by Primo Encarnación y Hachecristo
Senior Catholic Correspondent
My feelings about religion are quite clear, but in case they aren’t, here they are again: Faith is about belief in something larger than yourself, often without evidence. It gives you perspective; it leads you to want to be better, and to do good. Religion, on the other hand, is about power. It’s faith systematized into artificial constructs called dogma, which are then packaged, marketed and sold. Where else, other than in a dominatrix’s dungeon, do you pay for the privilege of being told what to do? Ten percent, baby. Says so in the Bible!
All that having been said, billions of people in the world live inside that framework, and may their gods bless them. I have no problem with religious people, per se. It’s just when they try and make us all live in their own private Idaho that I push back, especially when they are hypocrites. In the Gospels, Jesus embraced prostitutes, tax collectors, and even the Thief with the heart of gold on the cross next to him. He reserved His Holy Ire for only two types of people: money changers and hypocrites.
Or, in other words, today’s GOP.
For the next several days, the United States is hosting Pope Francis I, the only Pope in recent memory who fully embraces sinners as did the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount. GOP lawmakers are worried about the lecture that they’re going to get. Suddenly, they find, he’s not as right about things as past Popes were. One, from Arizona (you can’t spell CRAZY with AZ) is even skipping out of the Pope’s address to avoid having the head of his own religion tell him he’s doing it wrong.
Perhaps he would rather that Republican Catholics submit the list of topics they find suitable for the Pope to discuss during his stay in the US, especially as regards his address to a joint session of Congress. There would be a few no-nos:
- Abortion
- Climate Change
- Poverty
- Death Penalty
- Abortion
- Guns
- Gay Marriage
- Divorce
- Immigration
- Capitalism
- Abortion
- Economic justice
- Drought
- Stewardship
- Gay Marriage
- Cuba
- Abortion
- Universal healthcare
- Abortion
- Feeding the hungry
- Gay marriage
- Refugees
Say what you will about the Pope, Catholicism or religion in general, but this guy is taking the takers to God’s Woodshed. And I’m loving it.