One More Friday Toon…

September 04, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

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0 Comments to “One More Friday Toon…”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I cannot wait to be able to smile and say- Trumpf, look who’s the biggest sucker now, look who’s the biggest loser now. Maybe he can have a new reality show- biggest sucker. That’s wishful thinking, but if we do or jobs in November, we can call him the biggest sucker, and can call him THE biggest loser for real. I am so looking forward to that.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    Geez … that effing idiot just makes me want to puke! And then he denies saying anything … there were f**king witnesses! Arrrggghh!

  3. It’s utterly disgusting to think that the President thinks of our people as losers and suckers when they give that last full measure in OUR service.

    And maybe that’s the problem. It wasn’t in his…

  4. As a veteran there are no words that match the contempt I have for that creature

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Paul @4, fourth generation immigrant/veteran here giving serious reconsideration to my better instincts and manners. Like maybe b tch slapping the soap out of an old man in no shape to defend himself. But nah, the Toddler-in-Thief is not worthy of setting aside any of our principles. Smashing his overinflated undeserved ego at the polls by 30+ million popular votes should keep the f cking moron drooling in his bib until it’s time to drag his sorry carcass out of the WH.

  6. Sam in Superior says:

    I now understand why soldiers fragged inept officers.

  7. Ormond Otvos says:

    But we don’t get to frag the ShitGibbon?

  8. I keep hoping I will run into a FBI agent and get to ask: “how do you like the President of the United States calling you ‘scum’?”

  9. Ormond Otvos @7, have been wondering when some Secret Service officer would weigh his or her oath to the Constitution and act accordingly. Covidiot 45 has been dissing the Secret Service as if they’re some expendable valet service. Having to service Messy the first heifer and the privileged brats should wake up a few of these alleged public servants.

  10. If you want to read a good good book about some “losers” trying to do good in Afghanistan, try “The Outpost” by Jake Tapper. It’s a good read but there is also a movie, not as detailed in the deployment as the book.

  11. On behalf of”
    1. My late Husband
    2. My late brother in law (South)
    3. My late brother in law (North)

    the Slanderer in Chief can go to H E double hockey sticks on a bolt of lightening. All of these men served their country and valued the experience. Thats one of the many things the Oaf in the Office will never be able to understand. And he got tht line of thinking from his despotic father who considered military service a waste of time.

  12. maggie @ 11,

    My late served in the USN with honors for 24 and a half years. He served in VN as a B/N flying A-6s. He is at rest in Arlington cemetery in section 60. My late uncle flew B-25s over Italy in WWII. It disgusts me to think this man walked over the graves of those he called “suckers” and “losers”. Almost every generation of men in my family served in the military during war time and times of peace. All served with courage and honor. May Trump and all of his silent enablers burn in hell.

  13. publius bolonius says:

    Vet here. Donnie’s enjoying a ‘foot-long’ mouth missile with extra sauce. What a jerk. Many swing states are chock full of vets, not to mention Texas, Georgia and SC! Keep running your mouth – every spew loses 5,000 votes.

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    Publius, decent people would expect so but it ain’t happening. Not in my deep red county.

    I have been thinking about the underlying premises of democratic self-government (not for the first time).

  15. Trump does not believe in service to anything but his bank account.

  16. My grandfather quit college the day after the US got into WWI to join what was then the Army Air Corps. He was wounded in that one. When WWII started, even though he was in his 40’s, he again joined the Army, this time in Intelligence. He was on Guam, waiting for things to get really hot, when the war ended. Pappy’s been gone for a while now, and he was a lifelong Republican, but I can’t imagine that he would have had anything but contempt for Trump even before Trump’s recent remarks came to light. This would have sent him straight over the edge.

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Listening to a vet this morning quoting JFK- “ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country”. I remember when he said that. Completely the opposite for the entire Trumpf clan and his cabinet. Shameful.
    Good riddance soon.

  18. Any nutjob who votes for this disgusting pile of excrement
    does not deserve to be an American citizen and should be deported to Moscow ASAP.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself and others in the CBS Austin viewing area, you might want to check out this report that apparently some of Donnie’s more ‘gifted’ boatmen planned a boat parade and are sinking in their own wakes.

    Post pictures if you’ve got them! Please?

  20. Jane & PKM says:

    Y’all Qaeda Flotilla in real time.

  21. Steve from Beaverton says:

    News update- the only “military” Trumpf likes, his paramilitary “patriots” , held naval exercises in Austin today and almost killed themselves. I’d like to say some of them didn’t make it but I guess they proved some shit floats.

  22. Good depiction of his weird stance — due to his lifts. And the tiny hands.

  23. Steve from Beaverton @ 17:
    And yet the Republican ruling class claim that Democrats are all takers.
    The projection is breathtaking.

  24. The Surly Professor says:

    Let’s not get carried away with the Trump Flotilla sinkings. It’s only a small percentage of the boats that sank, and those were mostly older ones with multiple problems like rotten wood or mis-firing engines. They would have sank soon anyway. Young, healthy boats are in no danger.

    Also, even among the sinking boats very few people have died. So there’s no need for Austin to go crazy and require life vests, or keeping “safe” distance between the boats. Once the weak ones are gone, herd immunity will protect the others.

  25. Jane & PKM @ 19 —
    Ironic as hell if the Coast Guard [those losers] have to deploy to rescue these nimrods.

    I suggest they don’t.

  26. Jane & PKM says:

    twocrows, it has been suggested that those requesting rescue send notes via the USPS.

  27. I noticed something curious today when I went to the commissary at the AFB today. All of the military newspaper stands near the cashiers were empty. I’ve never seen them empty.
