Very Cool

July 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pick up nerd son at airport. Check.


Get him to install keypad on iPad. Check.


Do the Happy Dance. Check.

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0 Comments to “Very Cool”

  1. Where would we be without these sons?

  2. I used to tell my kids that the splashy kids got attention, athletic kids got the scores ( and we got into big discussions about that attitude) and that the nerds just got it. They just plain get it, ’cause nerds are the smart ones. Proud mother of nerds, here.

  3. UH….Juanita: I just went to Best Buy, bought a leather case with keypad and stylus included. You can take it out if you need to.
    Does that mean I’m a nerd??? 😉

  4. Marge Wood says:

    We only let nerds in the house, sons or not. Whatever would we do without them?

  5. Welcome home, BB.

  6. My son once showed me a graph – Bill Gates, the ultimate nerd, made a lot more money than Michael Jordan, ultimate jock.

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Congratulations! You now have a touch-screen netbook.

  8. I’m lucky enough to have a resident geek, though sometimes his answer is to turn it off and on again. That may work with some other things too.

  9. Geri Wells says:

    The Geek in your life is a true wizard …. Because I’m certain he prompted the Happy Dance before he ever performed a single technical magic act!

  10. Back in olden times, when the interwebs were print and populated with 19 year old, male computer science majors (mostly Swedish), I took a test to rate nerd-ness. I was a bigger nerd than the guys. I’m not as good at computers, though.

  11. fenway fran says:

    Hi BB! Enjoy your visit with JJ!

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    If you’re dancing, we’re happy.

    Hubby’s from a Nerd Herd family. Engineers, MIT grads, math whizzes, a pilot…. I’m numerically challenged but, I haven’t had to use a calculator in years.

    Nerds Rule!

  13. maryelle says:

    This one time at band camp…. God love the music nerds, the techno geeks and everybody who thought that life after high school would stay the same. Surprise!

  14. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Smart son – coming in time for the roast!

  15. Sam in Kyle says:

    Love the shirt: “Talk nerdy to me”.

  16. JJ, I knew it! You are old typewriter girl like me and need a keyboard!!!!! BTW, I have to use a stylus for this fancy phone typin’….or I could go to the computer WITH a keyboard. Bet $100 you type the numbers on the top row, not the side!
