Archive for June, 2014

On The Road Again

June 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ole Bubba and I are on the road to the Texas Democratic Convention. I’m posting from my iPhone so if this looks weird, blame Bill Gates.

The Supremes decision, the senate race results in Mississippi, and a boatload of other stuff is happening. Entertain yourself right here for the six hours between me and wifi in Dallas.

And don’t forget John Boehner’s idiot lawsuit.

And don’t try to break into my house. Retired parole officer Marsha is there along with her dog Baby, who ain’t no damn baby.  Truman is there along with Bessie.  Bessie is not a dog.  Let’s just say that Bessie can’t get on an airplane.

See ya later.  Talk it up.

Fun with Guns: Because Laws Are Only For Muslim Gay Kenyans

June 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s gun nuts and then there’s nuts with guns.

Unknown-1Joseph Francis Farah, a leading ‘birther’ who runs the right-wing, conspiracy website WorldNetDaily, was reportedly caught by TSA agents on Sunday with a loaded .38-caliber revolver in his carry-on bag as he passed through security at Dulles International Airport outside Washington.

Farah, who denounced TSA screening practices in a 2010 column, faces a class 1 misdemeanor charge for carrying a gun in an airport terminal, according to a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. He was released pending a summons.

Appropriately, this is the same dude who coined the phrase that the TSA performs “gate rape.”

He also thinks, and I’m not making this up, that President Obama is Kenyan and that “he’s gay and Muslim and may have orchestrated the murder of his former gay lovers.”

This guy is the reason why I support the TSA.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

And True The Vote Said, “chirp, chirp.”

June 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ahhh …  yes, cricket sounds from True the Vote.

Fifty-year-old Robert Monroe has been charged for voting more than a dozen times in 4 elections.

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A complaint claimed that Monroe voted five times in Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) recalled election. He also was accused of voting illegally in a 2011 Wisconsin Supreme Court election, a 2012 primary, and the 2012 presidential election.

But, it was really all very innocent.   Monroe is an executive in the health care industry, which explains the reason he voted more often than he changed his socks.

For his part, Monroe insisted to investigators that he did not remember voting in the elections because he takes drugs for Attention Deficit and Obsessive Compulsive disorders.

No, seriously, he said that.  Uh, I’m no medical expert but I suspect the problem was that he wasn’t taking his drugs.

It doesn’t say how he voted, but he does give money to Republicans.


Rush to Judgement

June 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, it’s Rush.

I am here to tell you that if they took away personal pronouns, he would have the shortest show on radio.

He got himself all carried away talking about a situation on a teevee show called Mad Men.

How many IQ points?

How many IQ points?

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Monday asserted that discrimination against women was a myth because a television show he watched had women secretaries who told men to “get some gonads.”

“It was horrible, it still is,” he complained. “My point is, there are no Mad Men women situations in the office today. There are too many women bosses, too many women running the show, too many women CEOs. There are not nearly as many men going to college these days.”

And from there he goes to another teevee show called Suits …

The women are the ones that have no emotions, the women are the ones that are cutthroats. And these two guys are veritable wimps, crying.

He knows that teevee isn’t real, right?  Maybe?  Seriously, to say that gender discrimination doesn’t exist because women secretaries on a teevee show beat up their bosses is kinda odd.

And if you were wondering how come he’s been married four times, this pretty much explains it.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.


Georgia Ain’t So Damn Peachy Now, Is It?

June 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Georgia, what is with you and your congressvarmints?  Here’s your 10th district.

Unknown-1Jody Hice, a Baptist minister and talk-radio host, is running for Congress in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District as a stern defender of the First Amendment and religious freedom. But that freedom does not apply to those of the Muslim faith.

Hice believes that the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating the United States, with the intent to impose Sharia law on all of us. He also believes that it’s fine for women to seek political office, at least if certain conditions are met. “If the woman’s within the authority of her husband, I don’t see a problem,” he told the Athens Banner-Herald in 2004.

Yeah, and next week it’ll be no First Amendment for people who don’t have blank stares like Hice does.  He came in first in a 7-candidate primary where the winner is assured of the heavily Republican gerrymandered seat.

That’s just for starters.  In Georgia’s 11th congressional District, you got Bob Barr (yeah, the same one who led the impeachment against Bill Clinton) arising from the dead and Barry Loudermilk, a member of the Georgia Lege, heading for a run-off.

Somebody should get the Nobel Prize in science for finding someone more conservative than Bob Barr.

ab15f002c0a70a7e9d9a55.L._V165468917_SX200_Loudermilk is an eager member of the Glenn Beck wing of the GOP. He is also an apostle of faux historian David Barton, who preaches that the U.S. Constitution is a document intended to create a conservative Christian government. Like Hice, they reject the notion of a separation between Christianity and state, and argue that the First Amendment was intended only to keep government from favoring one particular Christian denomination.

They say he’s going to win.

Oh Lord help us.  White men with blank stares are coming after America.  It’s the zombie apocalypse for real.

Thanks to another Susan for the heads up.

Well, Since We Didn’t Have Anything Constructive to Offer …

June 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican Party Convention in South Dakota passed a resolution last weekend calling for the impeachment of President Obama.  They don’t seem to have any reason to impeach him except that … well, he’s, you know, a Democrat.

“It is more of a primal scream, I suspect, than a serious statement of policy that yes, we should pursue impeachment against President Obama,” said Jon Schaff, a political science professor at Northern State University in Aberdeen.

Ya think?  Primal scream?  I see it more of banging your spoon on the high chair tray.  Or holding your breath until you turn blue.  Maybe screaming and grabbing at candy in the check-out line.

Schaff said the impeachment resolution is unlikely to be much more than a minor distraction for Republican candidates. “Those with at least 15 years of memory realize what can happen when you impeach a president and don’t necessarily have the American people behind you,” he said.

Now the professor is making sense about the Bill Clinton part.  However, I disagree about the minor distraction part.  Democrats won’t have to beat them – they will beat each other.  With a high chair tray.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.