Your Daily Louie UPDATED It’s a Twice A Day

July 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, somebody had to be the polar opposite of Mother Teresa.

Taken in that context, it’s kinda nice of Louie Gohmert to volunteer.

When the House Judiciary Committee was considering an amendment based on racial discriminatory practices, Louie speaks directly to John Conyers of Michigan and Steve Cohen of Tennessee.

“There is nobody in this chamber who is more appreciative than I am for the gentleman from Tennessee and my friend from Michigan standing up for the rights of race, religion, national religion of the Delta Smelt, the snail darter, various lizards, the lesser prairie chicken, the greater sage grouts and so many other insects who would want someone standing for their religion, their race, their national origin and I think that’s wonderful,” Gohmert said of the measure.

Okay, this was not an environmental amendment.  It was about the civil rights of human beings.

So, Ole Louie let the cat out of the bag or the snail out of the swamp, whatever.  He’s a white man and the everybody else is an insert or lesser prairie chicken.

Thought you’d want to know.

Thanks to Frank and Sharon for the heads up.

Louie reacts to the announcement that the Justice Department will support our Democratic effort to fight the redistricting in Texas.   The You Tube is here and it’s the living example of Thelma telling Verdelia, “Girl, you are talking but you ain’t sayin’ nothing.”

He’s bringing up the whole thing about Eric Holder casting asparagus on him.

You’re gonna love this confused man.

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