To the Slammer

June 15, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Paul Manafort just had his bail revoked and has been jailed by a federal judge for witness tampering.  See ya.

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0 Comments to “To the Slammer”

  1. Paul Manafort’s anagram (one of them) is A Fart on a Plum. Make of that what you will. May he never again see daylight.

  2. Another anagram is ‘Trap a foul man’.

  3. Or to put it another way: ‘A foul man trap’!

  4. Best news, well almost best news ever when it comes to trump!

  5. Charles R Phillips says:

    After Manafort’s done crying like a baby, he’ll sing like Pavarotti, in a high tenor and what ever is on the sheet music.

  6. maryelle says:

    Please, those of us who treasure the voice that was Pavarotti do not want to think it might be connected to this thug.
    Sing like a canary, my apologies to canaries everywhere, might be a better fit.

  7. He has my thoughts and prayers that he may have a full dance card while he’s locked up.

  8. Old Fart says:

    The first of many potential pardoned…

  9. maryelle says:

    Sorry to sound like a broken record, but we need to call the Justice Department and demand the end of this policy allowing kidnapping children from their immigrant parents.

  10. Charles R Phillips says:

    Sorry, maryelle, he was my favorite as well. Maybe “sing like a castroto?”

    Also, it may be faster to crowdfund litigation, because I have a suspicion the practice is unconstitutional. Certainly the UN doesn’t like it.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Alan Dershowitz offered the craziest spin yet on why special snowflake Manafort should have been continued on bond. Essentially he’s innocent until proven guilty, ergo sum crazy he shouldn’t be jailed without trial. Let’s say we allow Alan to win that argument and we release every minority person serving time because they cannot afford bail. Personally, I like what the judge said: “this isn’t junior high and I’m not taking away your phone.”

    For hubris, hypocrisy and chutzpah, Donnie, Manafort and Pruitt are an absolute trifecta.

  12. AliceBeth says:

    Jane &PKM, they would have to release all those in the detention center and all those little children. Alan in favor of that????

  13. maryelle says:

    The Southern Poverty Law Center is sending out emails to get people to call the DOJ. They, like the ACLU, have a history of suing the government over civil rights violations.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    AliceBeth, that would be the logical conclusion to Alan’s reasoning. He purports to be a civil libertarian, but the manner in which he was grousing didn’t seem to include repairing our de facto two tier justice system. He was implying the ACLU should spend its time fighting for rich white privilege guys who can afford their own attorneys and didn’t seem to show much interest in the those lacking the resources to defend themselves. Similar to Rand Paul, many Libertarians don’t think in complete thoughts.

    maryelle, ramping up the heat on DOJ is good. Contacting Nikki Haley might be of some use, too. Sessions is breaking both US and international laws, so going at him from the UN could be a useful strategy.

    Contact Ambassador Haley:

  15. Bwahahahahahahaha! May he find many “buddies.”

  16. Best rejoinder to Manafort apologists, “This is not middle school, I can’t take your phone.”

    The law is clear, the proof bordered on the self evident, the judge had to send him to jail. The fact that it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy is icing on the cake!

  17. Go directly to jail.
    Do not pass go.
    Do not collect any money at all.
    Consider flipping.

  18. twocrows says:

    Until now, I had assumed that he would [unless pardoned outright] receive his time at Club Fed. Extremely low security. A screen door on his fairly comfortable “cell” [cottage, really]. Gardens on the grounds. Free run of those grounds so long as he doesn’t leave the premises. The same **ahem** “prison” Nixon’s cronies attended.

    However, given Manafort’s penchant for continuing to break the law after indictment, who knows where he’ll end up? He just proved that low-security is not his thing. He didn’t just shorten his time prior to incarceration — he may well have made that time MUCH harder.

    So, Charles R. Phillips, the voice he sings in may not be tenor after all. Possibly alto.

  19. twocrows says:

    @ Jane & PKM —
    I’d like to add a fourth to your list: Jeff Sessions. For the crime of lying to Congress, he received the office of premier law enforcement officer of the nation. And then went on to break international law. He extended the suspension of Godwin’s law to include himself. Himmler, anyone?

  20. Any video of the perp walk?

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    twocrows, you’re correct about Jeff Sessions. He’s a weasel. He was a “known quantity” weasel so I hold those members of the Senate who voted his confirmation culpable, too. We blasted Dean Heller over Sessions and Betsy DeVos. The ‘response’ his staffer gave us only increased our ire. Basically said “Donnie can nominate anyone he wants.” Correct. But it’s the job of the Senate to provide checks & balances on the mayhem. We are so hoping Jacky Rosen replaces his worthless rubber stamping morally bankrupt butt in November. Sad part is that Dean wasn’t that bad as a member of the NV legislature. Makes a person think Putie is holding covfefe not only on Donnie, but most snacilbupeR in Congress.

    Now Congress is bowing to Donnie holding children as hostages for that ‘wall’ he promised that Mexico would finance. What can we say that’s Mama safe about the fools that buy into Donnie’s insanity? Meanwhile, I’m all for peace with North Korea. But I wouldn’t have sold out South Korea for some beach front property and a condo/tower deal.

  22. Not only does Trump not read (10 to 1 he can’t) he is also totally lousy at math. It wasn’t weeks that Manafort spent as campaign manager. It was months! Also, he has totally lost all aspects of showmanship that he originally tried to create. He’s losing it all so fast and furiously that it is amazing! And he is looking forward to pardoning Manafort. Well, that will take a good long while. The trial will be sometime down the road, possibly even when the Golden Gibbon is no longer in office. And even he does manage to pardon Manafort while in office, Manafort simply goes back to jail in New York! And Trump’s pardon is worthless under those circumstances.

  23. dbtexas says:

    Had a lunch meeting with a couple of friends today where I suggested we begin with a moment of reverential silence on Manafort’s behalf. Of course, the snorting seemed to disrupt the solemnity of the occasion. And Maryelle, Pavarotti was a world treasure. Wouldn’t want Manafort singing like him at all. Roseanne, on the other hand….

  24. If pardons will be bestowed on a sliding scale, should this one be a:

    Trump Platinum Pardon
    Trump Gold Pardon
    Trump Silver Pardon

    Or perhaps the elite and coveted White Pardon? (sorry, Black Pardon not an available option)

  25. maryelle says:

    Thanks, Jane & PKM, for the suggestion to contact Nikki Haley and for providing her email address. Hope she reads it and does something to stop the kidnapping of immigrant children.
    It would be wonderful if Ambassador Haley heard from all the clients at this establishment.
    https:/ /

  26. I can’t add anything humorous to what has been said so I won’t try.

    On a more serious note, Manafort strikes me as the kind of fellow that considers roughing it to mean staying at a 4-star resort rather than a 5-star one. I’m thinking the New York lockups will see a rating of 1- or 2-roaches rather than stars. Rat tartare is not a delicacy best served at any temperature. He likely will discover a whole new definition of shower and learn both the ups and the downs of top bunk v bottom bunk and junk on the bunk reviews.

    I predict that the next few days will be difficult for Manafort/

  27. It was said by somebody in the know that at the particular lockup Paulie was headed to, one would spend all night killing roaches. I think they meant the insect version. Wonder how long he goes before he sings?

  28. Linda Phipps says:

    Jane and PKM, I think taking the issue of holding children hostage to Nikki Haley is a non starter. Like the members of congress who howl about the injustice of it, (Ryan comes to mind), it’s all gas. They will fall back on the party line, as usual.

  29. maryelle says:

    I was thinking more like coloratura soprano, two crows.
    There is an aria in The Magic Flute called, “The Queen of the Night”, which could fit exactly the sounds coming out of Manafort’s Mouth.

    Apologies to coloratura sopranos everywhere.
    My sincere apology to Mozart as well.

  30. maryelle says:

    Here are some birds and a pup trying to do the aria justice.

  31. Maryelle, that video was a total HOOT!!! Thanks for the link! I needed that lift.
