The Real Constitutional Crisis

January 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Congress voted 517-5 to impose sanctions on Russia.

The President says he’s going to ignore that law. Not that that’s much different than what he does every damn day.

There, right there, is a constitutional crisis.

We should be outraged, but we just don’t have enough outrage left over after a year of Trump.  We have been outrage depleted.

And the sumbitch has already started campaigning again.  At the Iowa Caucus next week —

There will be a little bit of politicking for 2020, however: President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign will hand out booklets to all caucus attendees touting the administration’s accomplishments during its first year in office.

The glossy, 16-page “Year One of Making America Great Again” pamphlet notes 85 actions and developments that have occurred since Trump took office, ranging from stock market gains to a Supreme Court nomination to American air strikes in Syria.

Holy damn cow.


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0 Comments to “The Real Constitutional Crisis”

  1. And free ten minute rides on Air Force One.

  2. This entire maladministration is a constitutional crisis. Violated the Emoluments Clause from the start, and only gotten worse.

  3. And those are lies he’s printing and distributing at taxpayer expense to try and get his fat ass installed for four more years of ripping us off and making money instead of having a real president.

    When he promised to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution,” he was lying right there and breaking that oath is an impeachable offense. But the GOP keeps drinking his bathwater.

  4. And don’t forget that cool Star Wars movie he brought out last Christmas, (no war on Christmas there, because it took place in outer space) with light sabres and stuff! He’s clearly taken us into the future.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Congress could do something, but McFuddle and Lyin’ Ryan choose to embrace the Koch brother’s stable genius.


    If you have snacilbupeR varmints representing you who were among the yea votes, please contact them. If they voted nay contact the coroner on their brain dead behalf.

    NV has one Senate seat and 1 House seat remaining to be turned blue. For laughs, Heller is being challenged from the right by Danny Tarkanian, a perennial contestant and consistent loser. We’re hoping Congresswoman Jacky Rosen can defeat either of those clowns. NV-02 Amodei is seeing the deaths of eastern FLDS ranchers and the rise of millennials dampen his former CPVI edge. He’s also be hit from the right. By Sharron Angle, may the flying spaghetti monster or someone save us. (D) candidate Rick Shepard is gasping, but there’s time maybe.

    2018! Let’s get it done!! Texas! Wisconsin! California!

  6. The “leader” of the US is being investigated by an agency that’s being investigated secretly by a legislator who was on the leader’s transition team. That agency is investigating whether the leader clouded with another nation to interfere in our elections. In response to this Congress passes sanctions against that nation (517-5) which our “leader” refuses to enforce. There’s a word for that….

  7. Remember, Putin has the negatives on Donnie.
