You Go, Girl$!

April 20, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Take a look at this list of famous (and not-so-famous) Americans, and tell me what they have in common (in historical chronological order): Pocahontas, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, Stephen Decatur, Andrew Jackson, James Garfield, Hugh McCulloch, Daniel Manning and Grover Cleveland.

Give up? Discounting the allegorical figures of “Goddess Victory” and “Lady Liberty,” Pocahontas is the only actual woman to be honored, as these men listed were also honored, by a portrait on a $20 note of US currency.  Actually, the 1840 painting of her baptism, with her future husband looking on, was featured on the 1865 bill, so it was more a triumph of white Christian paternalism over “red” “heathen” womanhood, rather than a celebration of her life.

Pocahontas gets "white-washed"

Pocahontas gets “white-washed” – click to bigify


The Moses of her People, Harriet Tubman: Slave, Scout, Spy, Badass

The Moses of her People, Harriet Tubman: Slave, Scout, Spy, Badass


Andrew Jackson on the front, with the White House on the back, has been the design of the $20 bill since the 1920s.

But now, thanks to the miracle of modern historical research, combined with a surprising resurgence of popularity for Alexander Hamilton on the $10 (thanks to a popular and ungodly-expensive-to-get-into Broadway musical), further combined with a healthy dose of “it’s about freakin’ time!” Harriet Tubman is going to replace the misogynistic, racist, genocidal, cranky, touchy, feudy 7th President as the note of choice in every ATM in America.

I think they ought to use this picture. 

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