Did You Get a Little Cough, Senator Cruz?

September 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh you’re going to love this.

Ted Cruz’s health insurance is better than the rest of Congress.  He has insurance through his wife, Heidi, who is a regional head of a Goldman Sachs division.

According to a 2009 New York Times report, top executive officers and managing directors at the bank participate in a health care program that costs Goldman more than $40,000 in premiums for each particpant’s family annually.

Yeah, $40,000 can buy you a lot of that “freedom” that Cruz keeps talking about.

TedCruzDefund_1He doesn’t take congressional insurance because it’s not good enough for him.

He’s up there on a perch so high that he can duck hunt with a net and he’s looking down on us trying to convince us that we don’t want any ducks.

That guy is a regular Marie Antoinette.  And, come to think of it, he does have a lot of her mannerisms.

On the upside, he can now afford to get medical treatment for being thrown under the bus.


Thanks to Barbara E. and Alfredo for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Did You Get a Little Cough, Senator Cruz?”

  1. Ah. In this case the dirt rises instead of settling. Someone needs to find out what health problems his family has. No, that’s kind of dirty. But this morning when the STATESMAN came out with all Cruz all the time on the front page and we found out that he voted against what he’s been ranting about, one does wonder what exactly are his goals.

  2. I just wish I could get my hands on a bit of their “pocket change” to get myself out of debt. Three years of that premium amount would not only get me out of debt, but would pay off my home and give me money left over for a vacation.

  3. His goal is to look like a star, center attention on himself and run for President. Not because he wants to do good for the American people – he wants it the same reason Romney wanted it – ego. His ego, however, makes Romney’s look miniscule.

  4. I keep thinking that what these guys want to do is get rid of government altogether, but if we don’t have government, we don’t have America.

    Then what do they propose to call themselves? Can’t be “proud Americans.”

    Can’t be [the probably more appropriate] “Kochistanians” (sounds too “furreign”).

    Surely “Tea Partisans” sounds too “girly.”

    What, then?

  5. Most Americans don’t even earn $40000 a year, let alone be able to afford the Bugatti Veyron of health care insurance.


  6. Miss Prissybritches says:

    His wife is the big breadwinner in their family. Paul Sadler, the Democratic candidate who ran against Cruz last year, stood there one night at a little soiree in Abilene, before I dragged him over to the Fair Booth to meet and greet folks, and told me that WifeyCruz was pulling all sorts of strings to raise money within her circle of influence… which was, and currently is pretty substantial. She’s always been the one who gave her TeddyBare the cushion to pursue his little jobs in government, think great thoughts, while getting ready to make her First Lady. I guarantee he calculated that marriage down to the last detail.

    Wonder how proud all those investor-driven-bottom-line-oriented folks are now, after this latest stunt with a FauxFilibuster. Man, CarnivalCruz has just been getting shredded by the Republican establishment… and I would think her Wall Street connections are primarily Establishment Republicans, who start their day reading the Wall Street Journal. If you watch a little Morning Joe, read a few articles online… it’s incredible. Reminded me of a Ginsu Knife Commercial.

    I keep thinking of that man working in the Republican Party’s booth at the Fair, who wore the “Proud to be a Ted Cruz Whack-O Bird” tshirt. Those folks have to be very proud of their little robot this morning. That segment of the party is about as far as one can get from the Wall Street folks. Teddy unquestionably knows how to play to his base… and you think there was really any surprise that while Ted was reading Bible stories and Green Eggs and Ham on the Senate Floor, his PAC was holding a $2,500/plate fundraiser? Hmmm. He’s dangerous as they come.

    All that aside… you gotta admit… Jon Stewart’s slice and dice was priceless. Just enough short clips of that pompous ass to make the point.

  7. The republicans gave fox news some opposition research.
    Wonder what it was?

  8. ‘The Bore-Ax’, a Ted Cruz Bedtime Story– yep, Jon Stewart hit the mark.


  9. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    “On the upside, he can now afford to get medical treatment for being thrown under the bus.”

    Um, there’s an upside to getting him medical treatment for being thrown under the bus? That’s just wrong. I know it in my heart. He looks waaaay too good under the bus.

  10. Famous movies starring Ted & Heidi Cruz.
    Jerry Maguire

    Ted: Shut up.
    Ted: Just shut up.
    Ted: You had me at no co-pay.

  11. Cruz has a Goldman Sachs connection?!? THAT’s depressing.

  12. He could also move to Canada and get free medical and dental. He wins in whatever country he lives in. I vote that he move to Canada.

  13. Carol — me, too. Is it feasible to threaten to dissolve diplomatic relations with Canada unless they agree to take him back and keep him?

  14. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Rubymay, yes, it’s feasible.

  15. What a pity that the Goldman Sachs plan apparently doesn’t cover mental illness.

  16. Whoah! Some woman actually married this guy?
    And knew him in the Biblical sense? So the paisley smoking jacket worked? Gawd-a-mighty,
    If that ain’t a swift kick in the….

  17. Xecky Gilchrist says:

    Marie Antoinette had a better wig.

  18. omg love love it and all the funny comments too. this makes him an even bigger hypocrite.
