Why I Subscribe to the New York Times

January 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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And, no, I will not be watching the State of the Union tonight. I just won’t. If he sets himself on fire, somebody please call me.



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0 Comments to “Why I Subscribe to the New York Times”

  1. Season 7 of The Walking Dead is awaiting me at the library. That’s my viewing tonight.

  2. At stately Micr Manor we will binge watch The Crown.

  3. I’m going to continue reading A Very British Coup (Chris Mullin) avoid the tv and turn off the computer. I’ll read and hear about the lies in the morning.

  4. Cleaning my toilet will be more useful than watching our Fearless Leader blither and pat himself on the back.

  5. My eyes are bleeding.

  6. Here’s a small collection of SOTU cartoons gathered by WaPo:


  7. AliceBeth says:

    You should turn your TV onto another channel just to damage the ratings. You can turn the sound off and read.

    I saw a comment on FB this am:
    The only reason to watch the speech is if you knew Mueller would walk in and arrest him in the middle of it.

    I would pay to watch that.

  8. Fenway Fran says:

    Not watching. Don’t want to ruin my optimistic buzz. Today I spent lunch hour at a local Rotary meeting, listening to our fantastic, smart, fearless legal eagle AG Bob Ferguson. WA state is SO lucky to have this guy looking out for us (and all of you). After a brief intro about himself, his position, and his ‘law office’, he opened the floor for questions. “Ask me ANYTHING” he said to a mixed audience in the blue bubble of a red county. Questions were answered in a factual, legal and unpretentious way about: gun control (he has 2 VERY common sense bills moving through), DACA (he’s suing the Trump admin), cannabis (can’t get a meeting with Jeff Sessions after a year of trying), Pay Day Lenders, Consumer Protection, AND Hanford cleanup (his suits vs the Obama administration are still going), his love of public service is obvious when he talks about it. Watch this guy. He’s going places. You heard it from me first. I knew he was special when he first ran, back in 2012. He was the ONLY statewide candidate who rsvp’d my request (as county D chair) to visit us. And visit us he did. I love this guy!

  9. Fenway Fran says:

    Rereading this, I should have said “trending purple bubble”. It it nowhere near a blue bubble. But we’re working on it.

  10. I subscribe to the NYT – even if I don’t read a word there because I really don’t have time. I will continue to subscribe to them as long as the Orange Hoax stinks up out WH.
