Coolest Thing All Day

August 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some charing soul with lotsa time on their hands created the Trump Twitter Archive and it’s cooler than it even sounds.

You can search by day, by word, and by retweets.

You’re gonna want to bookmark this one so you can catch him barehanded lying.

Thanks to Jan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Coolest Thing All Day”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Meh. Humor like wine is an individual taste. For my laughs will await the Team Mueller “Who Did It Report(s).”

    For much different reasons, I do agree with Donnie that Jeff Sessions must be replaced. But we diverge on the reasons. If kidnapping babies wasn’t enough, Jeff’s total lack of interest in prosecuting Lyin’ Ryan does it for me.
    This is serious. Illegally providing one of Ryan’s super pacs the CIA folders of Democratic candidates with which to dox them is treasonous. Pitch fork level treasonous, to be clear.

  2. Jane & PKM, I agree Sessions needs to go, but I think we need Mueller to get his job done first. I’m concerned that if Sessions goes, his successor’s first job will be to fire Mueller, and that would be disastrous.

  3. Or, if you’d prefer them in handy book form, there’s this:
