Archive for June, 2018
To the Slammer
Paul Manafort just had his bail revoked and has been jailed by a federal judge for witness tampering. See ya.
Trump Unhinged
Trump was on Faux and Friends this morning spouting lies and nonsense. But that’s just everyday Trump. Afterwards he did a remarkable press gaggle on the North Lawn and it was an episode of Trump Unhinged. Some tidbits:
On Faux and Friends: Kim Jung Un – “Hey, he is the head of a country and I mean he is the strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”
In the gaggle: “You don’t understand sarcasm. I was kidding.”
On the inspector general’s report of the Comey and the Clinton email scandal, he said the report (which was not about him or his campaign) “completely exonerated” him and his campaign, even though it did nothing of the kind. The he repeated the “no collusion” mantra about 30 times while insulting the CNN reporter in front of him.
On separating children from their parents at the border, he repeated the already debunked falsehood that “the Democrats” passed the horrible law to separate kids at the border and that the press should ask “the Democrats” to change the law. When it was pointed out that the GOP had control of both houses and the White House he deflected. When asked why he didn’t sign an executive order to stop the separations, he lied and again and said an executive order can’t change it. Of course THERE IS NO LAW that forces separation of families at ports of entry. That’s a new policy STARTED BY TRUMP.
It went on and on. It was like watching a morphing of Bullworth and Wag the Dog. The lies, insults, and personal attacks just came in a continuous stream. Here’s what’s crazy – it’s pretty clear now that Comey’s actions, against FBI policy, at the very least shaved points off of Hillary’s numbers. And Donald Trump just called for the jailing of the very guy who helped put him in office.
We are clearly in an episode of the Twilight Zone in high repeat.
BREAKING: Franklin Graham Abducted by Aliens
In a wide ranging interview on the Christian Broadcasting Network today, Franklin Graham answered questions on North Korea and other subjects of interest to viewers. His answers were as you would expect until the very end, when he was asked about the US government’s new policy of ripping immigrant families apart at the border. Shockingly, he said the practice was shameful and disagreed with it completely. He also placed the blame for this problem directly where it belonged, which is with the politicians in Washington who have just kicked the can down the road for 30 plus years on our immigration crisis.
Clearly Graham has been abducted by aliens, replaced by an avatar that was somehow mis-programmed into being humanly compassionate. I’ve never actually ever heard Graham utter a word that wasn’t hateful and exclusionary. It’s weird to hear the opposite. Have a look:
Arizona is Advertising For More White Kids
Arizona Republican State Representative David Stringer addressed the Yavapai County Republican Men’s Forum this week and called immigration an “existential threat” to the United States.
Stringer lamented that “there aren’t enough white kids to go around” in Arizona public schools right now. “Sixty percent of public school children in the state of Arizona today are minorities. That complicates racial integration because there aren’t enough white kids to go around.”
And this is what happens when there aren’t enough white kids …
And when you look at that 60 percent number for public school students, just carry that forward 10 or 15 years. It’s going to change the demographic voting base of this state. And that’s what’s going on around the country. Immigration is politically destabilizing.
You know, just like letting women vote did.
And the next thing you know, a black man might get elected president.
Here ya go —
Thanks to Carl for the heads up.
Donald Trump Welcomes You to the Trump Hilton Hell
At an old Walmart in South Texas, 1,500 immigrant boys ages 10 to 17, forcibly separated from their parents, are welcomed to the Trump Gulag by this cheerful message …
I am serious. It says, “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.”
The boys are allowed 2 hours of fresh air everyday.
If this isn’t a training ground for new terrorists who hate America, I’d be shocked. I think these young men are likely to find a way, as Trump says, to win the war.
Not only are these gulags unsustainable, evil, dehumanizing, shameful, they are also a breeding ground for future hate.
Look, when the Southern Baptists and Catholics both agree on something, we might want to listen.
By the way, this is a private set-up so you gotta wonder who’s making money off it.