So Here’s Something to Ponder

August 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I read this today.

65% of “self-described conservatives” believe that social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are purposely censoring conservatives and conservative ideas from their sites, according to a new Media Research Center/McLaughlin & Associates poll that Axios obtained first.

Okay, so does being a conservative make you paranoid or does being paranoid make you conservative.

Look guys, not being popular or clever or funny or meaningful isn’t censorship – it’s the result of the free market.

If you’re not interesting, you don’t get a lot of likes, which means you don’t get shoved to the top.  You know, free markets, survival of the fittest – all those things you believe it.

That’s how this works.  You’re not going to be trending on Twitter if all you are Tweeting is “libtard” and fart jokes.

But, I’m just guessing about all this.


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0 Comments to “So Here’s Something to Ponder”

  1. Recent study showed that the entry drug into conspiratorial delusions is the greatest of human fantasies religion. In specific creationism.
    It softens the brain and makes one accept that there are magical, fantastic conspiracies going on all about us while teacheing one to value “truthiness” over fact and reality.
    So it is no accident that evangelicals, of any flavor, are more willing to accept unseen delusions over shown facts.
    So it is that most conservatives are among those who promote fantasies, dreams, fear and bigotry based upon ( in the US ) nightmares of unknown individuals in the ancient middle east.
    So the fears, tribalism, delusions and ignorance of the ancient middle east continue to infect and poison the discussion of today and try to establish the social mores of a modern civilization based upon the ignorant meandering of ancient minds.
    Think if science were still mired in the muck of religious dictates. We would all be dying in our 30’s or younger. Horses would still be the means of convience and no mental health issues since that is obviously the product of possession by fantasical demons.
    So it is with the thuglicans who deny science, resent any progress, and promote prejudice and hate, the mothers milk of religion.

  2. I’ve been listening to this crap since my childhood in the ’50’s. Conservatives can have a news broadcast with 20 items that lean in the conservative direction or are neutral, see one thing that leans to the left, and then scream that it’s all liberal.

    Non-political delusional thinking is often seen as a mental health issue. It’s too bad that political delusions aren’t seen the same way.

  3. If righties actually had creative thoughts and ideas, they might generate a following and get more clicks. Recycling wacko paranoid scheit just doesnt go very far.

  4. well, i thought the only people who could like your post would be your friends. not the whole freaking world

  5. Face it, people– we lefties have way more good songs than you rightwingers do. We’re also a lot funnier, unless you count your unintended funniness like the misspelled protest signs and idiotically stupid policy proposals. We’re just more fun than you, and we get more followers and likes. Deal with it.

  6. Maybe automatic downvotes/flagging for removal due to racism, sexism, queerophobia, or threats of violence might be a part of the problem rather than “purposely censoring conservatives and conservative ideas from their sites”. Except on “conservative” websites where it seems to be a requirement (to attack a person based on gender, sexuality, or needing healthcare)…

  7. Conservative, evangelical, Republicans are living in the Twilight Zone. That one episode where Trump comes down from outer space in a flying saucer and acts all friendly to the common Earth man, then says if you vote for me, I’ll give you a ride on my saucer to visit Planet Great Again, so they all line up, they can’t wait, and on board Trump keeps telling them how this is the best interstellar trip ever, the smoothest ride, the food is fantastic, there’s a McDonalds on board. Then a light year away from earth they receive a message from a liberal back home, who finally managed a translation of a book (more of a pamphlet really) that Trump left behind, and the translator lets his conservative friend on the saucer know, the title of the pamphlet is How To Serve Man – – it’s a cookbook! Or a cook-pamphlet!

    After telling his fellow Republicans on Trump Saucer the story, they all dismiss the prospect of a cook-pamphlet as fake translating, based too much in the humanities, or maybe it’s a socialist welfare scheme, because they’ve already been told Planet Great Again is small government, certainly not orbiting a distant sun to serve men and woman – – they’ll have the freedom to serve themselves, in a land where everyone can do and take what rightfully belongs to them.

    They turn off all radio contact with Earth, after they were unable to find a better, more conservative translator for the pamphlet on either Google or Facebook.

  8. Hey! If they can’t get enough likes to elevate their social comments looked, then how do they get elected???

  9. Today’s kids are more science and technology than ever. What I want to know now is how many of the children of Repub fantasy or conspiracy oriented parents manage to leave home as soon as they can because the drivel is driving them nucking futz? And yes, my psych degree says that there is a basis for the various theses expounded here by Rick and all. Cannot see Saint Francis of Assisi in any of the conservative, evangelical etc. as Rick says.

  10. Much if what passes for fact in conservative circles is hate-mongering, pure and simple. During the Obama campaigns and presidency, I had to block certain acquaintances from my email account due to their forwarding of the most obvious right wing conspiracy propaganda. It’s about time this foul swill was eliminated from social media.

  11. Rick:
    Your comparison is right on the money.
    Your last sentence/paragraph is the most important concept IMHO.
    A lot of folks have committed to the Golgothan’s worldview because they’ve were caught up in the moment. And now they can’t admit, especially to themselves, that they’re wrong. That their newfound opinions are disgustingly repugnant. So fingers in ears. Lalalalala

  12. A friend from college has shifted from centrist or even progressive to very republican and catholic. A couple of years ago she complained that Christianity was being persecuted in US. I asked for some actual news articles or such to clarify why she believed this. Of the three she shared (from a Christian-based website) 1 could be supportive of position, 1 was clearly the issue was not the heaping big cross in the yard, but that the heaping big cross violated city code for nearness to easement or size of lawn ornaments, and the last was not clear as to what was issue or why person felt persecuted.

    Just as the people saying “articulated” is a dog whistle–they are looking for reasons to see issues. And mind you, I do think “monkey things up” is a clear racist comment. It is not common phrasing–at least in my experience. But, people seem to want to feel offended and vindicated in their positions. Politics, with social media’s echo chamber option, really seems to have escalated the voice about such offense.

    Sigh, I wish that the electronic soap box could be muted. But then again, I think the 1st Amendment (and all the amendments need an update). Free speech that incites hate and violent actions is an issue.

    I’ll get off my own soap box now.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Special snowflakes not feeling the love? Popularity isn’t all that regarding a google search; just ask Rick Santorum.

    Don’t like your search engine, install another. Don’t like your first page results, maybe start at page 15 and scroll either direction. Or, if feeling the need for more special protections for your delicate sensibilities bookmark your inner sanctum echo chambers. Do NOT spoil the internet options for those who are capable of reading with critical consciousness.

  14. easttxdem says:

    This lately whine from the Right — and their fear filled Leader — is vintage victimhood AND their constant frustration that the world beyond the ends of their noses doesn’t look, think or act they way they want it to. BFH!

  15. You can’t fix stupid, but you can rank it…

  16. I just got back from dropping my youngest back to college, with a side trip to a relative of my wife’s. A weekend of counterpoint and defending my stances later (as in logical, rational discourse), I had had a pleasant time. Being w/o a friend I can disagree with, but love and respect at the end of the day, sucks.

    I just don’t understand how scumbags like Gingrich and McTurtle got so much of the country on the crazy train. And that’s the problem. It isn’t progressive versus conservative anymore: It’s sane versus conspiracy/insanity & greed…

  17. I have lived a long life. Have never heard MONKEY IT UP!
    Have heard Throw a monkey wrench into the works.
    This comment was meant to be derogatory.
