Well, Ain’t That Ironic?

September 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mike Huckabee makes a living selling snake oil on teevee.  The only reason he’s running for President is to give him self the necessary gravitas to sell snake oil.  And, Honey, it takes lots of gravitas to steal people’s money for a fake cure.

So, now he’s getting attention a different way.

He’s insisting that President Obama is the real charlatan in this relationship.

Mike Huckabee suggested President Barack Obama “pretends to be” a Christian in knocking the President’s handling of Pope Francis’ first visit to the U.S.

Yeah, the Baptist minister says the Catholic Pope ain’t being treated right.

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I think he’s going to have a harder time selling this than his hocus-pocus diabetes cure.

He’s going to hell.


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0 Comments to “Well, Ain’t That Ironic?”

  1. Huckabee states “…you invite the pope into your home and then you invite a whole bunch of people who are at odds with the Catholic Church policy. I think there’s something very unseemly about that”.

    Isn’t that what a church or those that come to your front door at the most inconvenient time, try to get you to do? They invite you to their church, having little idea what your beliefs are, and try to convince you that they can save you.
    Yes, it does appear to be unseemly.

  2. Grifters gotta grift.

  3. If there’s one thing Huckleberry ought to be an expert at, it’s being a fake Christian.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    “He’s going to hell.”

    Dear God, I sure hope so and may it be sooner then later!

  5. Huckleberry is STILL basing his campaign strategy on a run against a Dem, lame duck POTUS. Of course he will not be the GOP/T nominee but still… There just can’t be any upside to running against a guy who has done beaten your side twice and can’t go again for Constitutional reasons.

    Here’s a pleasant thought though, there will NEVER be a Huckabee Presidential Library in Arkansas. Or anywhere else in the world.

  6. Larry Cross says:

    Actually, if he has any remnant of true humanity left, let alone a shred of true Christianity, he’s already living in hell, because no one can THAT obtuse. So following my own logic … I change my mind … yep, he’s going to hell.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    There’s something about those evangelical ‘true believers’ that just isn’t true. How many times can those sinners be saved, before they drown in their hypocrisy waters?

    pRick Perry comes to mind. His last baptism was an odd one. What gives with skimming the scum off the river before throwing in the scum? Seems like a waste of time like digging a hole, filling in the hole only to dig it again the next day, rinse and repeat forever stuck in a cycle. Thinking Bill Murray and Groundhog Day. That’s it – now we have a new flavor of Xtians, Groundhog Christians.

  8. One of the few things Huckabee knows about is how to be a fake Christian.

    I’ve seen several photos of the Pope with President Obama and they’re both smiling or laughing. Didn’t see any disrespecting going on.

    Somebody should tell Huckabee that one past president– Taft, I think– turned down an appointment as president of a college because it was religion-based and he said he didn’t believe Jesus was the son of God. And a few others didn’t spend much time in church, Ronnie included.

    I’d be happy to disrespect Huckabee’s version of religion. I give it my finger, my raspberry, and my moon.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, ROFL, dude. Stringing Huckabeedamned and library in the same sentence … awesome!

  10. Huckleberry is feeling irrelevant, what with the Pope’s message of mercy and inclusion. He doesn’t get it and he never will. He needs to be the religion police, all by hisownself.

  11. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    What that pope of ours said to our Congress was astounding and anyone making up sh*t about the President politicizing did not have his eyes on the prize.

    Disclaimer, I am not Catholic, or even Christian. I’m currently between religions, but THIS pope is ours, all of ours. I love him.
    I had a huge pile of tissues next to me when he stopped his address. I love him.

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    Huckabee is the one showing disrespect.

  13. Lock, huckie. Paco was a nightclub bouncer before he got the call. He is more than able to let somebody know if they are disrespecting him. For you to think otherwise, is disrespectful.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    “Here’s a pleasant thought though, there will NEVER be a Huckabee Presidential Library in Arkansas. Or anywhere else in the world.” Good thinking Micr, except that I wonder what the people of Arkansas would do with a library in the first place. Busybee thinks it’s nasty to invite the Pope AND dissenters into the living room, imagine what a lot of feel about his inviting Kim Davis and Josh Duggar to pull right up to our dinner table.

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    As soon as the Pope leaves, Baptist will go back to their usual business of hating Catholics.

  16. Fred Farklestone says:

    The Huckster is a stench in God’s nose and God doesn’t like it!

  17. Hey, Mike, Jesus spent his ministry on earth mingling with nonbelievers, which seems more than you’re willing to do.

  18. Huckabee spent WAY too much time as a child pressing his blob of Silly Putty on the Sunday comics, then watching as he stretched the image wider and taller until it was so distorted he was the only one who could recognize what was in the original image. “That’s not Snoopy, Mom… that’s Nancy. Look, LOOK!”

  19. @PKM
    Thanks bud!

    @Linda Phipps
    You have encapsulated my spiritual struggle. At that heavenly restaurant table where I’m seated with Adolph Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer and my mother-in-law, I’m still choking on the entree.

  20. The Arkansas Antichrist is sounding more desperate these days. Is that what the rubes call gravitas?

  21. Found it interesting this morning in Abilene-town that the ABC and NBC affiliates both ran the Pope’s address to Congress, and the CBS affiliate stuck with their regularly scheduled Pat Robertson 700 Club propaganda hour. Of course that station also only runs the first half hour of Face The Nation on Sunday Morning, then cuts away to that Muslim-hating happy Christian BS program with Jack and Rexella VanEmpe. I regularly call in and email the station to complain vociferously; does no good. Even voiced a complaint to one of their VP’s at a Wendy Davis event. I asked him if he had actually watched the VanEmpe program – he had not. Welcome to Ruby Red Abilene.

  22. I guess his ticket to meet the Pope never arrived.

  23. I agree that Huckabee is going to Hell, but first he will do his best to bring Hell to us. Only he will call it “Christian Values.”

  24. I looked and looked. Maybe I missed something, but did Huckabee not know that the Vatican is its own country and the Pope is the Head Honcho there? Seems to me that the President and the Pope have every right to discuss international politics, among other things.

  25. There are no Momma approved words I can use here to describe what I think about Rev. Mikey. May he be consigned to the lowest rungs and hottest fires of hell for all the damage he has done.

  26. l'angelomisterioso says:

    All the good Rev.Hucksterbee ever sccomplishes by opening his mouth is to reaffirm that the very ever training ground for grifters and con artists of any stripe is likely a seminary school and most likely a Southern Baptist seminary.

  27. JAKvirginia says:

    Satan here. Would you all please stop sending Huckabee to Hell. I have enough souls down here trying to get my job. I don’t need one more. Thank you.

  28. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    First, JAKvirginia, take your award for winning the net today.

    But the really ironic thing today was that it wasn’t President Obama who ‘politicized’ Pope Francis’ visit. It was His Holiness Hisownself who did, by delivering two speeches that could have — except for the sexual/gender stuff — been the invocation and keynote for the 2016 Democratic Convention.

    Well, almost. I think even Bern might be reluctant to have someone supporting someone as radical as Dorothy Day. I am, in fact, stunned to see she has been started on the road to canonization — and how they slipped her past the crew of Paul, John Paul, and Bennie is as much a mystery as the trinity.

    As for the gender stuff, as I’ve said, give him time. He’s moving slowly on this — but has already gone about five times further than I would have believed possible. But he can’t fight a war on all fronts at once — that was the beloved John XXIII’s mistake. Just hope his ‘life force’ will be as strong as his determination and as big as his wisdom, and that he makes sure his successor doesn’t turn his progress around.

  29. @PattiCakes: about 30 years ago, when the company my husband worked for was sold, he got an excellent job offer at another company. In Abilene. We had only been married a year or so; I asked him if he wanted to continue being married. And that is how we ended up living in Houston.

    No offense, Abilinians (Abileeners?)

    Btw I do sometimes watch Jack and Rexella Van Impe just for the entertainment value. Can’t stomach them for more than about 5 minutes though.

  30. Aggieland Liz says:

    Hey Micr, I’m betting you get invited from THAT table to sit above the salt! We had a confirmation excercise in one book about coming around a corner in heaven to find Hitler, Al Capone and Mussolini shooting craps on the sidewalk. (First we had to explain “shooting craps” to a bunch of rural teenagers!!). It was an interesting exercise, even for adults!

  31. @micr. Should there be a Huckabee library of any kind, it would have to be books that have not been colored in yet.
