Yeah, I’m Gonna Say Something About It

September 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This will not make one hill of beans difference to those QAnon people or to Trump’s supporters because, after all, he can shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and they’d still support him.

As first reported by the Atlantic and later confirmed in part by other media outlets, including The Washington Post, Trump said wounded veterans should not march in a military parade and canceled his visit to a French cemetery for American Marines killed in World War I because he had no interest in honoring his country’s war dead.

I think it’s amusing that he wants to honor the Confederacy with monuments when, in actual fact, they are treasonous losers.  I guess he’ll identify with them even more after election day.

I am reminded.

You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?


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0 Comments to “Yeah, I’m Gonna Say Something About It”

  1. I just don’t get it. He’s trying to kill the Post Office, which has the support and approval of just about everybody; and now he’s going after the military by killing the Stars and Stripes and insulting those killed or injured–like none of these people have families and friends. I know he is getting desperate, but none of this makes any sense at all.

  2. Barb, unfortunately it all makes perfect sense if you think of him not as a candidate for re-election, but as an aspiring dictator with the support of a majority of the SCOTUS, of the Senate, of the State-by-State delegations in the House, and of an ever-increasing number of the governmental and quasi-governmental institutions (census, USPS and CDC for some recent examples), all combined with a solidly brainwashed 40% of the populace, most of whom are heavily armed and panting for an excuse to go all vigilante on some libs, and coordinated by Putin. The release of the two- and three-year-old comments disparaging war dead was not necessarily part of the plan, but clipping the Stars and Stripes (along with Voice of America and NPR) is.

    The plan is ever clearer — ratfluck the vote by (among other things) kneecapping the post office, declare victory on Nov. 3, sow as much chaos as possible in enough states, with lawsuits as needed, to prevent Boards of Elections from certifying results so as to keep Biden below 270, and throw it into the House, whose spineless Trumplicans control at least 26 states.

    Gawd, I hope I’m wrong.

  3. And he’s trying to shut down Stars and Stripes, the independent armed forces news outlet.

    That’s not going to win him any votes in the rank and file.

  4. Here’s how we get him to stop backing the Confederacy:
    somebody remind him that a whole lot of those Rebel Johnny’s were captured and/or died in combat.

    Oh, and that those folks lost the war — i.e. they’re losers.

    Not that it will make one whit of difference of course. Even applying his own “logic” to a situation makes no never mind once he’s gone down any given rabbit hole.

  5. Decency? Trump? Trump never had decency to start with, and he’s gone downhill from there.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He wouldn’t do anything about Putin putting a bounty on our troops. He continues to hold a grudge against a real American hero in John McCain. He publicly disrespects a Gold Star family and their son lost in war.
    Anyone who believes Trumpf didn’t disrespect fallen WW I soldiers has been living in a cave (also known as his cult).
    I believe this has a lot to do with being called out for his bone spurs service. In his constant vanity, he put his orange hair over paying respects to our fallen soldiers. He also denies calling those WW I soldiers “losers” and “sucker”, but it all makes sense to me.

  7. Sam in Superior says:

    My thoughts involved homicide when I read this.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Don’t worry about it, Donnie. Wounded veterans marching in a parade cannot make you look any worse than you already do. Unless of course the golf cart carrying the Toddler-in-Thief has a flat tire forcing the moron to waddle 3 or more feet. Or, it could rain, or the wind might blow. The option to be worse is always on the table with Donnie.

    “The distance between Donald Trump and his G7 partners was spelled out dramatically today when Theresa May and the leaders of Italy, France, Germany, Japan and Canada strolled the streets of Taormina, Sicily — while he followed in a golf cart.”

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    Since 1775, we’ve had 657K die on the battlefield. We are about to have 200K die from a virus. His majesty will continue to only see what he wants to see.

  10. BiilR @ 3,

    IDK, wouldn’t this and shouldn’t this be regarded as a violation of the First Amendment freedom of the press, especially since it seems fairly clear that he’s shutting them down in retaliation for the article they published? If he’s allowed to get away with doing this to Stars And Stripes…whom will he attempt to silence next?

  11. The more damage Donald Trump manages to do, the better his chances of a lucrative, closely guarded, berth in Russia with Putin’s support.

  12. Fred Farklestone says:

    Trump babbling about soup and bricks, it’s a must see!

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Just watching msnbc covering the Atlantic story. Trumpf staff that say they were there when he didn’t say what was reported (huh??) deny he said any of it (huh??). Shocking that anyone in Trumps orbit would deny, deny, deny.
    But the bigger story is the reporting and reminders of the dozens of other instances where he similarly disparaged the military, the fallen, wounded and captured. Those stories were recorded in public and/or corroborated and will now be repeated over and over in the media. Hopefully the Lincoln Project will take these instances and hammer him on them.
    Oh, and one of today’s Trumpf stupid comments- he denies he called John McCain a loser.

  14. Elizabeth2 –
    Thanks for the link to the Fox News confirmation. Trump has scheduled a rare Friday afternoon news conference, perhaps to control the fallout.

    This could be a revealing weekend. A presidential campaign with a Labor Day Surprise. (Why wait until October?)

  15. Somebody please tell me this will stick to him, cause people to abandon him. Tell me it won’t be another “grab ’em” event. I’ve begun to despair that there’s nothing too horrid for him to do that will make any difference. I try to stay hopeful, but just when I think THIS is what will bring him down, nothing happens.

  16. Brad in Dallas says:

    MJ Hegar tore into Trump on Rachel Maddow, not as a politician but as veteran. I was cheering her on. I hope the Lincoln Project turns that into an anti Trump ad, she put it so well, saying she and her fellow medivac crews and the men, wounded and dead she flew out were not losers, they understood sacrifice in a way Trump just cannot grasp.

  17. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Also take a look at’s videos. Short. Pithy.

    As for the military vote, a lot of our military is overseas and votes absentee by mail–military members in my day were encouraged to vote, but not to politic. I voted every election while on active duty, except a couple of locals that my mother didn’t tell me about in time to vote absentee. I think Trump hopes the overseas troops’ votes don’t count (as some of them didn’t in 2018 in Florida.)

    But the veteran vote is widespread across the country and Trump’s support there is weaker than it was. Not gone, but weaker. Trump killing Stars & Stripes is another of his stupids. Most of us, I’ll bet would take the word of a veteran, active duty service member, Gold Star family member, over any of Trump’s staff…so those denials mean zilch.

  18. Papa @ 10:

    It’s just a budget issue, doncha know. And of course now he’s backpedaling like crazy, denying it was his idea in the first place.

    I’m not a veteran but some of my best friends, etc, and they tell me this is going to damage him bigly.

  19. I don’t remember whether or not I’ve said it here, but I came to the conclusion awhile back that one of, if not the main core tenet of modern repugnantcans is “Everybody has/gets what they deserve.” Period. Full stop.
    If someone is poor, they’re lazy. No excuse. If someone is rich, they’ve deserve every penny. If they gained it on the backs of struggling people, then by-god those struggling people shoulda climbed their neighbor’s backs first.
    I’ve said it before. F**king trump has gone further than anyone else in revealing the true nature of what passes for conservatism today. Hopefully someone can show how his disdain for for the sacrifice of our service members is just
    his innate belief of what we all mean to him.
    Tools. Servants. Suckers.

  20. In the early 1990’s, I worked with a retired Marine who had Clinton derangement syndrome. He wouldn’t vote for a draft dodger! I wonder how he voted in 2016? I wonder what he’s thinking now?

    And, yes, I have 45 derangement syndrome. I LOATHE 45. I can’t stand to hear his voice on the radio or to see him on the teevee.

  21. His defenders say the article in The Atlantic is based on hearsay. Mind you, his defenders will swallow just about anything put out by Alex Jones or QAnon.

    Combover Quisling is saying that draft dodgers are winners…

  22. OMG! I remember those hearings! I was just a cute little pup at the time and grandma had a TV with the world’s smallest screen. Nobody i the house liked Joe McCarthy, especially when he questioned in some way the courage or political persuasion of a military man. We figured that “why question the major/colonel/general in the field or anywhere else especially if he was under fire at the time.” Joe McCarthy died in very poor favor after a bit and the HUAC became a smudgy mark int he history books.
