Yeah, Well See, We Need The Money And You Need The Product.
Poor Kansas.
Seriously, Poor Kansas. They don’t have any money.
Facing a $238 million dollar deficit, Kansas has made the decision to auction off sex toys it confiscated for back taxes.
Kansas’ budget woes are so dire that the state government has resorted to selling off furry handcuffs and vibrators seized by its revenue department.
The Topeka Capital-Journal first reported on the sale Wednesday, explaining that the new bounty, numbering in the thousands of items, resulted from a five-shop, four-city raid on a company that owed more than $163,000 in state taxes.
What? There are no seized drugs we can put on Craig’s List?
The “toys” will be sold online by the original owner with the agreement that he will use the profits to pay back taxes. This assumes, of course, that the owner of the emporium known by the name of “Bang” can be trusted to pay his taxes this time when he didn’t last time.
Let’s see, there was a decision to be made: Kansas can either accept the Medicaid expansion funds or go into the porn business. Apparently, that was not as difficult a decision as you’d suspect.
Thanks to Steve for the heads up.