Archive for June, 2016

I Have No Words

June 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I know the NRA tells me that it’s too soon for me to talk about guns, because, you know, I’m reacting from emotion.  I am surely talking about gun today but it’s not about what happened today, it’s about what happened at the last mass shooting, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before ….

There is no reason for anyone to own an assault weapon.


Well, That Might Work

June 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night, Donald Trump announced that he’s gonna jazz up the Republican National Convention this year.

He’s gonna have “a “winner’s evening” of sports celebrities and champions addressing the convention rather than politicians.”  Because that’s how you win thee women’s vote, I suspect.

After regaling the crowd with the long story of how he successfully courted the endorsement of Bobby Knight, the former Indiana University basketball coach, Mr. Trump rattled off a list of other names of sports figures who he said have supported him. According to the candidate, he also has the support of the star quarterbacks Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger; Brian France, the chief executive of Nascar; and Dana White, the president of Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Hey, I hear that Clint Eastwood and an empty chair are available, too.

I cannot tell you the number of times I have thought to myself, “That’s what we need, a winner in the White House. We need to quit electing losers. How do we expect to run this county if we keep electing people who have never won anything?”  But then I sobered-up.  Obviously, Trump hasn’t.

Think how often you leave the really important decisions in your life to recommendations of sport’s stars. Investments, health care, whether or not to bomb somebody – you know, things sport’s stars know about.

I notice that all the guys he mentions have a few things in common.  You know, like old, like white, like men.

That’s cool.


Sarah Palin’s Competition

June 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sharron Angle, the perpetual Harry Reid Republican opponent, has an opponent in the GOP primary this time.  His name is Joe Heck.

UnknownThings like names are hard on Sharron’s thinking mechanism.  In her printed newsletter and on her website, she told Republicans that her opponent’s website is

There’s a small problem with that.  That website is porn.  Joe Heck’s actual website is

Angle’s campaign tried to shake off some responsibility for the mistake in a statement to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, saying it “has absolutely nothing to do with this domain, and sincerely apologizes for this printing error, as the Heck campaign has changed their web address a number of times.”

But Brian Baluta, Heck’s campaign manager, said Heck has only ever used and for his campaigns.

There’s this thing that happens only to Republicans and it’s the damnest thing I’ve ever seen.  If they make a mistake, they are the victim.  She’s actually, “He tricked me into making a mistake because he changed his website name one time. I’m the victim of his evil plotting against all that is holy and good.”

By the way, I hate these people. They make me cringe.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

Well, I Guess That Would Be One Way To Fix Politics …

June 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

… but probably not the best way.

He’s running for Governor, y’all. Governor of Missouri. I’ve been to Missouri. I like Missouri. I have wonderful friends in Missouri. For the life of me I cannot figure out how blowing up crap is gonna help Missouri.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

Help Me Figure All This Out

June 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, best I can figure, here’s the chain of events in Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick’s mind.

  1. Patrick says the President is some kind of disgusting pervert over mind-you-own-business bathrooms.
  2. Patrick immediately asks for federal funding for Texas to fight the Zika, because for all its talk about seceding, Texas apparently doesn’t have any money.
  3. Patrick then decides that Obama probably won’t give Texas the Zika money because Obama would rather watch women and babies die than give up on mind-you-own-business bathrooms.
  4. So, because Obama is clearly not giving Texas the money it needs and wants women to die, Obama needs to be impeached.

Patrick has it all figured out, except for the part that Obama doesn’t have any money. The congress has to approve the funding. But, that’s “Washington’s fault,” meaning Obama.

President Obama asked Congress to come up with nearly $2 billion to battle the virus but efforts to finalize a funding bill for Zika prevention has reached a three-month standstill. Proposals from both the Senate and the House are far short of the Obama administration’s initial request for $1.9 billion to fight Zika

“The Senate comes up with a plan there, the House comes up with a plan—they are arguing over the money,” Patrick said.

Uh, somebody remind me which political party controls the house and the senate?  Libertarian?  Whig?  Oh yeah, Obama!

I swear on all that is holy, if his IQ drops 2 more points, we’ll have to water him twice a week.


We Just Wanted To Share Jared With Y’all

June 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to meet Jared Woodfill.  I know I’ve told you about this guy more times than you can count, like here, here, and here.

He’s a stinker.

Jared-Woodfill-e1437604703816I have often described him as a fastidious little man and I have had difficulty coming up with a better description. However, “a fastidious little man who is enormously concerned about what’s in your pants” might work, too.

Jared has mainly stayed in Houston screeching about whose sex life is his business, and that apparently covers everyone. This guy is so crazy that he lost last month when he ran for Texas Republican Party Chairman because he’s “too out there.” Now think how far that’s gotta be.  You’d have to join the Starfleet Federation.

Well, he’s gone statewide — over ….. bathrooms.

The term transgender is a euphemism, a weaker alternative, for the term pervert, in order to make the behavior seem more acceptable. Men who dress up like women and want to use women’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms are sexual deviants and perverts.

They are running $2 million worth of ads targeting Target for having a mind-you-own-business bathroom policy.

Here’s my deal. They keep saying that little girls will be targeted by sex perverts. Why don’t they care about little boys? Are they savage little boys for themselves or something?

Thanks to Lorraine for the heads up.