Georgia Ain’t So Damn Peachy Now, Is It?

June 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Georgia, what is with you and your congressvarmints?  Here’s your 10th district.

Unknown-1Jody Hice, a Baptist minister and talk-radio host, is running for Congress in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District as a stern defender of the First Amendment and religious freedom. But that freedom does not apply to those of the Muslim faith.

Hice believes that the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating the United States, with the intent to impose Sharia law on all of us. He also believes that it’s fine for women to seek political office, at least if certain conditions are met. “If the woman’s within the authority of her husband, I don’t see a problem,” he told the Athens Banner-Herald in 2004.

Yeah, and next week it’ll be no First Amendment for people who don’t have blank stares like Hice does.  He came in first in a 7-candidate primary where the winner is assured of the heavily Republican gerrymandered seat.

That’s just for starters.  In Georgia’s 11th congressional District, you got Bob Barr (yeah, the same one who led the impeachment against Bill Clinton) arising from the dead and Barry Loudermilk, a member of the Georgia Lege, heading for a run-off.

Somebody should get the Nobel Prize in science for finding someone more conservative than Bob Barr.

ab15f002c0a70a7e9d9a55.L._V165468917_SX200_Loudermilk is an eager member of the Glenn Beck wing of the GOP. He is also an apostle of faux historian David Barton, who preaches that the U.S. Constitution is a document intended to create a conservative Christian government. Like Hice, they reject the notion of a separation between Christianity and state, and argue that the First Amendment was intended only to keep government from favoring one particular Christian denomination.

They say he’s going to win.

Oh Lord help us.  White men with blank stares are coming after America.  It’s the zombie apocalypse for real.

Thanks to another Susan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Georgia Ain’t So Damn Peachy Now, Is It?”

  1. publius bolonius says:

    I live in N Fla (sometimes known as S Georgia) so I get the spillover adverts from the Ga races. At first I thought they were some sort of Stewart-style satire. I was wrong. These guys are serious.

    So who is the most conservative? Are any of them sane? They all seem to be against everything – all the time. I was teetering towards a bi-polar pony ride when I realized these are Georgians, not Floridians. So episode averted in the knick. Light me up – it always helps. Vote Yes on 2 in November.

  2. Someone please explain how these folks think? I mean, the religious ones who sit there and say that Sharia (Islamic law based on the Koran) is evil, and yet the version they want to impose (Christian law based on the Bible) is perfectly acceptable? Don’t they realize that the Koran and the Bible are based on the same texts that also make up the Torah from Judaism? Can’t these people even think? Why do I suddenly need to have something to drink to get rid of the headaches?

  3. Joe's Confused....still says:

    I just wonder.
    Would I vote for someone named Jody (a guy someone named Jody)? Ambiguity confuses me.
    And…..Jody is running to fill the seat vacated by Paul Broun (lost in US Senate R Primary) famous for “During President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union address, Broun tweeted that “Mr. President, you don’t believe in the Constitution. You believe in socialism.””
    Cmon Texas….we’re getting edged out of the WackyDerby[

  4. Angelo_Frank says:

    It’s the usual palette of adherents of Christian Dominionism taking over the country one step at a time. Their goal is to create a theocracy over this nation based on the strict interpretation of their Bible.

  5. Angelo_Frank says:

    Texas has it’s own to deal with:

    Texas Lt. Gov Nominee Dan Patrick’s Christian-Nation Politics

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Bob Barr is a former iowan,much to my eternal,everlasting shame.

  7. Aggieland liz says:

    That blank stare thingy is something they all copy from St Ronnie Raygun, who made a campaign out of looking all mistily into the middle distance while saluting Old Glory. That benighted a$$ was the cheesiest b-grade actor EVAH but the spaghetti-western-God-bless-John-Wayne-God-n-country crowd bought his schtick hook line and sinker; what a fine mess they got us into. Good grief.

  8. Didn’t Bob Barr spend part of his after past Congressional live at the ACLU? Think anything rubbed off or do you the conservatives will brand him as a Commie for working for the ACLU??

  9. “preaches that the U.S. Constitution is a document intended to create a conservative Christian government.”

    Funny then that it never mentions religion except to say that there’s no religious requirement for holding office.

    There are too many people with their brains in backwards who think that their favorite document or Book means the opposite of what it actually says. This should disqualify them from getting votes, but alas, a lot of like-minded people seem to be voting for them.

    Is this some sort of alien takeover, like Invasion of the Body-Snatchers? Should we be looking for the pods they came out of?

  10. Aggieland liz says:

    Good grief TalG, we can’t have a bunch of people promoting Mohammed’s version of Deuteronomy and Exodus and Leviticus instead of the approved Mosaic version (there’s a kaleidoscope pun struggling around in there somewhere dammit) and besides, jeebus!! It’s no wonder Jesus wept!

  11. Is there some way to explain to the GOP voters that one of the big reasons Congress is a farce is because y’all keep electing monomaniacs who refuse to compromise on anything at all because they think that the Democrats are in league with Satan? And that we need government to work if we don’t want to look like Somalia?

  12. Stupid people and their willfully ignorant followers wear me out….

  13. Miss Prissybritches says:

    My former husband attended UGa law school 1972-75. Most of our friends back then were Democrats, Jimmy Carter was Governor, Sam Nunn was Senator. UGa Law was just chocked full of folks from political families, some of whom had political aspirations for themselves, including my spouse who was both. Jack and Judy Carter were in our “gourmet group” for 3 years. I get political info/solicitations to this day from Georgia… keep in touch with my friends from a former life, including my X, who has now returned back to his roots. Continues to dabble in politics in South Ga.

    Jason Carter is running for Gov, and hopefully his race will be successful, where he comes out on top. Sam Nunn’s daughter is also neck and neck with a soon to be determined GOP candidate. I fondly remember when Jack and Judy had Jason, recall Jack putting him on his shoulders as the family walked the parade route at the Inaugural.

    All I can say is that Battleground Texas is not the only voter registration/identify your base/get them out to the polls operation in the country. Rick Perry wrote a book, Fed Up. Well, lots of Dems and Independents are FED UP with the obstructionist idiots who thump their Bible and act reprehensibly. Let’s hope we can persuade “our base” to get out and vote.

  14. Was on the train that stopped for a bit in Atlanta in the early morning hours. Atlanta is now a city like Los Angeles, all spread out like thin pancake batter. Not the first time I’ve been in GA. Years ago we drove south from D.C., saw the stone figures of the CSA generals carved into the side of a mountain and kept on going. I have really, really big issues with that kind of homage. Not surprised that Georgia is now fielding such a platter full of nuts. So help me, bring on the squirrels! They’ve got to be a helluva lot smarter!

  15. Teh Gerg says:

    Bob Barr? Pffft. Bob Barr is a mile to the left of the current crop of right-wing lunatics running in Georgia. He’s an intellectual giant compared to them.

    So is my cat, for that matter.

  16. Brian Meehan says:

    ANOTHER talk radio host? Just how many radio stations are there? And how do I get my own show. It doesn’t seem to take much talent or charisma…

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    Where is Brad Pitt (World War Z) when we need him?

  18. OldMayfly says:

    If a weather-vane can be a conservative, then that’s what Bob Barr is. Barr has no more convictions than any other con man.

    I don’t mind that Barr has been playing conservative for a few decades now, though. Barr is the kind of guy you don’t want on your side.

  19. yet another baby boomer says:

    Ms. JJ, you truly have my respect but please don’t sully the Nobel prize and science by even jokingly linking these immoral barbarians to those noble endeavors. On the other hand, wouldn’t it be a hoot to see these science deniers (climate change, evolution, reproductive biology, and any other science you got) surrounded by actual scientists? Yep, I’d settle back with an adult beverage and watch that.

  20. yet another baby boomer, have you watched this?
    If not, you’re welcome.
