No. Seriously, No.

January 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, he’s trying to kill America.

He’s running a State of the Union Telethon.

President Trump is seeking to parlay his first State of the Union address on Tuesday into cash for his reelection campaign by offering supporters a chance to see their name flashed on the screen during a broadcast of the speech.

In a fundraising solicitation on Monday, Trump offered those willing to pay at least $35 the opportunity to see their name displayed during a live streaming of the address on his campaign website.

And he’s not gonna cure anything.  The heartbreak of classless dumbbutt will continue unabated.

Thanks to Mari for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No. Seriously, No.”

  1. For $8.50 I’ll write trump’s name on the bathroom wall along with White House phone.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Poor clueless Donnie finally makes history. First corrupt ___ in the history of television to organize a telethon to benefit himself.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    White House phone is 202 456 1111. Now that has a lot of potential. Find your kid’s indelible marker and tuck it in your pocket…..

  4. There are Trumpster fools that will empty their wallets for 15 seconds of fame on a tv news scroll.

  5. Chloe Bear says:

    I wonder if this brainless idea will be squashed rules that govern C-Span? The networks pick up the feed from C-Span and C-Span is not permitted to offer advertising.

  6. Chloe Bear says:

    squashed by the rules — oops!

  7. Somebody remind me– has any other president opened a “Gimme cash for my re-election” campaign within the first year? Or is Donnie just more shamelessly blatant about it?

  8. And may I just add… that is _so_ tacky.

  9. Great here’s some of my friends names that are willing to pay to honor the shithole crook.

    Trump Isa Chithole
    Ihate Traump
    Trumpp Sucks
    Trummp Lies
    Phuck Truump

  10. Colec:
    In the bars I went to in my youth, the names written on bathroom walls along with a phone number were almost always put there by someone else who claimed that the person named would provide a service that Donnie John Douchebag only performs for a certain Russian president. So as comical as the idea of drunk guys calling the White House switchboard trying to solicit certain things that mama shouldn’t hear about, all done in hilarious Russian accents might be……..
    Okay, I see what you did there.
    Please proceed.

  11. I like lex’s idea- also Putin Biatch

  12. Maybe demented donnie will justdeclare martial law and walk away.

  13. Blue State had a list on FB of the top ten reasons to not watch SOTU. #5 is my #1:

    “5. I couldn’t watch Trump deliver a “State of the Union” address any more than I could watch Joel Osteen speak to his church, and for the same reasons: I’m appalled at my fierce desire to punch his squinched-up face, and I feel unclean, knowing millions of drooling fanatics will be sending this man cash donations as soon as their erections subside long enough for them to lick a stamp without an ejaculatory incident.”

  14. Debbo:
    That was disturbingly, magnificently, and stupendously………….perfect.
    On a side note.
    The building housing Joel Osteen’s megachurch was formerly known as The Summit. Home of the Houston Rockets. And concerts. You know, “wait till the house lights go down and fire up one out of YOUR bag” kinda concerts.
    So when I see an image of one of his euphoria inducing services, I’m struck by memories of Springsteen, Seger and an aroma. And I smile for a different reason.

  15. Just emailed my cowardly rep. Elise Stefanik, to let her know what I think of Trumps actions.
    No sanctions against
    names of donors released during the state of the union.
    Perhaps we all could email the White house too?

    How is even legal that one party can be favored over another like that?
    This is the state of the union, not Mar A Lago.
    Could you imagine if the Democrats had tried this?

  16. Dotard-in-chief is nothing but a grifter squatting in OUR White House

  17. Wyatt Earl says:

    I’m with Lex. This is a golden opportunity.

  18. Boycotting. Can always read the text (if I can stomach it).

  19. I donated to Planned parenthood honoring Mike Pence. I was thinking donation should be made in Putin’s name. I also agree with other comments, just tacky!

  20. Liberty Belle says:

    Next up will be DJT wearing a military uniform displaying many, many gaudy fake medals. Dictator chic.

  21. If we donate to Planned Parenthood in Trump’s name, are they still sending out thank you’s? That would be a worthwhile donation…not that they aren’t anyway.

  22. Maggie O'Neill says:

    “name displayed during a live-streaming of the address on his campaign website.”
    Not on national tv…only the broadcast as shown on his campaign website.

    Tacky, yes. but not on national network.
    Someone must have shut that idea down, no doubt that he thought of it.
