Oh Y’all, I Have a Dental Appointment on That Day

September 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Larry Klayman, a 62 year old white man who founded Judicial Watch – meaning he was lunatic before lunatic was cool, has an announcement to make.

General Council for Judicial Watch Filing SuitOn September 18th, a grand jury in Ocala, Florida, indicted President Barack Obama for using a false birth certificate to run for president.

Klayman said Obama waived his right to a jury trial by failing to plead a response to the indictment, thus “thumbing his nose at We The People.”

A citizens’ judge then sentenced Obama to the maximum sentence of 10 years, Klayman wrote, and ordered the president to surrender himself into custody.

Thank goodness he didn’t include me in we because the President would never thumb his nose at the best damn beauty salon in Texas.  Florida?  Hell, yes.  Florida deserves some nose thumbing.

Klayman says that President Obama has to go to jail now.  However, I imagine that even Klayman understands that a Florida citizens’ deputy can’t go to Washington, DC, and make a citizens arrest in White House.  Let’s face it, the chances of that happening run from slim to none.  The Secret Service gets testy about stuff like that.

So, Klayman has picked a day to remedy that.

Klayman said that day could be Nov. 19, when he’s calling on “millions of Americans who have been appalled and disgusted by Obama’s criminality – his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda — among other outrages” to march on Washington and demand the president resign or face prison time.

I suspect there will be much finger shaking, bad spelling,  a few Don’t Tread on Me flags, and 18 old white people with lawn chairs and a packed lunch.

I did love this statement from Klayman.

“King George III may have been a greedy ‘control freak,’ but at least he was a Christian,” Klayman said.

Oh yes, there are many Christian greedy control freaks.  Klayman could find one by looking in the mirror.

Can’t you just hear him, “The Klan may have had bad taste in dressing, but at least they were Christians.”

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Oh Y’all, I Have a Dental Appointment on That Day”

  1. e platypus onion says:


    Where does he find time to sue liberals? Rilly unfortunate that he wasn’t added to the faux Clinton Body Count. Nice guy.

  2. Klayman just lost a case to Rachel Maddow and his client was ordered to pay Rachel’s attorney fees http://wonkette.com/477763/its-a-good-thing-bradlee-dean-isnt-being-sexist-about-judge-who-awarded-rachel-maddow Klayman is upset with this ruling because the judge was obviously biased in that she was a woman and did not treat Klayman with the proper respect that Klayman thinks he is due:

    Klayman spends about 175 paragraphs bitching that Judge Joan Zeldon called Maddow’s attorneys “distinguished” but did not call him “distinguished.” Like, seriously, so many paragraphs.
    Read more at http://wonkette.com/477763/its-a-good-thing-bradlee-dean-isnt-being-sexist-about-judge-who-awarded-rachel-maddow#uMjOJpwMRokF5hKs.99

  3. I wonder if Donald Trump is going to be in that march on D.C.? Nah, if it’s a windy day it’ll just whip that weasel on his head around and make him look even stoopider than usual.

  4. 1st – You don’t use a birth certificate to run for president
    2nd – Obama’s birth certificate has been proven valid … repeatedly.
    3rd – Will he threaten to take this to a higher court if Obama does not surrender himself? If he does, I don’t want to forget to TiVo Judge Judy.

  5. Kate Dungan says:

    Isn’t this the guy who sued his own Mother several years back?

  6. So, are the people from the asylum that he escaped from looking for him? And is there a reward? He presents a real danger to civilization.

  7. I live in crazy Florida and this is nuts even for us. The “Grand Jury” was just a bunch of Larry’s fellow crazies and has no legal standing. The “Indictment” is a joke. Larry is a joke. President Obama is correct in not lowering himself to their level. I swear, Florida and Texas are in a race to see who has the most nut jobs.

  8. I’m sorry, but Larry looks like he may or may not be a scout for the zombie apocalypse. Is he human? Does he eat his own brain? Will he join his “we” in D.C. for the overthrow or get that long awaited appointment at the new tanning salon?

  9. I don’t know whether to get scared or laugh my head off.

  10. Now we know why the Secret Service is constantly on guard. There are all those guys with great big guns between the Prez and twits like this. I’ll bet the NSA is keeping track of him, too.

  11. If our president visits Ocala, I’ll bet the feds have a whole lot more firepower than the police in Ocala.

  12. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:


    Of course the NSA is keeping track of him. They are in no way prejudiced against lunatics. Our beloved NSA tracks everyone. Isn’t that special?

  13. “Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda — among other outrages”

    And some other stuff we’ll stick on when we think it up.

    I’m using “think” in the broadest possible sense, of course.

    It’s a relief that I hadn’t heard of this yahoo. At least I hope the major presses are ignoring him. On the other hand, they’re giving Cruz all the publicity he craves, alas.

  14. This apparently wasn’t a real grand jury – it was a “Citizen’s Grand Jury”. In other words, absolute garbage with no legal force in any real courts.

  15. “Citizen jury”, “citizen judge”. Are these people really patriots, or just another mafia?

  16. On the other hand, let’s get a bunch of people together and convict Dick Cheney of war crimes – or Ted Cruz for being a threat to the good faith and credit of the United States. Hey, if any group of like-minded people can get together and indict their political opponents, we could probably indict Larry Klayman as a threat to our collective sanity.


  17. Hmm . . . a “citizens'” grand jury. We could empanel one here on Juanita Jean’s just as legally. Maybe even more so since we’d be representatives of citizenry from all over the country. We could charge Klayman with sedition, slander, and being a total dumb butt and then sentence him to permanent expulsion from the US. If anyone else would have him.

    It used to be that California was considered the center of craziness in the US. Now it has spread to at least two more states, and all are southern border states. I don’t really think that you can say things get more sane the further north you go, though.

  18. This piece of human excrement was the attorney of record in Sheriff “Crazy Joe” Arpaio’s attempt to prove President Obama’s Birth Certificate was bogus. Arizona can give Texas a run for it’s money in the Bat Guano crazy department!

  19. The weird part is that Klayman at least has more of an actual plan than most of the radical-righters.

    It does give me a little Schadenfreude to watch this guy in action.

  20. Klayman (rhymes with “caveman”) is decompensating. His “defense” efforts for Sheriff Joe proves my case and then some. Cannot figure out why he hasn’t been netted and put in an armless sweater and stashed in a small white room where he can’t hurt himself or others.

  21. Sometimes, there are no words.

    When crazy, nutcase, publicity hound, idiot, certifiably insane, and all the rest have been used.

    I got nothin’.

  22. From Wikipedia: A kangaroo court is “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted”.

    So, the distinguished Mr. Pervert is using a kangaroo court to assemble a lynch mob. My stomach is churning.

    If Mamma heard the words flying through my brain right now, she would be washing out my mouth.

  23. Another repug total waste of time. Don’t give another thought. Leave him to the FBI.

  24. I wonder if anyone has bothered to ask him his opinion on Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president.

    It is amazing watching the wanna align to birthers politicians then say Ted is eligible and their hypocrisy.

  25. Does Klayman profit from his antics, as Rush Limbaugh does, or has he just plunged into the abyss, sanity wise.

    Thinking of Limbaugh, has he disappeared? One could hope.

  26. Psst Larry, send an armed Marshall to the White House to serve the True Bill! Don’t thank me, just free advice from a friend.
