Oh Yeah, Another Texas Republican Wants Power

September 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please allow me to introduce Kevin Brady.

220px-KevinbradyBrady is a Republican Congressfool in an area northeast of Houston.  He’s not a religious right radical, although he supports those who are.  He’s a financial radical.  He is a pure capitalist. When Grover Norquist says that he wants government small enough to drag to the bathroom and drown in the bathtub, Grover knows that Kevin Brady is already drawing the water in the tub.

And he drinks a little.  Okay, he drinks a lot.

Brady has up and decided that he wants to fight Paul Ryan for chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.

His big thing is tax revision.  He wants to drown income tax and replace it with a national sales tax.  You know, because that will hurt minimum wage workers more than it’ll hurt him.  And that’s just fair because … freedom.

Okay, I have to say that I’m all for Republicans fighting each other.  But, Lord Have Mercy, I hope this is a fight we don’t have to see because neither of these cowboys have earned their boots.  Both Ryan and Brady will not be happy until there is no middle class and buyer beware is the national motto.

Thanks to Old Mayfly for the heads up.



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0 Comments to “Oh Yeah, Another Texas Republican Wants Power”

  1. Seems I recall that the “honorable ” Mr. Brady is amongst the wealthiest members of congress. Stands to reason he would want that position, since, you know, us “non-millionaires” are just shiftless and lazy. I fear for our country.

  2. Of course the “take charge” kinda guy is the one at the wheel, drunk or not…

    But, Jeez, what’s with a rental having a taillight out :-/

  3. SteveTheReturned says:

    Jeez, I hadn’t seen Brady in a while—he’s really aged. It’s as if his ultra-toxic views and nasty personality are bursting forth for all to see. No good can come from him attaining any additional governing power.

  4. Maybe they’ll yell loud enough so some more Texas voters will actually hear them and think, “Wait a minute… what the hey…?”

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ryan or Brady, that Republican “pick your poison” at its most vile.

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I thought committee assignments were decided by the Majority Leader. Did I miss something?

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ralph Wiggam, that would have been before Boehner became speaker. He’s so busy trying to nurse his hangovers and keep the squabbling brats in his caucus quiet, he probably tosses out committee positions like rattles to the babies.

    Herding those feral cats in Congress is a preview for Boehner of the DTs. He may find his DTs preferable.

  8. Bernard Terway says:

    Brady is one of the champions of the WEP
    and GPO. Ask him about it and he laughs in your face. He loves to see people getting screwed out of their money.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    I thought Buyer Beware was the Texas motto.

  10. Wish the photo of him in handcuffs, being arrested, could be posted. Wealthy creeps like him think the rules are for everybody else.

  11. Once upon a time when earmarks wandered the land you could fight for a position on a committee, even a chairmanship. Nothing said you would get your prize even if you came out on top in the fight but it was surely a lot more interesting back then. Nowadays just about anything beats Mr. Orangade who is totally without clout in his own party as Speaker. Funny how the lack or earmarks, though, never bothered Nancy Pelosi. Hell, she only raised five kids plus did everything else. When she was Speaker, if you messed with her or even tried to, you suddenly found your office moved the the sub-basement of all sub-basements and there wasn’t a thing you could do about it.

  12. Wrong Rep. Kevin Brady. The DUI was for the Congressman from S. Dakota.

  13. @Wally: same guy. Born in SD he traveled to Texas to make a fortune selling snake oil. Sold so much and so well he turned to Congress. I read that SD took invited him back. He got liquored up celebrating and took off someplace with his wife and a couple other relatives in the car. Got pulled over. Don’t know what he blew. He eventually pled guilty apologized etc etc. IOKIYAR

  14. So, here’s another male, republican Texas politician who was convicted of a DUI, who received a lesser punishment than the Travis co DA, and who is still in his job 9 years later, running for re-election with no outcry whatsoever. But, it’s ok because he’s only on the House Ways and Means committee and there’s no video.
