Archive for July, 2013
Your Daily Louie UPDATED It’s a Twice A Day
If for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, somebody had to be the polar opposite of Mother Teresa.
Taken in that context, it’s kinda nice of Louie Gohmert to volunteer.
When the House Judiciary Committee was considering an amendment based on racial discriminatory practices, Louie speaks directly to John Conyers of Michigan and Steve Cohen of Tennessee.
“There is nobody in this chamber who is more appreciative than I am for the gentleman from Tennessee and my friend from Michigan standing up for the rights of race, religion, national religion of the Delta Smelt, the snail darter, various lizards, the lesser prairie chicken, the greater sage grouts and so many other insects who would want someone standing for their religion, their race, their national origin and I think that’s wonderful,” Gohmert said of the measure.
Okay, this was not an environmental amendment. It was about the civil rights of human beings.
So, Ole Louie let the cat out of the bag or the snail out of the swamp, whatever. He’s a white man and the everybody else is an insert or lesser prairie chicken.
Thought you’d want to know.
Thanks to Frank and Sharon for the heads up.
Louie reacts to the announcement that the Justice Department will support our Democratic effort to fight the redistricting in Texas. The You Tube is here and it’s the living example of Thelma telling Verdelia, “Girl, you are talking but you ain’t sayin’ nothing.”
He’s bringing up the whole thing about Eric Holder casting asparagus on him.
You’re gonna love this confused man.
The Oink Brigade
Texas Congressmen who voted to give financial incentive to states to kick people off the SNAP program, which feeds hungry children are fittingly the biggest damn hogs in the state.
The ones who took farm subsidies.
Blake Farenthold, who has a net worth of between $10 – $40 million and represents Nueces County, where 19% of the population gets help from the SNAP program.
Randy Neugebauer, who is worth between $6 and $20 million, took at least $4,321 in farm subsidies which came out of the mouths of little children while voting against SNAP. Neugebauer is known as “Yachting Randy” because he bought a yacht with his campaign funds even though he lives n the damn desert.
Mac Thornberry from Potter County where 23% of the population need SNAP funds not to go hungry, took $25,000 in farm subsidies for himself.
Come November 2014, let’s slaughter a few of these hogs.
Thanks to John for the heads up and the graphic.
The Panic Button
As I am sure you’ve heard, we are going to have Voter ID in Texas. It’s a bad idea from bad men with a bad machine set on bad overdrive running on bad gas with bad breath.
B.A.D. And UnAmerican.
Ector County is out in West Texas in the Midland / Odessa area. There are some tough folks out there. Most of them survive on grit alone because water is in short supply and there ain’t no food.
So, when they get mad, they get mad.
The Ector County Elections Office will soon get panic buttons designed to protect the employees in the office.
Ector County Elections Administrator Mitzi Scheible said a contract approved by commissioners on July 8 with Tyco Integrated Security would install panic buttons and an alarm system for the elections warehouse. The alarm system, Scheible said, was for residents who get too upset when they can’t vote in an election. The camera system was used as a way to better monitor their equipment.
Now, when your state government pisses off people so badly that your local government has to order panic buttons at a cost of $3,154.23 and an annual fee of $515.36, then maybe it’s time for the Texas Democratic Party to stand out front of those polls and remind people whose bad idea this was.
Of course, the cheaper alternative was to just arm election workers with some AK47s and leave them to their own devices.
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up and John for the button.
That’s Some Dandy Writing About Ted Cruz
Customer Stephen sent us a story about Ted Cruz that is so well written that it literally raised my universal consciousness by five feet.
It would be evil of me not to share it with you. Jay Bookman at the Atlanta Journal Constitution has this message about our boy Ted.
For a quarter century now, the Republican Party has suppressed its own instincts, refusing to nominate candidates who dared to give full voice to the sentiments of its base, refusing to surrender to that temptation. The result has been a series of lackluster nominees — Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney — that time and again left the party faithful disappointed in themselves for compromising.
Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is their giant box of Godiva chocolates at a Weight Watchers convention, their open bottle of Jim Beam at an AA meeting. He’s the bad boy tempting them to throw away all restraint, the one whispering in their ear all the things they want to hear and believe.
And if they succumb, he’s going to leave them fat, drunk and pregnant.
Now that there is a damn hoot of truth.
Thanks to Stephen for the heads up.