Prof. Here may be the answer to your possum antipathy:

    Blind to the good parts of the world around him
    Very Destructive
    will bite your fingers off if you get too close
    sneaks around at night
    not a great dresser
    plays dead, or stupid, when the circumstances get difficult

  6. I hope Teddy has campaign advisors who keep reminding him, just be yourself Ted, just be yourself.

  7. @Surly Prof
    That smirk on his face always makes me think of the class snitch-or Eddie Haskell.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, how about a trade arrangement? We’ll send a check for Beto, if you ‘retire’ that obscene mugshot of Teddie Crooze in his creepy crawler robe? If smoking jackets were ever cool, Teddie sank that silly notion.

  9. Laurel Beckett says:

    Time to recall, yet again, that classic takedown of Cruz by someone who worked with him on the election of Bush the lesser:

    Interviewer: “Why do people take such an instant dislike to Ted Cruz?”

    Person who has worked with him: “It just saves time.”

  10. If that’s an actual photo of Cruz, I’m embarrassed for him. He looks like a caricature of a Hugh Hefner wannabe.

  11. The link below should be a video of Beto and Willie Nelson playing on stage (of the last picture above).
    It’s probably awesome. Dang, I’m going to have to make another ActBlue donation now.
    (I can’t verify the video, don’t hardly ever do streaming, especially when I just got the dreaded ‘you have reached 75% of your data allotment’ message)

    Would be fantastic if Willie would campaign for or with Beto O’Rourke. Beto’s going to need all the help possible to overcome the stacked Texass Rethug deck, the dark and big biz money starting to flood in for DetesTed, and the usual apathy of Texas Dems (well, maybe not this time…).

  12. Beto spoke to day in Hamilton, pop 3000. Over 225 people showed up. That is amazing in this GOP town. Things are moving in Central Texas.

  13. O’Rourke rocks.
    Cruz sucks.
    That is all.

  14. On the other side of the coin, I just found out that the head guy at CineMark has given Rafael a million bucks. Don’t think I’ll be going to that movie house for a while now…

  15. JJ, if I’ve swallowed ant poison and need to vomit, I may want that photo of Ted Cruz. Otherwise, I have seen it WAY too many times already. I think three, but that’s WAY too many. Please not again…? And yes, I too will send Beto a contribution, from Maryland, if you promise not to show that Cruz photo ever again.

  16. My favorite tweet at that link was when a commenter (tweeter) pointed out that his mugshot looked like a GQ magazine cover and maybe they wanted to reconsider putting it out there.

  17. Charlie Pierce of Esquire blog said the RNC just made Beto really cool to the young people by advertising that he was in a band. So there’s that.

  18. A bit off subject but not entirely.

    One could date the ascendancy of the thuglican electoral dominance to “94 election when the shrub ( I say twit) stole election from Ann Richards ( along with Granholm in Mi true D Govs.)
    That election had two members of the criminal family ( dating to profiting on being hitlers agent) running in Texas and Florida.
    At the time two “base” elections between crooks (saving and Loan profiteers/AWOL pilots) and d’s.
    Now we have Beto v. Ted ( trade ethnic names) and Gillam v. Desantis in Florida.
    Again two “base” elections.
    Hope and progressive v. fear and criminality.
    True patriotism ( Beto’s answer on NFL kneeling and Gillam ads) v. cowardice, socially deviant and criminality as an ideology.
    Where will we in a country go?
    In Florida will algae play the same role that blizzards did for Jane Bynre in Chicago?
    In Texas will people finally decide to come out and vote now that there is a candidate speaking to, and for, them?
    One positive step is that Graham and other Florida D’s immediately and, from reporting, full throatily came out in support of Gillam.
    I am so tired of the apperachek d’s lecturing progressives on how they have to support thuglicrats such as munchkin in W.V. but how one cannot expect them to support progressives like Mc Govern or he last woman to run against christie or basically anyone to the left of addled ronnie raygun.
    Now we have, what appears on the surface, two D’s running on an unapologetic D agenda in two states where the non vote has been the deciding vote and the d’s have been running scared. ( or complicit- Texas D speaker endorsing the twit in 2000 remains unacceptable)
    Always appreciated stream of conscienceness ( but can’t spell it) as an literary excuse for babbling, a bad habit I got from my Uncle Brook.

  19. Linda Phipps says:

    Surly: i wasted some time looking for a photo of Cruz that doesn’t seem to exist anymore, it’s him in front of a stained glass window with, I guess, the light from heaven on him. I might have saved it somewhere in my computer which might be the reason I am getting frequent calls from “Steve” from India telling me my computer is broken.

  20. According to my son and others of a younger generation, the Rethugs have made Beto look totally cool! O.M.G. Was that their intention? And that younger generation has been known to vote!

  21. Ted Cruz is very fond of saying that Robert Francis O’Rourke only uses the name Beto so people will think he’s Hispanic. Irony is dead, y’all, because Rafael Edward Cruz uses Ted because he doesn’t want people to think he is Hispanic.

