County Fair

September 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

County Fairs are a big deal in Texas.  They shut down school on the first day of the Fair and have a big parade.  Then everybody heads to the Fairgrounds where there’s rides for the kiddos, animal judging, a Fair Queen contest, baked good competition, and booths selling wares and ideas.

I want to show you our Fort Bend Republican Party Fair Booth.  It is hard to cram this much hate and stupidity into a 5 by 15 foot booth.




What you see propped up are boards with about 50 bumper stickers, filled with negative bumper sticker mentality.  Not one positive message.  No helpful ideas.  No pro nothing.  Just all the things they hate.  They are asking for a $5. donation for a bumper filled with crap.

Let’s have a look, shall we?



And …



Just getting warmed-up.




Yeah, yeah, they went to the Tea Party convention and bought the entire display case.



So, here’s where I stop and admit that I have a favorite —



Babe, I’ll pay for your ammunition when you use it for contraception and shoot your winkie off.  Deal?

I’ll keep you updated about any drunken brawls over at the Republican Party fair booth.

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0 Comments to “County Fair”

  1. Geez. I knew the Elephant was mean, selfish, and stupid, but this is ridiculous. I think we need a new bumper sticker: “Stamp out Hate: Vote Democrat.”

  2. Elizabeth, I liked one that said “P*** off a Republican: think for yourself.”

    Favorite of the above, aside from JJ’s, is “Illegal immigration is destroying America– look what it did for the White House.” Anybody displaying that is saying, “Lookit me, I’m a moron!”

    “Got a birth certificate?” with the Obama logo also says, “I don’t pay a **** bit of attention and I just might vote!”

    Man, we don’t need voter ID; we need a voter current-events quiz.

    One of my bumper stickers says “Friends don’t let friends vote Republican.” Here’s where you can get one:'t-let-friends-vote-republican+bumper-stickers

    Others I’ve noted include “If God wanted us to vote Republican he’d have made us all rich” and “Proud to be everything the right wing hates” and “I’m for the separation of church and hate.”

  3. Here is my bumper sticker idea. “My IQ is bigger than your gun”

  4. Maybe ammunition IS right-wing birth control, at the rate they actually have been shooting their winkies off.

  5. We went for the first and last time to last years fair. Some of the booths were downright disgusting, one with the obligatory Obama with Hitler stache.

    What ever happened to the day when the county fair meant booths where Nanna sold her quilts and fig preserves. Where crafts person and artist sold their wears. Now they just sell hate and ignorance.

  6. I think Dean Wormer, although maybe he wasn’t thinking of Republicans specifically at the time, said it best when he said “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I don’t understand the association between contraception and shooting up road signs.

    What’s that all about?

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    @Ralph … that sign had a deer on it … must be OPEN SEASON!!

    Contraception and supplying ammunition to some fool who should shoot off his winkie really has no pertinent association at all.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    Meanwhile, back here in DeeCee, the Republicans are soon having their Values Voters Summit with “top notch” speakers like the ever popular Sarah Palin. Yes, the party that passed an “immigration reform” bill that trashes the Dream Act had the gonads (or just plain poor taste) to name their group of speakers “The Dream Team”.

    Dontcha just love these people?

  10. JAKVirginia, I saw a full-page ad in the WashPost urging the GOP to denounce the “Values Voters” gay-bashers the way it denounced racism a while back. I’m not holding my breath.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Now hear this, ammosexuals, we already pay for your ammunition every time one of you fools kill one of our loved ones and those ‘lucky’ times you merely send someone to the hospital.

    Seems all you carry safe/responsible ammosexuals should pony up for some insurance on those prosthetic devices. Put your money where your alleged training is, because if you’re all that safe, you might qualify for a discount.

    Heck, if you just paid for the damage, hospital bills and burials, the rest of us could afford all the contraception a doctor can prescribe and a new car every year on those savings.

  12. Juanita Jean -I’ll take your favorite and raise mine:

    ‘Responsible Gun Owner…’

  13. It’s no longer about politics or honest debate for these clowns. It’s all about weapons-grade hatred and stupidity.

  14. capitol dave says:

    I had a bumper sticker back in the day that said “Not rich enough for a tax cut.”

  15. Dennis, it turns out now the bullet that struck the six-day-old baby actually penetrated the child’s skull. Following surgery, the baby is in intensive care.

  16. Political dissent is not racism, but political hate that is based on the color of an opponent’s skin most certainly is.

  17. ‘Tis a pity there was no Democratic booth at the county fair to counter all that stoopidity and hate.

  18. And then there was the day when I damn near puked in the Safeway parking lot when I saw a bumper sticker on a mom-van that read “I love water boarding”. Don’t have to wonder where she got it.

  19. maggie, if she loves water boarding, let’s give her some. Or did she think it meant boogie boarding?

    maryelle, I’d love to see a Dem booth next to that one being all sweetness and light, not displaying the bumper stickers I’m thinking of…. Some sweetness and light people would have to staff it, not me, because I’ve got a mouth on me, especially for Publicans. (At our city Labor Day Festival, the Dems run the funnel cake booth. We don’t see many Publicans here.)

  20. Holding your newborn child, in your home, when a bullet from nowhere hits them in the head….

    How can we NOT want guns regulated with that image?

    How can people rifle hunt close to homes with that possibility?

  21. If the rights you’re “fighting to protect” aren’t for all people, of every color, then how can your stance not be racist.

    If open carry isn’t for everyone, including “Muslim Black Panthers”, then guess what….

  22. Personally, I hope they stuff their ammunition where the sun don’t shine.

  23. i will gladly pay for their contraception, just to stop them from reproducing themselves.
