Archive for September, 2013

For My Friends Who Don’t Tweet the Twitter Thing

September 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember the thousands of Texans who stood outside the State Capitol cheering Wendy Davis on throughout her entire filibuster?

Ted Cruz had that.


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Okay, almost.

Thanks to Sandy for the heads up.

Because I Couldn’t Help Myself

September 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized





Thanks to Richard for the heads up.

Government Shutdown: Ted Cruz Style

September 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning it’s looking more and more like we may be headed to a government shutdown thanks to two United States senators – Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.  And it appears that Cruz shot his own party.

Any hope Republicans had to at least share the blame with President Obama and Democrats was pretty much wiped away when Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Cruz had a fight on the Senate floor.

Republicans are tying the can on Cruz pretty good, but they have no idea how to treat mental illness so they’re standing back and letting him run in circles.  Only problem is, he’s digging a hole.  Which kinda ends up like what this Texas woman did to her husband when she caught him cheating.




So a prissy snooty little boy from Harvard with far more money than good sense is running the country because nobody will stand up to him.   How the fool tarnation did we get here?

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro has the same question.


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And that, my friends, was no easy task.

Yep. It’s Happening.

September 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The worst kept secret in Texas got out of the bag yesterday.

WendyDavis:Super_smallWendy Davis is going to run for Governor and will be announcing it on October 3rd in Fort Worth.  Bubba and I will be there as a “special guests” along with about 5,000 other “special guests.”  We decided that we want to drive 5 hours (which is a day trip in Texas) to see this momentous event.

If you want to help, waltz on over to the Texas Democratic Party and put your dollars where it will matter.   You can donate in exchange for stuff (scroll down for the fabulous Hillary bumper stickers) or just toss in a few dollars.

I promise to take pictures and send kisses and hugs from the announcement.

Oh Y’all, I Have a Dental Appointment on That Day

September 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Larry Klayman, a 62 year old white man who founded Judicial Watch – meaning he was lunatic before lunatic was cool, has an announcement to make.

General Council for Judicial Watch Filing SuitOn September 18th, a grand jury in Ocala, Florida, indicted President Barack Obama for using a false birth certificate to run for president.

Klayman said Obama waived his right to a jury trial by failing to plead a response to the indictment, thus “thumbing his nose at We The People.”

A citizens’ judge then sentenced Obama to the maximum sentence of 10 years, Klayman wrote, and ordered the president to surrender himself into custody.

Thank goodness he didn’t include me in we because the President would never thumb his nose at the best damn beauty salon in Texas.  Florida?  Hell, yes.  Florida deserves some nose thumbing.

Klayman says that President Obama has to go to jail now.  However, I imagine that even Klayman understands that a Florida citizens’ deputy can’t go to Washington, DC, and make a citizens arrest in White House.  Let’s face it, the chances of that happening run from slim to none.  The Secret Service gets testy about stuff like that.

So, Klayman has picked a day to remedy that.

Klayman said that day could be Nov. 19, when he’s calling on “millions of Americans who have been appalled and disgusted by Obama’s criminality – his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda — among other outrages” to march on Washington and demand the president resign or face prison time.

I suspect there will be much finger shaking, bad spelling,  a few Don’t Tread on Me flags, and 18 old white people with lawn chairs and a packed lunch.

I did love this statement from Klayman.

“King George III may have been a greedy ‘control freak,’ but at least he was a Christian,” Klayman said.

Oh yes, there are many Christian greedy control freaks.  Klayman could find one by looking in the mirror.

Can’t you just hear him, “The Klan may have had bad taste in dressing, but at least they were Christians.”

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.


Did You Get a Little Cough, Senator Cruz?

September 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh you’re going to love this.

Ted Cruz’s health insurance is better than the rest of Congress.  He has insurance through his wife, Heidi, who is a regional head of a Goldman Sachs division.

According to a 2009 New York Times report, top executive officers and managing directors at the bank participate in a health care program that costs Goldman more than $40,000 in premiums for each particpant’s family annually.

Yeah, $40,000 can buy you a lot of that “freedom” that Cruz keeps talking about.

TedCruzDefund_1He doesn’t take congressional insurance because it’s not good enough for him.

He’s up there on a perch so high that he can duck hunt with a net and he’s looking down on us trying to convince us that we don’t want any ducks.

That guy is a regular Marie Antoinette.  And, come to think of it, he does have a lot of her mannerisms.

On the upside, he can now afford to get medical treatment for being thrown under the bus.


Thanks to Barbara E. and Alfredo for the heads up.