11. Get a Bucket of Water and Dump It On People’s Heads When They Least Expect It.

July 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you were ever wondering what would happen if you got Clarence Thomas’ wife Jenni, John Bolton, Allen West, a top aide to Ted Cruz, and my neighbor Cathy Engelbrecht of True the Vote all together in one room and told them to form a group named Groundswell and make a list of Things To Do … today is your lucky day.

1. “At its weekly meetings, the group aims to strengthen the right’s messaging by crafting Twitter hashtags.”

2. Defeat the nomination of Labor Secretary nominee Thomas Perez by convincing people that he is “is extremely antagonistic toward whites.”

3. Convince Americans that John Kerry cannot be trusted as Secretary of State because “Kerry’s son in law is an Iranian American with extensive family still in Iran.”

4. “If we were all gay illegal aliens, the party likes [sic] us.”

5. Re-brand efforts to restrict access to the polls through voter ID programs and strict scrutiny of minority voters as a “Voter Rights” campaign.

6. Win the hearts and minds of “minorities” by re-positioning themselves as “Fredrick Douglas[sic] Republican[s],” instead of tea partiers or conservatives.

7. Refer to immigration reform as “OBAMAGRATION”

8. Hype the “Fast and the Furious” controversy and the Benghazi embassy attack some more.

9. “A 15 sec internet [YouTube ad] featuring ethnically diverse children on a merry-go-round [soft music]… Nuclear explosion.”

10. “Write articles on [sic] 4th grade level!”

Hey, they’ve got #10 down pat.

Is it just me or is there something kinky going on between Jenni Thomas and John Bolton?  Those two sure concoct a lot of reasons to be in the same room together.

Frederick Douglass Republicans?  Guess who came up with TAT idea?

Thanks to Kyle and many others for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “11. Get a Bucket of Water and Dump It On People’s Heads When They Least Expect It.”

  1. Charles Phillips says:

    It’s good to see the extreme right in this country is still emulating the “underpants gnomes.”

  2. These are just nasty, crummy people. I am saving my best words for you in person!

  3. Frederick Douglass Republicans? The original Republican party wanted to free the slaves. The party not only wants to re-enslave them but add everyone else not a part of the 1% to the mix.

  4. this is real? I was sure this was satire.

  5. SomedayGirl says:

    I went to the source documents and, lawdy mercy. In addition to the above egregious illiteracies, they refer among other things to an action that will be a “death nail”. I sincerely hope this brain trust keeps up the good work.

  6. irene dwyer says:

    Where did you find the source documents?

  7. Aggieland liz says:

    Death KNELL after 20 minutes of cogitatation…SLO Aggie today!! 😀

  8. daChipster says:

    Virginia Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence “Uncle” Thomas;
    John Bolton, the former UN ambassador;
    Frank Gaffney, the president of the Center for Security Policy; Ken Blackwell and Jerry Boykin of the Family Research Council;
    Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch;
    Gayle Trotter, a fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum;
    Catherine Engelbrecht and Anita MonCrief of True the Vote;
    Allen West, the former GOP House member;
    Sue Myrick, also a former House GOPer;
    Diana Banister of the influential Shirley and Banister PR firm;
    and Max Pappas, a top aide to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

    I dunno, seems to me a list like that ought to end with

    “…and other unindicted co-conspirators.”

  9. These people aren’t even has-beens. They’re never-weres.

  10. SomedayGirl says:

    irene, they are in the original Mother Jones story that Raw Story linked to:


    The “death nail” is in this one:


  11. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    Silly me, I thought this was all a joke until I looked at the links. What a bunch of LOSERS!

  12. Marge Wood says:

    They’re only losers if we win. I’m excited that Eric Holder is going to fight Texas. Get your popcorn ready and be ready to duck.

  13. Sam in Kyle says:

    Pretty sure that pandering to white voters is going to be a winning strategy as Hispanic and African American voters move into the majority. Keep it up Kathy, you’re our best Allie (Although when I think of King Street Patriots I think of the words Alli and leakage)

  14. Yes, this story is real and is not satire. I saw the Mother Jones article and then I saw a report on the Maddow blog http://maddowblog.msnbc.com/_news/2013/07/25/19681021-facing-a-groundswell?lite It has to be hard to do satire right now because real life examples are so strange that they sound like satire.

  15. mike from iowa says:

    If Jenni Thomas had John Bolton’s moustache and Allen West’s rapier wit sandbox,would that quantify the theory of relativity? I’m guessing fuchsia.

  16. You have to love “Efforts in Futility” by Republicans.

  17. Umptydump says:

    This is hilarious and great satire, but sorry, the needle on my BS meter just went off the scale on this one. Remember the old Nixon “dirty tricks” squad? This is the same stuff on the other side – very cleverly written political sabotage. Hard to trace, hard to refute, but sooner or later it will be uncovered for what it is and who originated it. Then the conservatives will run amok condemning their opponents. In other words, this is gonna boomerang.

  18. SomedayGirl says:

    Breitbart isn’t denying it…neither that Matt infectedBoyle or Mickey Flynn were there nor the reported content of the memos.


  19. They just cannot help themselves…get out the straight I jackets and Thorazine, stat!

  20. Eykis, yeah! Thorazine! 300 cc’s! Each one of them. Watch them float away!

  21. mike from iowa says:

    Rethuglicans are dyslexic. They are trying to rewrite John F.Kennedy’s “Prolifes in Cougars” to include tea-baggers.

  22. Republicans are not dyslexic. Dyslexics are smart.

  23. Mollie Ivins said, of the attempt to find something funny to say about the news that came over the ticker, “Some days it’s just rip and read.”

  24. CerealCitySue says:

    Accurate, but not politically correct, translation:

    1. Be cuter.
    2. Be more racist.
    3. Be more xenophobic.
    4. Be more (a) homophobic and (b) xenophobic. (c) Use poor grammar.
    5. (a) Be more racist. (b) Really piss off poor working people, middle class working people, single working parents, old people without driver licences, students without gun permits, everybody who lives in states like Michigan (which has just *one* day on which to vote), people in states which are scrambling to enact draconian voter disenfranchisement laws….
    6. Be more racist. Insult blacks by ignorance of important black people.
    7. (a) Be more racist. (b) Be more xenophobic. (c)Think of more ways to insult President Obama because he’s such a horrifying [uppity Negro] person just the mere thought of him will scare voters into our welcoming arms for generations to come.
    8. WTF? (a) Just scare people in general, I guess? (b) Or maybe, OMG, Dems R Evil? (c) Or maybe, When will you listen to us ??? Obama is evil!! Clinton[s] is [are] evil!!! Kerry is evil!!! Biden is evil!!! Pelosi is evil!!! Have we left anybody out??? Don’t make us send out the flying monkeys!!!
    (d) Maybe, instead of “evil,” we should say, “traitor?” Yes?
    9. (a) Be more racist. (b) Remember the good old days of the Cold War? It worked then. Why not now?
    10. Some of ’em aren’t as smart as we are, or they’d already agree with us. We just have to make it easier for them to understand, bless their hearts.
