Archive for September, 2015

Thanks, DaChipster!

September 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

On a personal note, I want to thank DaChipster for keeping the salon open yesterday while the Astros were playing a day game and breaking my heart … again, while I was helping celebrate Big Bubba’s Birthday.

DaChipster is the Official Hall Monitor of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.  He’s also a helluva writer.

Thanks, Chip!

Fun With Guns: I’ve Been That Drunk Edition

September 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A guy in Oklahoma, still unnamed to protect the stoopid, went out to celebrate his birthday  with his brother.

Drunkenness at Sharky’s Pool Hall, a requirement for an Oklahoma birthday, ensued.

So, they called a friend to come take them home. And that’s where the real story starts.

They said they heard popping noises while driving. After arriving home, they noticed there were bullet holes in the car and the birthday boy was bleeding, police said.

“It was soon discovered that the victim had a bullet hole entrance in his left rear shoulder and an exit wound in his left front shoulder,” according to the Tulsa police report.

The victim’s mother drove him to a hospital where doctors found a second bullet lodged inside his buttock.

I’ve been plenty drunk before in my life and maybe a shot to the shoulder would pass my brain right on by.  But, Honey, if I get shot in the butt and can’t find it myself, then somebody just dump me in the damn river because I need baptized.

Thanks to MB for the heads up.

Well, Ain’t That Ironic?

September 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mike Huckabee makes a living selling snake oil on teevee.  The only reason he’s running for President is to give him self the necessary gravitas to sell snake oil.  And, Honey, it takes lots of gravitas to steal people’s money for a fake cure.

So, now he’s getting attention a different way.

He’s insisting that President Obama is the real charlatan in this relationship.

Mike Huckabee suggested President Barack Obama “pretends to be” a Christian in knocking the President’s handling of Pope Francis’ first visit to the U.S.

Yeah, the Baptist minister says the Catholic Pope ain’t being treated right.

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I think he’s going to have a harder time selling this than his hocus-pocus diabetes cure.

He’s going to hell.


GOP declares the Pope Semi-Fallible

September 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by Primo Encarnación y Hachecristo

Senior Catholic Correspondent

My feelings about religion are quite clear, but in case they aren’t, here they are again: Faith is about belief in something larger than yourself, often without evidence. It gives you perspective; it leads you to want to be better, and to do good. Religion, on the other hand, is about power. It’s faith systematized into artificial constructs called dogma, which are then packaged, marketed and sold. Where else, other than in a dominatrix’s dungeon, do you pay for the privilege of being told what to do? Ten percent, baby. Says so in the Bible!

All that having been said, billions of people in the world live inside that framework, and may their gods bless them. I have no problem with religious people, per se. It’s just when they try and make us all live in their own private Idaho that I push back, especially when they are hypocrites. In the Gospels, Jesus embraced prostitutes, tax collectors, and even the Thief with the heart of gold on the cross next to him. He reserved His Holy Ire for only two types of people: money changers and hypocrites.

Or, in other words, today’s GOP.

For the next several days, the United States is hosting Pope Francis I, the only Pope in recent memory who fully embraces sinners as did the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount. GOP lawmakers are worried about the lecture that they’re going to get. Suddenly, they find, he’s not as right about things as past Popes were. One, from Arizona (you can’t spell CRAZY with AZ) is even skipping out of the Pope’s address to avoid having the head of his own religion tell him he’s doing it wrong.

Perhaps he would rather that Republican Catholics submit the list of topics they find suitable for the Pope to discuss during his stay in the US, especially as regards his address to a joint session of Congress. There would be a few no-nos:

  • Abortion
  • Climate Change
  • Poverty
  • Death Penalty
  • Abortion
  • Guns
  • Gay Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Immigration
  • Capitalism
  • Abortion
  • Economic justice
  • Drought
  • Stewardship
  • Gay Marriage
  • Cuba
  • Abortion
  • Universal healthcare
  • Abortion
  • Feeding the hungry
  • Gay marriage
  • Refugees

Say what you will about the Pope, Catholicism or religion in general, but this guy is taking the takers to God’s Woodshed. And I’m loving it.

Fun With Guns: Man Shoots Dog. Dog Shoots Back. Edition

September 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, we’re in Gunhappy, Florida today, where 37 year old Jerry Allen Bradford decided to shoot a litter of 3 month old puppies because he couldn’t give them away.

On Monday, Bradford was holding two puppies — one in his arms and another in his left hand — when the dog in his hand wiggled and put its paw on the trigger of the .38-caliber revolver. The gun then discharged, the sheriff’s report said.

The dog shot him in the wrist. He’s in the hospital. The dogs were taken to county animal control where they will be put up for adoption.  I want the one who is serious about being a watchdog.

The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good dog with a gun.

Thanks to Glen for the heads up.

Ted! Obama is Not Running.

September 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have figured out why Ted Cruz is so low in the polls.  I mean, other than the fact that he’s a sanctimonious jerk who ain’t as smart as he thinks he is and he grates on people’s nerves when he speak.

I think the real problem is that he thinks it’s 2012 and Obama is running for President.

It has gotten this ridiculous: Asked about Ben Carson’s view that Muslims can’t be President, Cruz blamed it on Obama.

Yeah, I’m serious.

TedCruz_nitwit_2“I like Ben Carson. I think Ben is fantastic. I think a lot of people are just using this as an opportunity to smack him with a stick. My view is straightforward,” Cruz said. “The Constitution says there shall be no religious test for holding public office, and I’m a constitutionalist, but I think this whole noise is obscuring the broader question.”

“The broader question, and what I think Ben was trying to get at, is what are the consequences been in the last six and a half years of the Obama presidency?” Cruz stated.


Good Lord, I’ve seen a dog with a clothes pen on its tail not spin that much.

President Obama did not force Ben Carson to spread the Constitution.  I’m pretty sure of that.

I personally think that Cruz is in for the long haul.  All he wants to do in life is give speeches and if he leaves the campaign trail, he’s reduced to speaking to an empty senate chamber.