Whoa! Duck!

February 23, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you’re watching the senate hearings, please make sure you duck and weave because all that finger pointing can put out an eye or something.

Klobuchar is doing a good job if you have time to tune in.


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0 Comments to “Whoa! Duck!”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    We’ve been listening to approximately half. We don’t have the time nor inclination to listen to the posers from the QOP. The mute button is our “duck and weave.” Our patience with deflection, denial and other ways of lying will require more than a few weeks to recover from the ***king moron and his maladministration.

    Does anyone with integrity doubt where the responsibility for delaying the National Guard reinforcements originated? Or, that Donnie, Jr. Mint, Roger Stone and many others built bonfires for months leading to the riots?

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Auntie Fa needs a good lawyer. She’s tired of the defamation by those QOP quislings.


  3. It’s always the fault of someone else. Just ask Rafael “El Gusano” Cruz.

  4. i hope all the “realist” democrats out there who thought it was more important to keep manchin than to primary him are paying attention.

    at least with a republican in that seat we could have done the right math.

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Some golfer flipped his car and it’s getting wall-to-wall coverage. I guess this is more important.

    What would we do without 24-hour news?

  6. I watched up to just about the time they quit for lunch. Amy K. has a mouthful of canine teeth and once she gets them into something, she just does not let go! I did notice that whatever the rest of the Sens had to say was directly taken from the subjects the opened and covered.

    There was so much about the lack of communication prior to Jan. 6th that reminded me of Pearl Harbor, especially the telegram that never made it to its destination because it was not marked URGENT.

    The Board they kept referring to was instituted to COORDINATE INTELLIGENCE. Instead, because of its final say-ism, it was as much responsible for the deaths that day as the rioters. And when they finally got to read the intelligence AFTER THE FACT they were gobsmacked to see that the opinion was that the crowd did not seem any different from others of its type that the Hill police had dealt with before.After the fact the discover that there was a helluva lot of premeditation. Rioters were carrying communication instruments, climbing rope, etc. etc.

    I sure did like Captain Mendoza when she testified. When she said that she threw people away as she charged into the crowd, you bet I believed her! She has more nerve than a mouth full of rotten teeth!

    I am also at this point wondering if the criminals in charge of this mob already knew how weak the management of the Capitol Hill Police was and aimed right at that weakness.

    As for all those who resigned right after the riot, I kinda feel for them. This experience blatantly showed them how they had been set up to fail and it was useless to remain in place.

    There are U.S. Marines guarding the White House along with the Secret Service. How come the Capitol doesn’t seem to merit the same? I bet things would have gone quite differently with the Marines on hand.

  7. publius bolonius says:

    All hail the Antifa super-deluxe ninjas! They’re something special. They can materialize in a crowd of flying monkeys, lead them to do incredibly stupid things, and then vanish into thin air, completely invisible to cameras. Now that’s some high-level ninja activity, right there. I’m glad they’re on my side.
