When Jim Jordan Has A Bad Day, I Enjoy It. So Can You! UPDATE! Don’t Send The DJ Home!
It looks like Congressvarmint Jordan will be getting a visit from the FEC’s lawyers in the enforcement division.
And, oh Baby, they far exceed $100,000 by a lot. By a whole lot.
Yeah, it appears that there’s some hanky-panky that Ole Jim absolutely didn’t see for himself and had no idea it was going on. No idea, I tell you, he did not see it, nor did he look for it. It was just going on with him in the next room but he didn’t know it. You know how that happens, right?
Here’s just s few of the things Jim didn’t see or know that was happening on his own campaign finance reports.
* an increase in disbursements totaling $37,784.91 and a decrease in receipts totaling $176,910.06 on a 2019 report that covered campaign expenses between July and September.
* an increase in receipts totaling $144,562.79 on its year end report for 2019.
* a decrease in receipts totaling $56,995.48 and a decrease in disbursements totaling $502,687.65 on a 2020 pre-primary report that covered January 1 through February 26.
And that’s just a tiny little simple.
Poor Jim. People do all manner of horrible things right around him that he can’t see. It must be awful to live that way.
He’s having a bad day.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.
UPDATE: Well, lookie here —
The Daily Beast has jumped on the story with both feet and a cannon ball.
Brett Kappel, campaign finance attorney at Harmon Curran, said that the reports appear “so substantially incorrect” that the FEC may order an audit.
“The legal standard to trigger an FEC audit is high: Whether filings meet the threshold for ‘substantial compliance’ with the law,” Kappel explained. “Jordan’s FEC reports were so substantially incorrect over such a long period of time that they may meet the standard.”
We’ll probably have more days to enjoy about Jordan before this is over. That’s a mess of money!