Whoa, Coonass, Pull In On Them Reins

September 03, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So there’s this dude from Louisiana who got himself elected to congress who has a full blown case of dumber than bean dip.  His name is Clay Higgins, he’s a Republican, and he just swam over to the other side of Lake Rational.

A Louisiana congressman’s Facebook post promising the use of force against armed protesters has been removed from the social media platform, prompting a response from the congressman that “America is being manipulated into a new era of government control.”

Okay, first off, Facebook is absolutely not the government.  I looked it up.

Second off, who the hell tarnation does this bozo think “the government” is right now?  It’s Donald Trump, your hero.  Good Lord, Gator Breath, you picked him.

What had Cloggedhead Higgins so upset is a picture of some black people with long guns – you know, the same kind that Higgins’ white friends take everywhere they go including to the dentist.  But, black people having second amendment rights has not been approved yet in Higgins’ America.  So, he wrote …

“If this shows up, we’ll consider the armed presence a real threat. We being We, the people, of Louisiana.”

Well, probably not the black people.  They’ll be circling around the back to get you from the rear.  No, I just made that up to scare Congressman Webbed Foot.  That’s not gonna happen.  But, Wiggins is not finished telling you how the cow is gonna eat the cabbage.

The post goes on to say such protesters should “Have your affairs in order” and that “I’d drop any 10 of you where you stand.”

Damn, this fool of man thinks he can count to ten.

This is absolutely not Higgins first trip on Whackymobile to the Land of Odd.  Check this out.

He has periodically stirred controversy with social media posts since his 2016 election to Congress. For instance, he drew widespread censure in 2017 for a post that followed a deadly terror attack in London.

“The free world … all of Christendom … is at war with Islamic horror,” Higgins wrote, going on to say of terrorists: “Hunt them, identify them, and kill them. Kill them all. For the sake of all that is good and righteous. Kill them all.”

I see he’s been reading Trump’s Bible again.

By the way, this Holy Man is on his 4th wife.

Thanks to Joyce for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Whoa, Coonass, Pull In On Them Reins”

  1. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Ms. Juanita, I was surprised to see the heading of this post, using “coonass.” I checked Urban Dictionary, with this result:
    Coonass is a controversial term in the Cajun lexicon: to some Cajuns it is regarded as the supreme ethnic slur, meaning \”ignorant, backwards Cajun\”; to others the term is a badge of pride, much like the word Chicano is for Mexican Americans. In South Louisiana, for example, one can often see bumper stickers reading \”Warning — Coonass on Board!\” or \”Registered Coonass\” (both of which generally depict a raccoon’s backside). The word’s origin is unclear: folk etymology claims that coonass dates from World War II, when Cajun GIs serving in France were derided by native French speakers as conasse, meaning \”dirty whore\” or \”idiot.\” Non-French-speaking American GIs allegedly overheard the expression, converted it to the English \”coonass,\” and introduced the term back in the United States. There it supposedly soon caught on as a derisive term among non-Cajuns, who encountered many Cajuns in Gulf Coast oilfields. It is now known, however, that coonass predated the arrival of Cajun GIs in France during World War II, which undermines the conasse theory. Indeed, folklorist Barry Jean Ancelet has long rejected this theory, calling it \”shaky linguistics at best.\” He has suggested that the word originated in South Louisiana, and that it derived from the belief that Cajuns frequently ate raccoons. He has also proposed that the term contains a negative racial connotation: namely, that Cajuns were \”beneath\” or \”under\” blacks (or coons, as blacks were often called by racists). Despite efforts by Cajun activists like James Domengeaux and Warren A. Perrin to stamp out the term’s use, coonass continues to circulate in South Louisiana and beyond. Its acceptability among the general public, however, tends to vary according to circumstances, and often depends on who says it and with what intention. Cajuns who dislike the term have been known to correct well-meaning outsiders who use the epithet.

  2. Funny thing – all these folks saying “the Bible is the literal word of God” think God was joking about that “ Thou shalt not kill” stuff. Great kidder, that God dude.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    Funny you said he’s on #4, I was just going to suggest he have more sex!

  4. Aren’t Clay Higgins those round things you fling into the air and blow to smithereens with a double barrel shotgun? Oh wait, those are Clay Pigeons. The Clay Pigeons I’ve met seem smarter.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Expect this Clay pigeon will get an endorsement from his idol anytime. Louisiana should be so proud to have another idiot representing them if he gets elected. He’d fit right in with other tough guy repugnantican reps in Congress, but we’re hoping he won’t be able to hide behind Trumpf in 2021.

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I see a cabana boy in his future.

  7. I see you saved the best for last, JJ!

  8. charles phillips says:

    Seems Ol’ Clay is a follower of another dumpster fire republican, Loonie Louie Goober.

    And by “follower,” I mean he comes AFTER Louie, as in “not as smart as.”

  9. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    I am one half Creole (check my birth name). I spent most of my childhood summers in New Orleans, where everyone knew how to pronounce DuQuesnay. On my mother’s side of the family, I qualify to be a Daughter of the American Revolution. Hell, Honey, I look down my nose at everybody. 🙂

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    First, make a roux . . . Then extract your brain and put roux in the empty space.

  11. Harry Eagar says:

    I, too, am one-quarter Creole but a cousin who did the DNA test found out we are Spanish not French Creole as we had always thought. It’s a wise Louisianian who knows his own papa.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    There’s a family resemblance between this crazy critter and Mike Pompeo. It has yet to be determined whether Clay is Mike’s ugly sister by another mother, or his brother by serious accident in a petri dish.

  13. JJ’s right, Clay Higgins is a real jerkoff.
    He’s had ‘personnel issues’ nearly everywhere he’s worked, especially in the LEO ones [insubordination, unauthorized use, profiteering…].
    The bounder rounds it out with child support and IRS problems.
    The people in LA-3 who keep re-electing this cretin maybe need a lesson beyond what Hurricane Laura just handed them [yeah, the 3rd is SW LA]. Yet another example of how effing gullible MAGAots are.


  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Off subject but appropriately infuriating. Should be a subject we discuss tomorrow. Trumpf calls WW I vets suckers for dying at the battle of Belleau Wood. He questioned why America supported the allies in WW I. Just like his comments about John McCain being a loser. If any vets continue to support Trumpf, I don’t understand. Really any American.
    Definition of deplorable.

  15. My husband is a Cajun and a coonass. To him and his, it ain’t an ethnic slur. My ole boy is from Higgins’ neck of the woods. To say we think the Congress critter is a “lowlife“ is charitable.
    This jackass really is stuck in the 1950’s.
    There is a ring of hell reserved for all the maggots.

  16. Texas Expat@1
    Not sure what part of Tejas you’re from. I’m from the Beaumont/Port Arthur Cajun Coonass region.
    Your heart’s in the right place, but your head”s up your ass.
    And I swear to God I mean that in the friendliest means possible. I’ve said that to good friends and had them say that to me

  17. It was true most of the time

  18. Funny thing about coonasses. Gumbo.
    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had folks tell me how REAL coonasses eat gumbo. With potato salad on the side. With a scoop of tater salad in the bowl with the gumbo. With a boiled egg on the side. With a a boiled egg in the bowl.
    Cause thats how REAL coonasses eat their gumbo.
    Turns out they’re just like everybody else. Their way is the best way. But they all claim the Coonass way.

  19. @Grandma Ada
    Don’t you go forgetting how evangelical Republicans define and sanctify marriage as between one man, one woman, and one pool boy. Sex gonna take of itsownself.

  20. @Juanita Jean

    My favorite aunt growing up, the woman married 3 different times to one of my momma’s older brothers was born and died in the Quarter, except for a time she spent in exile in Red Stick. Her name before marriage was Rilma Jumonville. Laissez le bon temps rouler. My doG could she tell a vile, funny story, make a roux, and teach this deep East Texas yokel aboot beignets, ettoufee, and jambalaya. I never cook beans and rice on a Monday without thinking of her. Good times!

  21. el lagarto says:

    Back in the early ’80’s one of the network morning news shows did a several-day feature on SW La and Cajun culture, punctuated one morning by none other then Ron Guidry looking into the camera and declaring “I’m proud to be a New York Yankee. But I’m even prouder to be a coonass.” I remember my first two thoughts: a) I’ve been a Yankee-hater all my life, but that was pretty cool; and b) wait, you can say “coonass” on national TV?

  22. Catherine Riley says:

    I had no idea “coonass” was a thing, let alone a thing someone was allowed to say out loud without being pimp slapped upside the head. Live and learn but I don’t think it is a term I will ever have cause to use.

  23. @Catherine #22, I didn’t know “coonass” was a thing, either! I thought JJ was losing it – sorry, JJ!

    I guess I can out myself, then, as a Coal Cracker.

  24. Isn’t this the guy who perfected a screen of invisibility for his tin foil hat? He’s wearing it but you just can’t see it. Boy howdy! Does he ever need the good old sleeveless sweater, the kind iwth all kinds of clasps on it so you can’t get out of it.
