You Know That Whole Holier Than Thou Republican Party? DOA in Pennsylvania

September 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, my goodness, it appears that Pennsylvania Republican Governor Tom Corbett has hired a staff that likes porn.  Kinky porn, which I will not describe here but — trust me — it’s kinky.  You really don’t want to know.  Unless, of course, you’re kinky and either drunk or lost at this beauty salon.

Attorney General Kathleen Kane reportedly gave local journalists a look at a series of sexually explicit emails, videos and photos that she said were circulated on state computers by staffers who worked for Corbett during his time as the state’s attorney general.

Some of those who allegedly sent and received the content, according to the newspaper, have gone on to high-ranking jobs in Corbett’s gubernatorial administration, including the state’s police commissioner and its secretary of environmental protection.

Okay, okay, so police commissioner is a stressful job.  And so is environmental protection … almost.

TomCorbettDec243I’m gonna stop here and remind you that this kinky stuff was found on state computers, paid for by the good folks of Pennsylvania.  And, it might tell you something about the competency of the state police commissioner if the idiot doesn’t know that you cannot totally erase anything on a computer.

Corbett was on top of things, though.

Corbett’s Communications Director Lynn Lawson said “the images described in the accounts are unacceptable and have no place in the work environment.”

Ya think?

Now, I’d pitch a wall eyed snot nosed hissy fit here except for one thing.  Tom Corbett doesn’t have to fire these staffers because the voters of Pennsylvania will fire Tom Corbett in November.  Mark my word.



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0 Comments to “You Know That Whole Holier Than Thou Republican Party? DOA in Pennsylvania”

  1. And I sincerely hope that all those suffering the effects of Corbett and the all-Republican legislature (i.e., 99% of us) will run, walk, skate, hitchhike, and wheel themselves or be wheeled to the polls and vote these self-serving, self-righteous swine out of office (driving to the polls? gonna cost way more thanks to Corbett’s oh-so regressive transportation legislation).

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    With Corbett gone in PA and Brownback gone in KS, the future is looking so much better. Can’t wait until it’s our turn to dump Sandoval in NV.

  3. I’m gonna take a different approach on this one. Momma, please read no further.

    Now, these are Republicans we are talking about, and we know they are always all worked up over something. And we know they have some serious issues about all things sexual. So maybe things at home aren’t doing much for them and the only fun they have is looking at some naughty bits at work. Hopefully behind a closed door. But whatever.

    If it helps take down their stress level, well, I’m all for it. Ain’t nothin’ worse than a sexually repressed, pent-up Republican trying to do the gov’mint business and gettin’ all up in everybody else’s business just ‘cuz they ain’t getting no business at home.

    Can I get an Amen?

    The more time they spend looking at that nasty dirty pornography at the office means less time to mess up things for the rest of us. Heck, I’m ready to spring for a paid-up subscription to if it means they leave the rest of us alone.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    “…kinky stuff was found on state computers.”

    “Corbett was on top of things, though.”

    My high school English teacher would have chided me for “poor word choice”. But hey, I thought it was funny.

  5. Yes, PA voters will give Corbett the boot in November. Can’t come quickly enough.

  6. yeah it’s amazing how small a PC an employee can use for business when they aren’t doing the daily 7 gig porn download.

  7. Cartoon:

    Mark J may have a point. Arlo Guthrie said that he didn’t understand why people complained about Reagan sleeping so much. “I figure, the more he sleeps, the better off we are!”

  8. Sorry, but I’m an old fashioned citizen who believes in an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. This sleazy time-wasting crowd of Repugs should be made to repay their salaries. If this represents their work ethic, no wonder we are in such bad straits.

  9. Mark J — Amen.

  10. So who’s surprised? They wuz just doin’ what comes naturally by absorbing the unnatural. Just wonder who ever got around to putting up a firewall on those computers for all things unnatural. Since Corbett declares that he was on top of things, yah think he coulda done it?

    Nahhh. That would mean he would lose certain computer options too.

  11. I could care less about the pron, they can look at whatever they wish. IF they get voted out because of the porn, it is still a bad situation because they have been voted out by a bunch of sexual bigots that will vote others in that are the same but more careful with their computers. The republicans (I usually call them rePUKEians, but have been criticized for using accurate descriptions) need to be voted out cuz they don’t care about the country nor the people in it.

  12. Strange. I thought that for right-wingers guns were the porn of choice.

    Or was someone doing kinky things with guns?

  13. And the Heritage Foundation guy thinks it’s *liberals* who are all about sex all the time?

    L.Long: I wouldn’t worry about that. If they’re voted out, it won’t be because of they were looking at porn, but the hypocrisy and the wasting of taxpayer money (their salaries) looking at porn while on the job. Looking at porn on the internet is not what they were hired to do–they can look at all the porn they want on their own time and their own electric bills. Same if they were looking at puppies & kittens & rainbows, cats doing funny things, stock-car racing, NFL blunders, or anything else online on the state’s dime.

    But it’s fun to tweak the Elephant about all the porn consumed by Elephants, because they’re so tweakable there, having insisted on their moral superiority.
