Rush to Judgement

June 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, it’s Rush.

I am here to tell you that if they took away personal pronouns, he would have the shortest show on radio.

He got himself all carried away talking about a situation on a teevee show called Mad Men.

How many IQ points?

How many IQ points?

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Monday asserted that discrimination against women was a myth because a television show he watched had women secretaries who told men to “get some gonads.”

“It was horrible, it still is,” he complained. “My point is, there are no Mad Men women situations in the office today. There are too many women bosses, too many women running the show, too many women CEOs. There are not nearly as many men going to college these days.”

And from there he goes to another teevee show called Suits …

The women are the ones that have no emotions, the women are the ones that are cutthroats. And these two guys are veritable wimps, crying.

He knows that teevee isn’t real, right?  Maybe?  Seriously, to say that gender discrimination doesn’t exist because women secretaries on a teevee show beat up their bosses is kinda odd.

And if you were wondering how come he’s been married four times, this pretty much explains it.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Rush to Judgement”

  1. maryelle says:

    Let Limburger get paid 25% less because he’s male and we’ll see how docile he stays. Another narcissistic misogynist who couldn’t empathize with another human being, let alone a woman, if his selfish life depended on it. “Slut” is his go-to insult for uppity women.
    Crush Rush!

  2. We need to start sending this useless clown double-fat, deep-fried bacon cheeseburgers and 10 lb bags of hog cracklins….

  3. Every time this guy raises his fat head I think, “My God! Is he still alive?” Just how consequential he is to reality.

  4. I rode to lunch with a friend. He went to turn up the radio, “Let’s listen to Rush.” I replied, “Oh, let’s not. I don’t feel like frothing at the mouth before lunch.” He grinned and turned the radio off. [It’s good to have friends with whom you can disagree about things like politics and still be friends.]

    If God had a real sense of humor, he’d make Rush be a female hotel maid or a roadside diner waitress (where the truckers go!) for a week. Then let him talk to us about a hostile workplace.

  5. Oh, I’m sure Rush knows full well that TV shows aren’t real. Because he certainly understands radio programs don’t have to be true to get on the air. In his case, it’s better if they’re not.

  6. He knows unquestionably, because he knows there’s nothing real about his show.

  7. Nothing explains how this [word omitted for mama] has been married four times. Nothing explains how even one woman was willing to marry him ever for any amount of money.

  8. Teevee is every bit as real–or more so–than Rush’s universe. He makes the X-Files look like a documentary.

    And I’m afraid this doesn’t explain why he’s been married four times. I still can’t understand why any woman at all would marry him. I mean, I’ve heard of marrying for money, but marrying Rush would be the hardest work ever.

  9. LynnN –
    You’ve got that right. There’s an old saying:

    If you marry for money, you will surely earn every cent.

  10. austinhatlady says:

    SusanF, I can hear you saying that!

  11. Gristle McThornbody says:

    I’d like to see him call Beck and Boehner, the two biggest crybabies in the US, “veritable wimps” to their faces. In fact, I’d LOVE to see that.

  12. Teh Gerg says:

    Limpboff has always lived in a conservative fantasy world. He thinks he’s a realist, but he’s just another deranged loony who’s afraid of his own shadow.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    I always wondered. Now I know.

  14. Why would anyone pay any attention whatsoever to the toxic bloviations of this racist misogynist scumbag known as Rush Limbaugh?

  15. Limp balls thinks television shows are real. He and Cheney used to attend discussion groups about the “24 Hours” show during the Iraq War.

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    That’s the ticket, Brian. Feed the lump out of existence. Maybe send him a weekly gift basket made out of Paula Deen old recipes guaranteed to produce sludge in every blood vessel running through his corpulent carcass. He’ll really chop down on that good old racist cooking.

    maryelle, didn’t the male pig take a big revenue dive, when his sponsors bailed? Time to track his current sponsors and give him another revenue bite. Seriously, any company willing to be associated with him needs to be treated to the speed of internet wrath.

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    How much were those women paid? Not the actresses, the women they portray.

  18. The prospect of anybody marrying this [word omitted] reminds me of a woman who was asked why she hadn’t married a very rich but personally unattractive man: “Honey, I can’t go to bed blind drunk EVERY night.”

  19. Angelo_Frank says:

    Limbaugh is just plain scared of women. It really is apparent.

  20. OldMayfly says:

    There is a fun campaign going on right now called “Flush Rush.”

    The idea is that talk radio stations are assigning commercials to Rush’s show without the knowledge of the sponsors. The local sponsor may buy a commercial for his car wash, dry goods store, or whatever–and have no idea when it is aired or that it is aired on Rush’s show.

    When these sponsors learn that their business appears to be sponsoring really hateful commentary they usually ask the stations not to run their commercial spots when Rush is on.

    This has cost Rush Limbaugh a lot of money and I expect it will eventually drive him off the air.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    OldMayfly, it can’t happen soon enough. Any fool advertising on Flush Radio deserves the blowback for willful ignorance.

    If Flush had a clue, he’d shout out a thanks for the ACLU for saving his posterior. Dumb *ss was saved by the ACLU. But we can all “see” his gratitude.

    Whatever his next launch from reality might be, it’s time to innertubes that drug addict pedophile wife abuser off the air.

    Am all for freedom of speech, but catastrophic, irresponsible be clowns like Rush and Piyush Booboo need to be smacked down hard for their lies.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Angelo_Frank, the pile of lard and his fear of women transcends everyone smarter than him. Rush aka Tons of Numb can whine all he wants, but his moron audience and his sponsors are shrinking, unlike his girth. Wish jt would happen sooner, but I vote with Brian. Let the mouth that should be closed, eat his way into oblivion

  23. Rubymay says:

    I doubt that Rush really believes his own crap, but he knows his base. Of course his fans believe that what ya’ see on the teevee is real — it couldn’t be on the teevee if it wasn’t real (could it?!?). Does anybody remember when fans wanted Martin Sheen to run for President because he did such a great job on “The East Wing?” Rush knows his fans are gullible, and he knows how to press all their buttons by acting just as clueless as they are. Just one of the stoopid ol’ white fat guys.

  24. maryelle says:

    Hey, Rubymay. I was one of those fans who
    wanted so much for President Jeb Bartlett in The West Wing and all of his smart, savvy staff to march into the White House and set things straight. Of course Aaron Sorkin would have had to go with them to keep things working, but you’re right, separating fiction from reality seems to be a particular problem for the hard core conservatives.
