Archive for July, 2013

Last Chance

July 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have been asked to remind you that today is your last opportunity to buy a ticket.

This event will not be repeated.  Next time I’m going to volunteer to let them throw pies at me.  It would be less insulting.

The beneficiaries of this event are the good folks at Silver Democrats.  You can buy tickets right here.  Or email me to find out how to pay with a check.

Fun With Guns: Stand Your Driveway

July 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how you sometimes get lost on a back country road and pull into a driveway to turn around?

Don’t do that.

In Virginia, a guy tried that and —

Scott said a woman setting on her porch about 150 feet from the road fired two shots at the 1999 Chevy Tahoe he was driving. One shot actually hit the running board on the passenger side just a few feet from where his five children, ages 4-12, were seated.

The alleged shooter was identified as Margie Rhea Ramey, 72, 652 Bays Mt. Road, Rogersville.

Scott reported the shooting to the Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office, and Sgt. Michael Allen responded to the scene.

“During a field interview Mrs. Ramey openly admitted to shooting her rifle towards the vehicle because she has had a continuous problem with people tearing up her driveway,” Allen said.

Ramey was charged with seven counts of felony reckless endangerment.

Mrs. Ramey is 72 years old and finally just got pissed off.

Reports say she was sitting on her front porch with three other people so I’m suspecting it was a well organized militia meeting.

When We All Get To Heaven, What a Day of Rejoicing That Will Be. When We All See Mike Huckabee, We’ll Sing and Shout the Victory!

July 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a State Senator named Dan Patrick.  He’s kinda creepy.

There’s a little personal story involved here for me.  When I wrote for the newspaper, my counterpart was the ultra rightwing Jon Matthews.  Matthews also had a radio show on Station KSEV in Houston.  Matthews was seriously popular in the Houston market and used to talk about how he had to “take a shower” after being around me.  Which made me kinda proud.  I had that cold shower reaction from a lot of guys.

Jon Matthews

If I had come out in favor of apple pie, he would have claimed it was communist apple pie.

Anyway, after years of putting up with this jerk attacking me and Bill Clinton on the radio, he gets arrested.  Oh yeah, he’s exposing himself to little girls.  Come to find out, it’s not the first incident but Jon was so powerful that the families of these little girls did not want to go up against him.  One finally did.

Jon got probation but violated the probation and got sent to the big house for three years.  He was having online fantasies about sex with a three year old boy while on probation.  That’s some sick stuff for a guy who called Bill Clinton a serial rapist.

I didn’t go nanny nanny boo boo when Jon plead guilty because for gosh sake there was an injured child involved.  Nor did I gloat when Jon violated his probation because he’s obviously a very sick man.

However, what bothered me most about this whole situation was the number of rightwing Republicans who openly told me that they “knew all along” that Jon was an alcoholic and “did some crazy sexual things.”  I don’t think they were trying to look like insiders.  I think they were telling the truth.

I came apart like a $3 suitcase at the bus station.  “Why didn’t y’all DO something!”  I literally screeched.

The reason always came down to — he was popular and he was getting “our message” out there.

That was the day I realized that God help me I hate rightwing Republicans.  Hate them.  Not what they do, but them personally.  I know it’s wrong.  But, if you’re willing to sacrifice a man and little children on the alter of morality and judgement then I chose to freekin’ hate you.  How many children were they willing to sacrifice for a popular radio show?  We don’t know because the guy was 61 years old when he went to prison so there could have been hundreds.

Dan Patrick

Okay, so what does this have to do with Dan Patrick?  Dan Patrick owns KSEV Radio.  I do not know if he was one of the Republicans who knew Jon was a deeply troubled man.   I’m sure that Jon hid it well from his boss.  But, they worked together and shared political and moral philosophies.

Anyway, what makes all this long story kinda come together is that Dan Patrick is running for Lt. Governor against a large field of rightwing Republicans including the incumbent David Dewhurst.

And Dan Patrick got a major endorsement today.

Yep.  Captain of The Jesus Squad, Mike Huckabee, wants Dan Patrick to be Lt. Governor of Texas.

Dan Patrick holding the most powerful political position in Texas?   Game on, Radio Boy.

Because He Counted Them

July 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newt!  I Almost Forgot You!

Now I’m not saying that Newt pulled these numbers out of his ear or his wife’s safe deposit box hairdo, but Newt has been out counting gang members.  He was giving a speech and threw in this tidbit.

Gangs have increased by 40 percent since this president was elected. There is no federal program to stop it. No one wants to have an honest conversation about it.

That makes my head hurt.  Forty percent, huh?  Not 38%, not 43%, but exactly 40%.  And I guess it all depends on what you call a gang.  As far as I am concerned those creepy people on Doomsday Preppers are the scariest gangs on the planet.

“There is no federal program to stop it?”  Are you peeing in my boots and tellin’ me it’s raining?  Newt Gingrich, who voted against every social program ever brought to congress, now wants a federal program?

But here’s the aspirin part.  You slash every educational program, every rehabilitation program, double college tuition and student loan interest rates, cut job training, stop school lunches, stop medical care to children and then you stinkin’ holler that “this President” has caused gangs to increase?

Newt Gingrich, you’re gonna burn in hell and it’s gonna sizzle for a million years.

The Annointed One

July 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to know who scares me more than Ted Cruz?

Ted Cruz’s father.  God talks to him.

Ted Cruz’s rapid rise in the world of politics is no surprise to his father Rafael. The freshman senator’s dad, a traveling preacher, says in a new interview that he had once told his son “God has destined you for greatness.”

“I would just say, ‘You know Ted, you have been gifted above any man that I know and God has destined you for greatness,’” he said in an exclusive interview with CBN Chief Political Correspondent David Brody.

Yeah, this is the same Ted Cruz’s father who said that Obama is just like Hitler, which is kinda sassy for a man who fought with Castro and then bribed officials to get out of the country.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

So What’s He Gotta Do? Show Up Nakkid and Strum “Good Night Irene” on His Belly Button?

July 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am wondering what the tarnation it is going to take for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to prove to people that he has a screw loose in his thinker assembly.

So now the man with judicial activism dripping off his chin has gone on a rant rampage about … judicial activism. Honey, he ain’t got both oars in the water.

Judicial activism caused Hitler.  Hitler.  I do not know if it caused Stalin or Franco but Hitler, definitely.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia invoked Nazi Germany and radical islam Saturday to highlight the dangers of judicial activism in a speech to Utah State Bar Association in Snowmass Village, according to The Aspen Times.

The conservative justice opened his speech with a comment on the Holocaust, saying it occurred in one of the “most advanced countries in the world” and one of the mistakes that Germany made in the 1930s was that judges interpreted the law in ways that reflected the “spirit of the age.”

I’m telling y’all – it’s just a matter of time before he turns to Elena Kagan and says, “You’re a wolf! Arrgghhhh.”

Oh thank you, Ronald Regan.