Your Daily Louie UPDATED It’s a Twice A Day

July 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, somebody had to be the polar opposite of Mother Teresa.

Taken in that context, it’s kinda nice of Louie Gohmert to volunteer.

When the House Judiciary Committee was considering an amendment based on racial discriminatory practices, Louie speaks directly to John Conyers of Michigan and Steve Cohen of Tennessee.

“There is nobody in this chamber who is more appreciative than I am for the gentleman from Tennessee and my friend from Michigan standing up for the rights of race, religion, national religion of the Delta Smelt, the snail darter, various lizards, the lesser prairie chicken, the greater sage grouts and so many other insects who would want someone standing for their religion, their race, their national origin and I think that’s wonderful,” Gohmert said of the measure.

Okay, this was not an environmental amendment.  It was about the civil rights of human beings.

So, Ole Louie let the cat out of the bag or the snail out of the swamp, whatever.  He’s a white man and the everybody else is an insert or lesser prairie chicken.

Thought you’d want to know.

Thanks to Frank and Sharon for the heads up.

Louie reacts to the announcement that the Justice Department will support our Democratic effort to fight the redistricting in Texas.   The You Tube is here and it’s the living example of Thelma telling Verdelia, “Girl, you are talking but you ain’t sayin’ nothing.”

He’s bringing up the whole thing about Eric Holder casting asparagus on him.

You’re gonna love this confused man.

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0 Comments to “Your Daily Louie UPDATED It’s a Twice A Day”

  1. Aggieland liz says:

    You know, the saddest part of that whole story is that the train wreck of a human person that is Louie Gohmert THINKS HE IS “SAVED!!”

    Going to find pix of Francis in Rio now…

  2. Oh For F’s Sake!
    (Sorry, Mama)

  3. gabberflasted says:

    Louie, Louie, how any times must you stuff that sage colored grout into those seams?
    Put another way, is this for real? Is this not an Onion puppet?

  4. It’s for real, it’s on video.

  5. Is that a snail darter on top of his noggin?

  6. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    TTPT, I think it’s the slime a snail leaves behind.

  7. Flat out, he drinks!

  8. Louie’s a dangerous combination of stupid and mean, with a side order of unhinged. He’s the kind of guy who passes you in the black pickup truck with the Dale Earnhardt angel-wings #3 sticker in the back window, flipping you a bird because your Prius is going the speed limit? Shotgun in the gun rack, NRA sticker on the bumper, and a tee shirt that reads “Impeach Earl Warren” his daddy used to wear… on his way to the John Birch Society meeting.

  9. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Is this proof there is no sanity requirement to be a Congressvarmit?

  10. Can some of you kind folks at the Salon help the rest of us out here? I have done a Google search and cannot find a translator for “Louie Speak.” Oh wait… never mind. It’s not worth the time and trouble.

  11. Just Suze says:

    Why why why do these Tea-Partyers bring up animals whenever civil/women/gay rights are mentioned? Do they believe that stupid, ugly, old, conservative, faux-religious, white men are the only true humans?

  12. I really wish you guys would stop casting aspersions on Louie’s asparagus.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    I’m kind of amazed that Louie Gohmert even knows those words–“snail darter, lesser prairie chicken,…and other insects”. Oh wait. Maybe his speech writer does.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    After watching the video of Gohmert, I have to say, the whole thing is kind of like listening to jazz. Does he think his kind is endangered? Or what?

  15. Lorraine in Spring says:

    RA, I haven’t heard good stuff like this since Sarah Palin was foisted upon us by that Senile Old Man who yells at clouds in DC. I bet she could translate Louie Speak. But then we’d need a translator for her word salad.

    I wonder if she shoots greater sage grouts from a helicopter?

  16. O/T. I’m at a conference in Europe. People come up to me and ask “What’s with your Texas?” I don’t know, I’m a New Englander.

  17. I had NO idea that this was even a problem: “… standing up for the rights of race, religion, national religion of the Delta Smelt, the snail darter, various lizards, the lesser prairie chicken, the greater sage grouts and so many other insects who would want someone standing for their religion, their race, their national origin…”

    Grouts = material for filling spaces such as between tiles and such. I’ve never heard of mixing sage in with grout … have you?

    And what, pray tell, is the race, religion and national origin of various creatures that Louie is alluding to? Sweet Jesus, this creature is dumber then a box of grout turds!!

  18. Louie Gohmert takes the prize for Yammerheads. Well, maybe not. Paul Broun, his Yammerhead competition here in Georgia, may nudge him out for the grand prize. Broun is going for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Chambliss.

    Btw… Michelle Nunn, Sam Nunn’s daughter, has thrown her hat into the ring for the Senate. Sen. Nunn was revered in Georgia and, as a centrist Democrat, was revered by Senators on both sides of the aisle. Please ask your folks to get behind Michelle:

    Her education & background in WashPost:

  19. Kay Carrasco says:

    Laughing! So! Hard!

    Y’know, all an opponent of Louie’s needs to do to campaign against him is put up one of those electronic reader boards, and have it just scroll Louie’s quotes, one after another, 24/7. Not another dang word need be said. No other signs, no speeches, no bumper stickers, no campaigning, nothing. Just stand back and let Louie hang himself. His constituents surely – please, God *surely* – cannot possibly realize….

    ….or maybe they can. What a sad, sorry comment on the state of politics in the State of Texas!

  20. Lorriane, I think you give Word Salad Sarah (TM) too much credit. 😉 She can’t even translate her own spewings, much less anyone else’s.

    As for shooting greater sage grouts from a helicopter… if she thought it would garner her national attention and donations to her PAC I’d bet she would try it, though I think that is giving her too much credit for an ability to think.

    As for that Senile Old Man, may he ever be remembered for thrusting such an immature, hate mongering, total incompetent onto the national political stage.

  21. Aggieland liz says:

    Sage grouse. It’s a bird. Way more brains than little Louie!

  22. When ever I see a picture of Louie Gohmert with a “news” story, I just scroll on by.

    I don’t need any more crazies in my daily life, than I already have. Perry and Abbott are enough…. Thank you very much.

  23. To quote Jack Nicholson, “Go sell crazy someplace else. We’re full up here.”

    Now I know what happened to the tiles in my kitchen counter top. The Sage Grouts snuck into my house in the middle of the night and pecked it out. Didn’t even wake Chewbarka, our big brown dog. Sneaky, pinko Sage Grouts.

  24. CerealCitySue says:

    Now I understand. That Louis “person” has always looked like a crazed lizard to me, at least in that photo. Whatever planet he came from, he had a broken translator implanted. And they overlooked the empathy training. Sage grouts. Aspersions on asparagus. See? Broken translator, definitely.

  25. Yes! The Voting Rights Act has done it’s job, and because of it voting discrimination will no longer be a problem in the future. Just like prison guards have done an incredible job keeping prisoners in jail, and showing prisoners they’ve got to stay in prison – – so the guards are probably unnecessary too.

  26. If I thought Louie were sincerely speaking up for prairie chickens, sage GROUSE, and other endangered species, I would cheer him on. As it is, he’s just an [gross and offensive anatomical reference omitted].

  27. daChipster says:

    Lizards, chickens and insects? Why is Louie hating on them now? Those are his colleagues. That’s his BASE!

    I have to laugh at the shrinking sane wing of the GOP. Again, they bought a few years of relevance by pandering desperately to the short bus kids. Didn’t they know that eventually they’d want to drive? Over a cliff, sure, but so long as the Louie Gohmerts of this world have a wheel in their hands and an accelerator under their foot, Thelma and Louise will never want for Republican company.

    Or, as my cousin Jesus Hachecristo misquoted after stumbling out of an all-night Johnny Depp and tequila marathon: when things turn stupid, the stupid turn pro.

  28. daChipster says:

    CerealCitySue: They say a dead babelfish rots from the head down. Or maybe he stuck a snail darter in his ear, instead.

  29. I think Sarah, bein’ a reel ‘laskan, only shoots snow grouts from helicopters.

  30. Louie is your misfortune alright. I do wish, though, that you would read up a bit on ‘Mother’ Theresa who is far from the paragon the Catholic Church would like y’all to believe. She was an intolerant fundamentalist horror. Not that that would keep her from sainthood. A number of those saints’ doings would curl you hair.

  31. maryelle says:

    How many lobotomies has he had? Has to be more than one.

  32. Miss Prissybritches says:

    I couldn’t even watch the entire clip….either one of them. Louie Gohmert is crazy… and I don’t want his voice running thru my brain at 3am some morning. UGH.

    Would SOMEONE please run against this bozo?

  33. Marge Wood says:

    Sorry Miss Prissybritches, my friend who edits the PROGRESSIV E POPULIST says that Gohmert represents his constituents. Period. At least with him we know what to expect. Check out the PROGRESSIVE POPULIST; good periodical edited by Jim Cullen. He is not only a good editor but a fine off the cuff speaker who keeps up with everything.

  34. OTHER insects? So does ol’ Louie think that all (or even any) of the animals he’s named are insects? Good grief. He just piles error on top of error.

  35. Mary in Austin says:

    I’m with you, VeeGee in Vermont. “Mother” Teresa doted on other people’s suffering.

  36. Louie Louie, oh no
    You gotta go
    Aye-yi-yi-yi, I said
    Louie Louie, oh baby
    Just go away now

  37. Ok, he represents his constituents!!!

    My question, just who are these people, is it possible to get a whole constituency of people all together who cannot read or write or have a TV machine?

  38. OK, my posse here wants to know what exactly I mean by my previous response. What Louie is saying and how he is saying it qualifies as a drunkologue. Look at the flow and the complete and total lack of sense and construction. This is how guys at the bar go on after a certain number of drinks. I am positive that it sounds great to them and they cannot understand why everyone else is standing around blank-eyed and open-mouthed and not applauding the revelation of such divine wisdom. If you recorded this and played it back to them when they sobered up, they would deny they ever said such a thing and that its all a conspiracy. Drunks are big on conspiracies, yah know. The whole world is against them. Really, Louie, you are against you!!

  39. Betty@Georgetown says:

    Sage grout is the stuff that keeps the turducken glued together while it roasts in the oven.

  40. SomedayGirl says:

    Okay, Betty, THAT made me laugh. Screwy Louie’s meanderings just made me roll my eyes so hard they got stuck for a few seconds.

  41. Tinkerbell says:

    Who votes for this moron? Well I met a lady from Tyler, Tx last weekend at the Tx Democratic Women’s Summer Retreat in Waco. I want all you liberal ladies in Texas to look her up. Her name is Shirley McKeller and SHE IS RUNNING AGAINST LOUIE. Yes East Texas you will have a democrat to vote for. Check her out. She is educated, personable, smart and above all a Democrat.

  42. 1toughlady says:

    In Louis’ case, isn’t it casting asparagae?

  43. gabberflasted says:

    Maggie, you be the one. I have tried mightily to understand Louie. Really, I have! Then I thought of Al Kelly, the great double talker. You youngens will need to Google that. But, Maggie Darlin’, you nailed it! Now I cannot remember the name of the inebriate on the Jackie Gleason Show. Another sleepless night.

  44. Mary R. says:

    If you want to get an overview of the brain (??!?!) of Louie Gohmert, look him up on Wikipedia. I was trying to find out where he came from and where he went to school, expecting to find a standard, staff-written gushing bio. I don’t know who posted this, but it has a loooong list of his most ridiculous rantings (It couldn’t be the whole list, since they didn’t have that much room!). I was gobsmacked! Read it and guffaw!
