Donald Trump Welcomes You to the Trump Hilton Hell

June 14, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

At an old Walmart in South Texas, 1,500 immigrant boys ages 10 to 17, forcibly separated from their parents, are welcomed to the Trump Gulag by this cheerful message



I am serious.  It says, “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.”

The boys are allowed 2 hours of fresh air everyday.

If this isn’t a training ground for new terrorists who hate America, I’d be shocked.  I think these young men are likely to find a way, as Trump says, to win the war.

Not only are these gulags unsustainable, evil, dehumanizing, shameful, they are also a breeding ground for future hate.

Look, when the Southern Baptists and Catholics both agree on something, we might want to listen.

By the way, this is a private set-up so you gotta wonder who’s making money off it.


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0 Comments to “Donald Trump Welcomes You to the Trump Hilton Hell”

  1. Charles R Phillips says:

    Makes Arbeit macht frei read like a love poem, don’t it?

  2. “A private set-up.” I’ve been wondering when it was going to be mentioned that these concentration camps have to be costing a ridiculous amount of taxpayer money, as well as being fascistic.

  3. “you gotta wonder who’s making money off it”
    The CEO of this “non-profit” gets almost $1 million per year to run his section of the American gulag.
    Stoke up the fires in the lowest circle of hell for these people and JBS III and DJT will be first on the grill.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Dee Cee is full of unemployed lawyers, most of them located in Congress. Since it is Donnie and his maladministration who wish to detain families seeking asylum, it’s only fair that they should host/sponsor the families at Donnie’s Dee Cee hotel. It’s on federal land, we the people own it and it’s close to Congress. This could be win-win with lawyers available to everyone. Basically for free, since we already pay Congress and we own the property. It would only cost Donnie, Jeff, et al for meals and incidentals. Maybe Jared could see to this arrangement. Since he’s is pals with Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud he could learn how to do this royally. If this arrangement proves acceptable to families seeking asylum, there are other Drumpf and Kushner properties that could be made available for housing along with Camp David and a spare bedroom or two at the White House.

    Donnie, you don’t want to send families to abandoned Walmarts. That’s so Jade Helm/Obama.

  5. maryelle says:

    Ha! Jane & PKM you got right to the heart of it.
    I thought the nutjobs were convinced that Prez Obama had confiscated all the Walmarts in order to jail the gun owners in the basement and take away all their guns. In fact, the Gov of Texas was going to call up the National Guard. How soon they forget.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    If Trump’s involved, you can be assured that Trump is making money off it.

  7. Undoubtedly, le hotelier magnifique is behind all of these private detention centers. Take a look at his hotel in D.C. Cheap flooring, furnishings, bed linen etc. The lobby looks like a nightmare. And these child prisons (thats what they really are) follow suit.

  8. And our sorry excuse for a governor here next door in New Mexico was quoted as saying separating kids from parents is a good thing. This is New Mexico where us old white guys are the minority.

  9. “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.”

    I suppose the person who wrote the words on the Statue of Liberty is long dead, in more ways than one:

    “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  10. Aggieland Liz says:

    Think Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen can find out who is raking in the cash? My spouse suggests Wackenhut, or whatever their nom du jour is today, sigh.

  11. Aggieland Liz,
    The major player is Southwest Key, a now very big ‘non-profit’. They have an interesting website (I may even slightly know one of the mgrs listed).

    Here’s a link to the local Brownsville Herald newspaper story when it was starting up:

    Guess what Salon denizens, it’s now HURRICANE SEASON down here.
    The Brownsville area, the Rio Grande Valley, is always prime hurricane BAIT.
    Ex-WalMart big box store buildings are structurally pretty dogdamned flimsy things.
    There is, right now, even a little something brewing in the Bay of Campeche, about 700 miles SE of the Valley (it crossed the Yucatan). It is progged with little potential over the next week, but who knows.

    Imagine a Cat 2+ hurricane coming in near Brownsville.
    What will ICE do with those 1500 kids, and the thousands of other immigration detainees held in the many other detention centers nearby, like Bayview, Raymondville, etc?

  12. There is article in the Daily Beast by Spencer Ackerman and Betsey Woodruff. Defense Contractors Cashing in on Immigrant Kids Detention. One is Virginia based MVM Inc. They have a history of scandal. This is all about the money and no I wouldn’t want them taking care of children.

  13. Jill Ann says:

    Gov. Abbott actually DID call in the Texas Guard to “supervise” the U.S. Army troops during the Jade Helm military exercises. The bubbas up in little Bastrop, TX were convinced it was a plot by Obama to imprison conservatives in the abandoned Wal-Marts. No, really, they actually believed that. I was flabbergasted by the whole event. For one thing, Bastrop is basically a suburb of Austin, and Austin is well known as a pretty liberal (for Texas) place. There’s a well known saying, “Keep Austin Weird”. Well, the level of weirdness in Bastrop way exceeds anything going on in Austin!

  14. I think what bothers me more than anything is that there are guards, care givers, etc in charge of these jailed kids. How can they carry out the callous, criminal, and inhumane orders given by our gov. without any hesitation?

    Why is there no rebellion by those who are directly responsible for these innocent children? What the hell has happened to humanity and common decency?

  15. There is a a huge read in today’s Washington Post about one of these centers in Texas near El Paso (I think). It has a cafeteria, sanity facilities, classroom, gym etc. and is already overbooked and expecting more. there are apparently two more such facilities owned by the same company but located elsewhere and they mirror the one in El Paso. Granted the kids there are having it way better than where they came from but at the expense (by any definition) of the loss of their own families???? God help us all!

  16. maryelle says:

    I received an email from the Southern Poverty Law Center, asking me to call the Justice Department to protest the human rights violations going on at our southern border. There is no American law forcing this administration to kidnap children.
    This is the number: 1-202-353-1555. I plan to call every day from here on in.
    Please call and let them know we want it stopped.
    The United nations has condemned this policy, so the world is watching.
