And Now For a Sudden Burst of Damned If I Know
You know how when your 87 year old grandmother is in intensive care and the doctor comes out and says, “It’s in God’s hands?” Or hell, anytime a doctor says, “it’s in God’s hands?”
That means the doctor doesn’t know what else to do because she’s tried everything she knows and nothing worked.
Welcome to the crazy world of Republicans right now.
Mormons are afraid that mitt Romney is going to screw up the debates.
Mormon supporters of Mitt Romney are promoting a day of mass fasting and prayer to seek divine help for the Republican candidate in the debates.
The plan — which is not endorsed by the politically neutral Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — is laid out in an email inviting like-minded Mormons to fast on September 30th with the purpose of bringing God’s blessings to Romney as he heads into the presidential debates.
And since this is just 3 days before the debate, God has a very short time to decide what to do with Mitt during the debates: flip-flopping Romney or Lying Mitt? That’s a tough decision. I guess that’s why God has to make it. Lord knows Mitt can’t.
Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.